Awl About Me!
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First Name: Allison

Middle Name: Lee

Last Name: *******

State: IN

Age: 15

Sex: female

Birthday: 8-21-85

Astrological Sign:Leo the Lion

Pets: nopers

Hair Color: blond,yeah baby!!

Eye Color: blue

*-;-* R e l a t I o n s h I p s *-;-*

Do you have a crush? Yeah

If So, What is their name? and IM me when you want to know who else is the flavor of the week

Does anyone have a crush on you (that you know of): Sure!

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

-*;-* F a s h I o n S t u f f *-;-*

Where is your favorite place to shop? Anywhere that costs a bunch of money

Do you think your fashion is cool? I try to be cool

Do you have anything pierced? ears

*-i-* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *-;-*

Do you do drugs? nope

Do you smoke? no

Who is your dream date? Any guy that is tall, tan, not skinny but not fat,buff! and sweet. =)

What kind of Shampoo do u use? Paul Mitchell

What sport(s) do you play? tennis

What are you most scared of? not having a b/f or someone to tell me they like me

How many phones in your house? i think five

How many TV*s do you have in your house?four or five

What are you listening to right now? EI by NElly

What is on that brain of yours right at this moment? my fight w/ matt!

What clothes do you sleep in?wife beater and sweat shorts

Who do you think you're you gonna marry? someone i love..

Where do you want to get married?Indiana, im gona stay here for a while!

If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? Nothing

Who do you really hate? i dont hate anything or anybody....just dislike a lot :>)


Movie: Dont have one..i like a ton

Candy anything me!

TV show: Seventh Heaven

Subject in school: geometry

Car: Camaro or Mustang

Animal: sea monkeys..turtles

Pizza topping: i dont like pizza

Ice cream flavor: chocolate

*-;-* Have You Ever? *-;-*

Gave someone a bath? yeah

Smoked? nopers

Drank? ummm...

Got drunk? no

Bungie Jumped? nope, but i want to

Went movie hopping? no Ran from the cops? uh what do you think

Gone skinny dipping? nope

Been in love? yes!!

Friends: Katie* *Logan* *Sarah* *Erin* *Brittany* *Katie* *Maria* *Jess* *Erika* *Jenny* *Michael* *Andy* *Aaron* *Billy* *Kyle* *Sasha* *Stacy* *Melissa* *Angie* *Amber* *Ryan* *Nick* *Lety* *Becky* *Katie* *Amanda* *Billy* *Adam* *Nicky* *Lauren* *Megan* *Meaghan* *Jacob* *Matt* *Eric* *Eddie* *Andrew* *Mark* *Mike* *Tommy*