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My life..14 years

Ok Here's my life..from day 1 to uhm..16 years Later.

0 days to 1 year

Life was peaceful..We lived in Whiting Indiana. I was the first born to my mom and dad. I was born on 8-21-85. I have 5 cousins older than me. Nothing cool happened.

1 year 1 day to 2 years

Nothing fun happened. My cousin poped out so now there's 7 cousins.Mommy got fat in the belly. A suprise came out a little later.

2 yrs 1 day to 3 years was peaaachy. Then a little terror..err..angel named John was popped outa my mom. IT was scary. He came into my life stole my room and all the love that was supposed to be for me. But dont worry..i get revenge on his tounge later. Katie popped out of my aunts belly. that's 9 of us cousins.

3yrs 1 day to 4 years

I had fun showing my love to my brother. I carried him up the stairs by his neck. It was Grandma died. OK life got boring..more later have a nice day

4yrs to 5 rs

5 to 6

6 to 7

Started Kindergarden..Fun Fun. I started Dancing.

7 to 8

Age 7 I was in 1st grade. I think this is when my parents had the big split..i duno.

8 to 9

9 to 10

10 to 11

11 to 12

I met Logan, who would be a part (miniscule or large) of my life for a long time

12 to 13

13 to 14

On Nov 1 Me and Logan Hooked Back Up!

14 till 15

15 till 16

16 Till Now