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Sting Ray Freighter

Craft: Correlian Engineering Stingray APMg light freigter

Type: Military grade freighter

Scale: Starfighter

Length: 23 meters

Skill: space transports: Stingray

Crew: 1

Crew skill: varies

Passengers: 7

Cargo Capacity: 25 metric tons

Consumables: 6 months

Cost: 35, 000 (used only)

Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2

Hyperdrive backup: x20

Nav Computer: yes

Manuverbility: 1D+2

Space: 6

Atmosphere: 295; 850 kmh

Hull: 3D

Shields: 3D


Passive: 20/0D

Scan: 40/1D

Search: 80/2D

Focus: 4/2D+2

Weapons: 2 Energy cannons (fire linked)

Fire arc: front

Crew: pilot

Skill: Starship Gunnery

Fire Control: 1D

Space range: 2/10/22

Atmosphere range: 200/1km/2.2 km

Damage: 3D (ionization) 2D (normal)

NOTE: Can only fire every other round due to slow

recharge rate.

(Picture in planet generation section of Scout book)