I got to know Opposition from a Demo Tape I was sent. I really enjoyed their music as well as their Lyrics, so I thought I'd view their web page, and It was very good too. So after contacting Ross, I figured they would be a cool band to Interview. So Here it goes !!
ANOKPEACE: So who is here today with you and your band, or are you alone ?
RossOpposition: no Dusty who does vocals should be comming soon, he is going to call if he
can't figure something out or something goes wrong.
ANOKPEACE: Ok thats fine. What instrument do you play ?
RossOpposition: I play bass.
ANOKPEACE: cool. how long have you played ?
RossOpposition: as the band opposition a little over a year.
ANOKPEACE: So tell me about your band, Oppostiton ?
RossOpposition: the other members adam:drums/vocals, andy/guitar/vocals dont have acess to a
ANOKPEACE: What were your goals and motives for the band ? What did you want to
accomplish ?
RossOpposition: Opposition plays anarcho peace punk musically along the lines of discharge and
crucifix. Lyrically we take a stand against the injustices that are accepted as socal norms. We are
located north of pittsburgh Pa. (generic discription)
ANOKPEACE: Pittsburgh seems to be a pretty active area for the anarcho-peacepunk scene with
bands like Aus Rotten and Anti Flag. Is it really a thriving scene ?
RossOpposition: Yes, i feel fortuniate to live near pittsburgh. Aus-Rotten and Rotten Propaganda
bring bands through, stratford mercineries, anti product, riot/clone, distraught...
ANOKPEACE: Also a couple of weeks ago the Mumia demonstration went through
RossOpposition: Yeah, thats another bonus to living near a city like Pittsburgh, it is gives us a
oppunturinty to percitipate in orginizations like millions for mumia, or food not bombs
RossOpposition: hold on im helping dusty
RossOpposition: he is comming.
gism19: hey,i'm here.i apologize about the delay,i wanted to watch the end of this is spinal tap.
ANOKPEACE: no problem.
ANOKPEACE: So for either of you, where do you feel your main influence was from; oldschool
anarchist theory or political bands ?
gism19: in responce to the question about our influences,i feel the band (or at least myself)is
eqaully influenced by goldman and baukunin as we are by active anarchist punk bands like conflict or crass.
gism19: oh by the way my name is dusty and not gism ,the handle dusty was already taken.
ANOKPEACE: I've read some Baukunin and it is very interesting and confusing. He seemed to
put a scientific twist on everything.
gism19: baukunin is essential reading for anarchists,in my opinion.
ANOKPEACE: So, what does your band politically consider yourselves ?
gism19: anarchists.
gism19: enviornmental anarchists i suppose.To be specific.
ANOKPEACE: Environmental Anarchists, very interesting. Would your band be Vegan then ?
RossOpposition: no vegitarian
gism19: vegetarians.Andy and i have both taken trips to vegan land,but never established a
permenant residence there.
ANOKPEACE: Yeah, i know, its really tough to do !!
gism19: alotta anarchists are devided on animal rights and enviornmental issues,so hence the
label enviornmental anarchists,or eco-anarchists.
ANOKPEACE: I see. So, how do you guys feel about some of the current situations in the world
today ?
RossOpposition: The other day a hundred of refuges fell victems to NATO bomings.
gism19: Lately Ive been thinking about the war in kosovo alot.Odd how the government is fighting
racism and genocide across seas,but racism goes ignored in the U.S.(examople:Jhonny gamage)
gism19: example continued(mumia abu jamal,leonard pelteir,and many others who have been
imprisoned or killed by this racist system.)
ANOKPEACE: What a mess. Violence can't bring peace.
gism19: Its the war is peace philosophy ala 1984.
ANOKPEACE: If your not white, justice is impossible in this system.
gism19: justice is pretty rare for lower class whites as well.
ANOKPEACE: Well, exactly. Money buys freedom
ANOKPEACE: How did that go, War is Peace Hate is Love and Control is freedom or
something like that.
gism19: war is peace freedom is slavery ignorance is strength.
gism19: i think.
ANOKPEACE: So tell me about your band guys.
gism19: The band was formed with the purpose of instilling anti-authortian thought and to be used
as a weapon against all forms of government,not to merely entertain.
gism19: We are pro-queer,anti-deforestation,anti-capitalist,anti-death
ANOKPEACE: Thats really cool. Its a shame how so many bands today are so a//Political or just wanna
make a quick buck.
gism19: we take influence from anarchist punk bands like conflict,discharge,flux of pink
indians,crucifix,anti-product,as well as heavy metal bands that we don't feel the need to mention.
ANOKPEACE: I see, so would you consider yourselves a crust core band ?
RossOpposition: no not at all, we gennerally have more of a triditional style.
gism19: no,peace punk.did the metal part throw you off? not death metal.Iron Maiden,motorhead,old
ANOKPEACE: oh cool i see. Have you played any shows yet, and what were some of you
favorite bands to play with ?
gism19: We played with Epsilon Revolt,a political crust band who are cool.
ANOKPEACE: cool. Do you have any 7, LP's etc out yet. I heard some of your stuff on a comp.
tape and really liked it.
gism19: we played with a christian metal core band to.Our first show actually.
RossOpposition: that was when we signed our souls away to play a show.
gism19: ha ha
gism19: we should have a 7'' out by end of the summer.
ANOKPEACE: cool. any future tour plans ?
RossOpposition: not at them moment, but we plan on it in the future.
gism19: Not yet.Eventually though.
ANOKPEACE: Any last comments, plugs, news, etc. to announce ?
gism19: Thanx for the interveiw,cheers to all who attempt to change this shit system for the better
,and of course to all the shaffer run road metal militia.
gism19: opposition can be reached at : Dusty Hanna Rd1 box 312 harrisville PA 16038
ANOKPEACE: Thanks Dusty, Thanks Ross and thanks Opposition. I look forward to hearing
more stuff from you.
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