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Sassy's Tips & Tricks


This works with both IE4 or higher and Netscape!

Do you want to get rid of those annoying lines under your link text?
Then just copy the text below and paste it right after the <body>.



This works with IE4 or higher!

Do you want only your text and images to move when scrolling?
Then in your background information put this -

<body background="images/indexbkgd.jpg"
bgproperties="fixed" text="#FFFFFF" link="#B08828" vlink="#690101">

for geocities it would be done like this -

<body background="index2bkgd.jpg"bgproperties="fixed" text="#000000" link="#B08828" vlink="#690101">

This effect is being used on this page. Notice that only the text is moving!


This one only works with IE4 or higher!

Want to make just your background scroll upwards? Well here's the code to do that!
Right after the body background information put this -

<script language="VBScript"> <!-- dim MoveItX, MoveItY, mnumfond MoveItY=0 MoveItX=0 numfond=document.body.sourceIndex SUB SF MoveItY=MoveItY-1 MoveItX=MoveItX+0 Document.all(numfond).style.BackgroundPosition= MoveItX & " " & MoveItY id=SetTimeOut("SF",100,"VBScript") End Sub SF --> </script>

To see this effect on a page go Here !


This one only works with IE4 or higher!

This is really kewl to use on a sky bakcground! Here's the code to do it!
Notice on this one that you will have to change the background information to the background that you are placing on that page!
Copy the code below and place it right after the body background information -

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript> <!--ACH--!> <!-- function stopBackground() { clearTimeout(timerID) } var hPosition, vPosition, hIncrement, vIncrement, tmDelay // set variables here hPosition = 0 hIncrement = -1 vPosition = 0 vIncrement = 0 tmDelay = 50 function moveBackground() { = "url(" +"images/indexbkgd.jpg"+ ")" = "repeat" if (hPosition > 0) hPosition=-100000 hPosition = hPosition + hIncrement hPosition + " " + 0 if (isNaN(hPosition)) hPosition = "\"" + hPosition + "\"" timerID = setTimeout("moveBackground()",50) } if ( navigator.appName + ' ' + parseFloat(navigator.appVersion) == "Microsoft Internet Explorer 4") moveBackground() //--></SCRIPT>  

To see this effect on a page go Here !


Here's How to put Music on your Page so that IE4 and above and Netscape Users Can Both Hear!

It is also a good idea to place your embedded music **midis** somewhere at the top of the page so that while your visitors are waiting for your page to load they will have something nice to listen to!

Just copy the code below and paste it right below the body background information!

Angelfire Homepages the code would like this -

<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" > <p><center><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- // Script MIDI playing. By Magic Maker // You can enter any sound file be it .wav, .au, or .mid // Just replace peanuts.mid with a sound file of your choice // Please Keep Information along with credits // And feel free to alter this script as long as credits remain // mail me at if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") { document.write('<EMBED SRC="images/peanuts.mid" AUTOSTART=TRUE LOOP=TRUE WIDTH=0 HEIGHT=0 ALIGN="CENTER"></EMBED>') } else { if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") document.write('<BGSOUND SRC="images/peanuts.mid" LOOP="-1">') } //--></SCRIPT>

Geocities Homepages the code would like this -

<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" > <p><center><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- // Script MIDI playing. By Magic Maker // You can enter any sound file be it .wav, .au, or .mid // Just replace peanuts.mid with a sound file of your choice // Please Keep Information along with credits // And feel free to alter this script as long as credits remain // mail me at if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") { document.write('<EMBED SRC="peanuts.mid" AUTOSTART=TRUE LOOP=TRUE WIDTH=0 HEIGHT=0 ALIGN="CENTER"></EMBED>') } else { if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") document.write('<BGSOUND SRC="peanuts.mid" LOOP="-1">') } //--></SCRIPT>

Please remember to change the information in white to your own information for your pages!


Here's another little trick I have learned along the way.

Have you ever ran across an image that you loved and it was used in an applet?

Well if you have then you know that you can't click on an applet and save that image.

Here is what you do if you find something you just love and have to have! :-)

First you have to view that persons source and find the name they gave that image...You can do this by right clicking on the background...choose from that drop down window...view source. Another window will pop up and it will look alot like chicken scratch. :-) Scroll down until you find the applet and then look for either a jpg or gif image and write it down or remember will need it later...:-)

Okay now lets say their page is located at geocities and the name of the image you are wanting is called prettyangel.jpg - here is what you do...

That would bring up the picture that you are wanting to save.

Okay now lets say their page is located at angelfire and the name of the image was littleangel.jpg - Here is what you do...

That would bring up the picture that you are wanting to save.

***Always remember to save images to your own hard-drive and upload them to your own server.

***Never ever link directly to someone elses images. That is called bandwidth stealing and that isn't the nice thing to do. Besides that if most people are like me :-)...I am always changing the names of my images and if someone links to them then they will end up with broken images on their pages.


Putting images on your webpages.

Here is the code for angelfire -

<center><img src="images/heart.jpg or gif" alt="heart" width="45" height="45" border=0></center>

For geocities it would like this -

<center><img src="heart.jpg or gif" alt="heart" width="45" height="45" border=0></center>

Keep in mind that you will have to change all the information here to whatever your image name, width, and height is. Putting in the image width and height makes your webpage load alot faster.



Here is how you put a link on your webpage.

Lets say you have downloaded someones graphics and now you need to put a link back to them.

Here is the code you would use to do that -

At angelfire it would look like this...

<a href=""><img src="images/heart.jpg or gif" alt="heart logo" width="45" height="45" border=0></a>

Putting a border=0 in there will take that ugly looking line from around your image. People will still know its a link to somewhere.

At geocities it would look like this...

<a href=""><img src="heart.gif or jpg" alt="heart logo" width="45" height="45" border=0></a>

Now if you just want to put a text link it would look like this -

angelfire and geocities...

<a href="">Silk's Holidays Year 'Round</a>

Silk's Holiday's Year 'Round being the name of the website that you are putting a link to.


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Please feel free to Email me if you have any questions.
I will get back to you ASAP!

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