Temperament: Just as in most species there is a full range of temperaments among the Setorites. In general though the ruling temperament depends on which class one talks to. The peasants will normally be pessimistic and their spirit crushed with their lot in life. The nobles in the upper class will generally have an air of snobbiness about them. They will also come across as trying to morally belittle any non-noble Setorite.
History and Culture: Hailing from the rocky desolate planet of Seti III, in the Kroutrak sector, the Setorites have been a curious species for years. Setorites have popped up throughout the galaxy from time to time with no one knowing where they came from. Eventually the secret was discovered. Apparently, the Vaathkree discovered the Seti system and made a deal with the leading noble family. The deal (without going into the exhaustive by- laws and subclauses) was that if the Vath’kree could have exclusive mining rights to their planet and the rest of the system and in exchange they would supply them with modern technology and once a year take one Setorite into the galaxy. The one condition with the one Setorite going into the galaxy was that they could not make mention of their homeworld. The Vathkree wanted to keep it a secret because they were involved with a colonizing war with the che’whan’he. Eventually the secret got out and the Setorites became a part of galactic civilization. The Setorite culture is quite unusual. While they have developed Atomic power, created a global government, and rudimentary repulsor lifts, their political system is still classical feudalism, and has been that way for millennia. The peasant Setorites have never had an even semi-successful rebellion, and have for the most part given up. The coming of the Empire slightly changed the political nature on the world with the Emperor becoming the head lord, and all of the other lords becoming vassals to him. For the most part the Setorites rule themselves as normal, except for they now export peasants each year to meet Imperial labor conscript quotas.
Trade and Technology: Before they were discovered the Setorites had atomic power. They now have a limited amount of all galactic standard technology except hyperdrives (which are illegal to them by Imperial decree). The Setorites really only export some art and exotic food stuffs.
Setorites in the Galaxy: With the exception of Imperial labor projects, about the only time someone will see a Setorite in the galaxy is when a noble is on an “exploration holiday”. The only other possibility is a disgruntled Setorite peasant who wanted to be freed of the bondage of serfdom so they smuggled themselves off of the planet. While incredibly hard, that event is happening more frequently.
Attribute Min/Max
Dexterity: 2D/4D+1
Knowledge: 1D/4D
Mechanical: 1D/3D
Perception: 2D+2/4D+2
Strength: 1D+2/4D
Technical: 1D+2/3D+1
Special abilities:
Tongue: can be used to grab small objects up to two feet away, when used as an attack does Str+1D damage
move: 11/15
size: 1-1.3 meters
Information about the Kroutrak Sector