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Ian's Speech
by Ian Mayes

1. Society is bullshit. With each and every day, with each and every minute the absurdity of it all increases.

2. It becomes more obvious that the way we operate now, the way we LIVE is a sheer mockery of all life.

3. With each moment that passes, more species of life become extinct, more pollution is released into the world, and more wild-life is being permanently destroyed.

4. With each moment the planet's very eco-system is being torn apart and it's effects become more obvious all over the world.

5. With each moment that passes economic stratification increases, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer while the middle class just totally disappears all over the world.

6. With each moment more and more people are imprisoned, fined, taxed, executed, spied upon, bombed and murdered by government in various ways, eventually leading to the united states having the largest prison population in the world, and growing.

7. With each moment we become more detached from nature.

8. Concrete surroundings, air-conditioned rooms, automobiles and artificial lights become the norm while true nature becomes something that is seen in the back-ground of commercials that we watch on TV after work.

9. With each moment we loose touch with our spirituality.

10. Spirituality becomes institutionalized into religion and mass- marketed back to us, while cold notions of scientific reason and progress are used as an artificial replacement.

11. With each moment we become more UNHEALTHY!

12. We are over-worked and over-stressed with very little time left for sleep, rest and relaxation.

13. More junk-food is invented and marketed to us while the "healthy" food becomes filled with artificial chemicals.

14. Sports become "spectator" sports and concern for healthy living becomes a mere "health fad" or "health craze".

15. With each moment our creativity and imagination are destroyed.

16. Pressure to obey orders, follow the rules, blend into the crowds, and bend to the whims of the bosses and the Markets leaves no room for us to follow our own natural curiosity, interests and desires.

17. With each moment we all become BRAIN-WASHED, lied to, tricked and deluded in various ways.

18. Advertising, propaganda and the conformist mind-set are inescapable in our society, anywhere you look you find some product being pushed, some government lies being given, some ideology being crammed down our throats.

19. With each moment that passes we are all being MURDERED!

20. Unhealthy life-styles pushed on us by an over-worked, ignorant, stressed-out, fast-food consumer culture has lead to massive amounts of death caused by auto-mobiles, unhealthy diets, various forms of legal and illegal drugs, and cancers from man-made causes.

21. With each moment we loose our enthusiasm for LIFE!

22. We become used to the routines of mind-less repetitive and monotonous jobs, standardized indoctrination at schools, bureaucratic nonsense and red-tape, and bland “entertainment” that is marketed to as broad an audience as possible, that we forget and neglect the wide range of possibilities and potential that exists out there for us!

23. With each moment that passes we become more ALIENATED from each other!

24. Our society pushes us to view one another impersonally, as mere OBJECTS - objects in business, objects to be governed and controlled, objects in relation to the divine.

25. We no longer see one another as real human beings, we see each other according to a LABEL - you are an employee, customer, a "bad guy or a good guy", tax-payer, sex-object, criminal, parent, believer, student, you are not longer a human being.

26. With each moment that passes we become more alienated from OURSELVES, we let conformity to society determine who we are and obedience to authority determine what we do.

27. True self-reflection and self-responsibility is replaced by the opinions of others and mass-media and the dictates of the Rat Race.

28. With each moment hope is destroyed and replaced with defeatist ideas about "human nature" and "inevitability".

29. With hope gone, suicide increases drastically, among the young and old alike.

30. If we continue down this path, all life will die, it is as simple as that.

31. If we continue, we will become mere soul-less objects working blindly for our mutual destruction.

32. Authority is the cause of all of this, the moment we allow ourselves be controlled, we doom ourselves.

33. The moment we view our fellow human beings as mere objects to BE controlled, we doom ourselves.

34. A complete world-wide revolution is needed, but this can not be accomplished through politics, political parties, violence or ideologies.

35. The revolution begins with YOU, not anything above you.

36. Destroy everything that has been programmed into you, a life- time of school, mass-media, bosses and following orders has left us totally detached from reality.

37. Destroy authority, destroy society - Let us discover life for OURSELVES!

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