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I've found that the following is the easiest way for me.
It may not be the easiest way for you, but here's how I do it.

1. First I download the tube to my desktop.

2. I unzip it to a TempTube Folder in my Tubes Folder in PSP6.

Example: C:/ProgramFiles/PaintShopPro6/Tubes/TempTubes

3. Then I open up the TempTubes Folder in PSP6, like I am going to open up an image.

4. I select the Tube I want to install and open it.

5. Once it's opened it would look something like this.

6. Now you need to click on File/Export/Picture Tube.
This box should pop up and you should set it with these setting's.
See below for explanation. here's where alot of people get confused.
The term CELL'S ACROSS and CELL'S DOWN refer to how many image's
there are across and down. In this image there are 4 CELL'S ACROSS and 2 CELL'S DOWN.
Because there are 4 image's across the picture and there are 2 row's of picture's,
giving you a total of 8 cell's,

Well.....once you've put in your cell's across and down and named your tube your done! wasn't that hard was it?? *L*

If you have any qeustion's about this tutorial, please Email Me.

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