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Who's Who in Avalon Hearth

Hearth Kinships

In the structure of the rest of Thalia, the 2 Initiates and 2 Dedicants of Avalon Hearth each represent one of the kinships.

The High Priestess (Gypsy Laughing Otter) is Kin to the Spirit and the religious leader of the Hearth. She is the responsible party (gulp). This makes her "Mommy" to the Hearth, as well as a focus for the Goddess.
The High Priest (Black Bear Windfire) is, in this case, Kin to the Earth, making him the Shaman and Oracle of the Hearth and our foundation.

Other Hearth Members

At this time, Avalon Hearth has an additional Initiate (Phoenix Stormhealer), a Dedicant and postulant couple who are on sabbatical with their family, and several other interested parties who haven't quite made up their minds yet. ::grin::

If you're interested in Thalia, or Avalon Hearth, please feel free to contact us via email at or at our Post Office Box on the main page.

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