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Tie Striker

Craft: Experimental Tie/in striker class

Type: Space superiority fighter

Length: 6.7 meters

Skill: Star Fighter piloting: Tie

Crew: 1

Crew skill: Starfighter piloting 5D, starship gunnery 5D

Cargo capacity: 75 kilograms

Consumables: 2 days

Cost: 200,000

Maneuverability: 3D+1

Space: 11

Atmosphere: 440; 1,262 km/h

Hull: 3D+1


Passive: 25/1D

Scan: 40/2D

Search: 60/3D

Focus: 4/3D+2


2 laser canons (fire linked)

Fire arc: front

Skill: starship gunnery

Fire control: 2D

Space range: 1-3/12/25

Atmosphere range: 100-300/1.2/2.5/km

Damage: 5D

2 ionized photon cannons (fire linked)

Fire arc: front

Skill: starship gunnery

Fire control 3D

Space range: 1-5/14/25

Atmosphere range: 100-700/1.5/2.9km

Damage: 3D

Caspule: Tie Stikers were ivented just before the battle of Yavin. A limited run was made, but they were never mass produced. The Tie striker was created mainly to disable ships quickly. They had an inovative weapon, that allowed blaster shots, to go right through shileds. Unfortuntly, this technology was very expensive, and didn't pack much power. So the Tie stiker was passed up in favor of the Tie Interceptor. To know what a Tie Striker looks like, picture an interceptor, only the wings are solid instead of having a V in them.