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Philosphy and Teachings of Grandmaster Carleon


Your Jedi master and teacher is Grandmaster Lance Carleon. Lance Carleon is a human from the Tapani Empire. He is very old (some estimate 300+). Lance could be one of the most influential and powerful Jedi. He could be the head of the Praxium council on Ossus. Instead he chose to be an independent teacher taking on private apprentices, and not training them by the “institutionalized” ways. Lance does not follow any of the standard schools of Jedi philosophy. Instead his way of thinking and teaching. You by know means have to agree with his way of thought, but this is what Lance has taught you.

The Essence of the Force

“The force is. What it is I can not say. What guides it I do not know. It flows between all things. I would argue that the force is part of all living creatures. Luminous beings are we, not just flesh. The force has many names and many mistaken the force and believes it to be something else. Some of the other masters believe that all the people who call the force by another name or make it a deity are wrong, and have lost sight of the true force. I am not sure that I agree with them. The force is. It may be called by any name, but the essence of it remains the same. What is the force? The force is dualistic yet at one at the same time. The force is one, and therefor is all. Again, there are many who wish to think that the force has no sides, that the force transcends good and evil, light and dark. They argue that the idea of a light side and dark side is an invention of sentience. While it is true that our perception determines our reality, I have to disagree with their position. There is a division between the dark side and the light side. The line maybe a little blury at times, and it may not be completely straight but it is always there. Anyone, who says otherwise, I would argue, has not spent enough time meditating on the force and letting it flow through them. The dark side is quicker and easier, it flows from emotions. That is why there is no emotion only peace. That is why there is no passion only serenity. It is important to care, but don’t become zealous. The dark side will feed off of good intentions and corrupt them. Once you start down the dark path, even unwittingly, forever will it dominate your destiny. The dark side uses power and convenience to draw beings towards it. That dark side is like a vice. It starts out as harmless or even helpful, but eventually you become its slave. The light side is different. The light side offers peace and warmth. However, the light side is harder to obtain and requires discipline, patience, and faith. The dark side is not superior than the light side, nor is the light side stronger than the dark side. Both sides are part of the force that is. It is important to know of the dark side and understand it. For there is no ignorance only knowledge. I urge you not to fall into the dark side, but to uphold and seek the light, for while the force is. And both sides are part of the force. The light side is the right side. The Force is. The force is also sustained by life, and the dark side goes against life in favor of the self, while the light side goes to helping life, and that is why it is the light side is the true essence of the force.”

The Way of the Jedi

“The Jedi are the servants of the galaxy. This is the most important part of the Jedi code. For there is no greater sin than desire, and if a Jedi forgets he is there to serve then it will lead to the dark side. This part of the code is also that which separates the Jedi from the monk. However, at the same time all Jedi are monks who’s lives are dedicated to the force. It should be the constant quest of a jedi to become more one with the force. The jedi must always strive to reach the level where they no longer just manipulate the force but totally fall into it so that their essence is a conduit for the living force. A Jedi must no think, but act on instinct. For a Jedi, who is in touch with the force, will carry out the will of the force by acting strictly on their instinct. For the force that is, is the ally of the Jedi. A Jedi must learn to full trust the force. For the five colors blind the eye. The five tones deafen the ear. The five flavors dull the taste. Therefor, a Jedi is guided by what he feels and not by what he sees. And the true Jedi will feel only the force. While the jedi should not act upon their emotions, they must not ignore them. To deny them would to deny yourself. You should be mindful of how you feel of all times, but you should always keep them in check, to stay at peace. The force is to be used for knowledge and defense never for attack. Jedi are no different from any other beings or better in anyway. The only difference is the Jedi have more responsibility, for they are blessed with the ability to feel the force. Because of this a Jedi can learn to manipulate the force, but this can be dangerous. It is very easy to use the force for selfish needs. The force is of life, and should always be used to help all of life, never to hinder it or for selfish reasons. Because of this, the Jedi must always be alert, always ready to act. A Jedi can not allow evil to happen. For the greatest evil is inaction. A jedi can not let this happen. I speak the truth to you, it can be hard to know when an action is not an attack. My only advice that I can offer is look into yourself and trust the force, and you will do the right thing. Which leads to the second most important facet of the jedi way. A jedi must be non-violent. For the bravery in being a Jedi comes from the willingness to die for the innocent not to vanquish the evil. Remember there is no death just the force. One can not be a true jedi unless they have no violent will in their hearts. If one does good but has feelings of rancor in them, then they are not a jedi. Remember non violence is impossible without self purification. Non-violence is more a state of mind than a state of action. If it is necessary to use force to stop evil, then that is the better path as opposed to inaction in the name of non violence. It is important for a jedi to always train. For training is a discipline. If a jedi can force their body and mind to preform the rigors of training, then they can make their soul find the force that is. Training is also important for it allows the jedi to learn more of the force. A jedi should never train for power but for knowledge, understanding, and to feel the force flowing through them. The way of the jedi is twofold. It is the way of service for the greater good of the galaxy. It is the way of knowing the force. These two paths together make the way of the force. My friends, leave you with this final advice, may it serve you well:

In living, remember the code.

meditation, go deep into the heart

in dealing with others, be gentle and kind.

In speech, be true.

In ruling, be just.

In daily life, be competent

In action, be aware of the time and the season

In all that you do, remember the force.