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In this tutorial you'll learn how to seperate a tube
from a tube with multiple cell's.

First thing you want to do is open up the tube file.
CandyBox.tub is the one I chose to use. It came with PSP 6
so it should already be in your tube's files.

1. Click on FILE/OPEN.

2. Select the following path:

It should open up this image. that you have it open....let's move on.

3.You want to have your selector chosen to select the tube you want to seperate.
You also want to make sure to have it set to select
as a rectangle like below.

4. We are going to seperate the first heart.

Position the pointer a little way away and a little above
the heart and left click.
While still holding down on the left click.....drag the pointer
across and down to make your selection, making sure
not to over extend it into the next tube.
Anything inside the rectangle will be included in the selection.
When your rectangle is all around the heart.....release the left click.
It should have litle marching ant's around it like below.

5. Now that you have your selelction made, it's time to copy and paste.

In the blue bar where is say's CandyBox.tub....right click and choose COPY.
Right click in the blue bar again and choose PASTE AS NEW IMAGE.

You're seperation is made!!!!!

Your new image should look like this.

Now you can do anything you want with your seperated tube. :o)

If you have any question's about this tutorial, feel free to
Email Me.

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