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shit alot has happened, some stuff i regret..alot that i sure as fuck don't....its all made me a bitter, harder, colder those who have turned me into this...thank you XfatdanaX Says, "Have I not suffered enough, that you seek to increase my misery? Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it..."
...i do stuff in cleveland scene...actually i do very little...but reach me by Instant Messager: XfatdanaX or even by email
about me show reviews the links band interviews Gary Coleman

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The kind of guy you wanna take home to mother.

Give me some comments on my page and just tell me what you think about it....and the band thing too

XdillingerX's wants to know
What Should I Put On this Site?

Show Reviews and Pics
Naked Pictures of your Mother
Stuff about MHC
Stuff about Gary Colemen

Current Results
Wilt Chamberlin 1936-1999
Owen Hart 1965-1999

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