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Vance Cardron

Character Name: Vance Cardron

Type: Professional Theif

Gender/speicies: Male/human Age: 31 Height: 1.7 meters Weight: 152 lbs.

Physical description: Thich sandy brown hair that i slightly curly, and bushy mustache, bright blue eyes, several heavy wrinkles

Dexterity: 4D

Blaster 5D, Pick Pocket 5D

Knowledge 2D+2

Law enforcment 4D, Street wise 4D

Mechancial 2D

Repulsor lift op 3D, Communications 4D

Perception 3D+1

Con 5D, Forgery 4D+1, Sneak 5D

Strength 4D

Climbing/jumping 5D

Technical 2D

Security 4D, Computer program/repair 3D+1

Equipment: Stun blaster (6D stun), electronic lock breaker, search goggles, paraglider, fake ID

Background: Had mischevious streak "civilized out of him as a child. Went to Reena Accadamey in the Tapani Sector, and went on to become a successful banker. After years of boredom, he started stealing for fun and to help out the rebel alliance.

Personality: Over the top, a little cocky. Urbane. has a heart of gold.

Objectives: get rich, don't get caught, and help the rebels.

Quote: Why, yes I do think I'll take that

Move: 10

Force sensitive: no

Force points: 1

dark side points: 0

character points: 6