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Chad's 2001 Bracket Challenge Contest
Trash Talk Archive

Friday 03/02/2001 5:09:37pm

Full Name: Chad Harmon
Favorite College Team: Indiana Hoosiers
Trash Talk: First of all I would like to wish everyone luck. Here are the rules for trash talking:
1. You must enter your full name (If you are going to talk trash be a man or woman and put your name with it)
2. No Profanity
Just a note, if you violate either one of the two rules I will either edit your entry or totally remove it.
Feel free to rip anyone for their picks or just rip anyone in general for their aligences towards a particular college. Thanks!

Saturday 03/03/2001 4:04:35pm

Full Name: Ken Frank
Favorite College Team: PENN STATE

Friday 03/09/2001 11:30:11pm

Full Name: Geoff Stover
Favorite College Team: THE Ohio State Buckeyes
Trash Talk: I'd just like to go on record as saying that the Bucks have gotten no respect in the polls and will thus earn it by making a deep run in the tourney. And Chuck"wagon" Kirlin... I'm personally calling you out in the Bracket Challenge. hahahaha What's up dude??? Where you been?? I'm not dissing your Hoosiers baby... you're playing well!

Saturday 03/10/2001 2:53:15pm

Full Name: Jared Harmon
Favorite College Team: Kentucky Wildcats
Trash Talk: Hey chad now that BOBBY KNIGHT is going to coach Texas Tech, does that mean you are gonna transfer?? haha. IU is a bunch of scrubs. they are gonna choke just like last year against Peperdine. haha

Saturday 03/10/2001 11:41:53pm

Full Name: Jim Catinna
Favorite College Team: Pitino's Cardinals
Trash Talk: Final4 - Duke, Stanford, UNC, Florida
Final8 add IU, Mich St., BC, Ole Miss
Sleepers: Chad Harmon- he sleeps till 1pm everyday while visiting his uncle....ME!
Yo Jared Kentucky S....tinks!
(remember the rules.)
Julie Mercer pick your colors and let the winning begin!

Sunday 03/11/2001 7:15:33pm

Full Name: Paul Mercer
Favorite College Team: Princeton w/Petey IU w/Bobby so none now
Trash Talk: JuJu is picking blue this year! Jim Catina should try that method!! Louiswho? Chad, great work.
Aunt Ola is going to kick all your butts again (she really gets worked up about this stuff you know)

Sunday 03/11/2001 8:23:59pm

Full Name: Ola Mercer
Favorite College Team: Carlisle
Trash Talk: Jim, my eyesight is not so good, could you help me find LOUISVILLE?
I like that Indianna team now, without that nasty man there.
I am going to kick my son and grandsons butts, bad. I hope, anyway, because the winner does not have to take out the garbage untill next year!!!

Sunday 03/11/2001 8:41:51pm

Full Name: julie mercer
Favorite College Team: gonzaga
Trash Talk: Louis who? blue will prevail! I will win so jim just bow out now, gracefully we'll all understand. the final 4 comes out green, remember how to mix colors,blue and yellow makes green and this being the week for the irish i take it as a sign.

Sunday 03/11/2001 8:42:20pm

Full Name: Dave Naphy
Favorite College Team: PSU
Trash Talk: Chad i would tell you how much of a great page this is but its trash talk so this page sucks and i am sorry i wasted 5 minutes of my life by going to it. All you idiots doin all your research filling out the brackets wasting your time knowing you don't have a chance. I will come out on top, like always i never lose! If you got a problem with that then let me know...

Tuesday 03/13/2001 3:43:16pm

Full Name: Ken Frank
Favorite College Team: PSU
Trash Talk: My first round upsets. Anyone disagree
GONZAGA over Virginia
BUTLER over Wake Forest
UTAH ST. over Ohio St.

Tuesday 03/13/2001 3:54:35pm

Full Name: Andy Fox
Favorite College Team: Holy Cross
Trash Talk: Ken Frank is worthless, that's right, worthless. If you want a piece Frank, step onto the dance floor prairie dancer. Hey, if you want, bring along your boyfriend Rue, i'll bash him up a wee bit too!!!
P.S. "Holy Cross smells fear!!!"

Tuesday 03/13/2001 3:56:55pm

Full Name: Andy Fox
Favorite College Team: Holy Cross
Trash Talk: "I eat rubber for strength!"

Tuesday 03/13/2001 3:58:28pm

Full Name: Andy Fox
Favorite College Team: Holy Cross
Trash Talk: Sorry for all the entries, i hit the button too many times...

Tuesday 03/13/2001 5:31:28pm

Full Name: Kevin Bonner
Favorite College Team: Etown Fightin Blue Jays
Trash Talk: Kenny - agree with your picks, except for the Ohio St., gotta go with the Big 10. Fox - you better watch it, Tubby's got quite a game plan for the Lancers (is that even their nickname?)

Tuesday 03/13/2001 11:14:28pm

Full Name: Frank Snyder
Favorite College Team: Maryland
Trash Talk: Yea dave i have a problem with it. You don't know a thing when it comes to basketball. You probably have Penn State actually winning a game. I'm winning no doubt. Now what
Holly Cross stinks will loss 80-54
Bobby Knight don't even know what a beating is If i ever saw that sorry excuse for a coach i give him a beating he didn't even know was possible

Tuesday 03/13/2001 11:32:09pm

Full Name: Jared Harmon
Favorite College Team: Kentucky
Trash Talk: all you penn state lovers out there, stop dreamin' about the nittany lions beating providence. it ain't gonna happen.
those of you down in louisville, Where are the Cards at?? oh that's right, sitting at home watching the tournament.
Holy Cross?? doesn't have a chance.
Maybe since Bobby Knight is gone the Hoosiers will actually.....HAHA yeah right.

Tuesday 03/13/2001 11:39:04pm

Full Name: Dave Naphy
Favorite College Team: Elizabethtown BlueJays
Trash Talk: Frank, the chances for you winning this are the same as you getting some off of a girl this year.... NO CHANCE! As for everyone else i Gauren-teee that i will not lose a game. You guys are all just lucky that Etown isn't D-1 or they would be kickin everyones butt

Tuesday 03/13/2001 11:54:14pm

Full Name: Jim Catinna
Favorite College Team: Pitino's Louisville Cardinals
Trash Talk: All the trash talk about Louisville is very funny! However, we are wearing National Champion rings on both hands. Most of your schools get excited just to be in the tournament. If we can't win it all.........we might as well sit at home and wait for Pitino! UL has the #1 recruiting class in the Nation next year as well. By the way, where's the color blind girl named JuJu? Is she scared? Maybe just getting a little old to have some fun?! Jared wake up! Kentucky (UK)fans are the most obnoxious in the world, they crawl out of their hole in March of each year and then go back right after the tourney. Wake up like Pitino did and join the best fans in the World. The Cards Fans!

Wednesday 03/14/2001 0:00:01pm

Full Name: Jim Catinna
Favorite College Team: UL
Trash Talk: You must attend a division one school to even talk trash. Go back to sleep.

Wednesday 03/14/2001 0:07:14am

Full Name: Jared Harmon
Favorite College Team: Kentucky
Trash Talk: hey jimbo bout time something came from down there in Louisville. As for you saying UK fans are obnoxious...i totally agree. why do you think i'm a UK fan?? final four picks are still in the making. Right now my choices are BC, Kansas, Maryland, and Mich. St.
That is subject to change and most likely will

Wednesday 03/14/2001 9:12:21am

Full Name: Andy Fox
Favorite College Team: Holy Cross
Trash Talk: Final Four picks:
Arizona, Mich. St., Stanford, and of course...HOLY CROSS!
"What's that I smell, is it Hot 'Holy Cross' buns...yeah, i think it is.

Wednesday 03/14/2001 9:17:42am

Full Name: Andy Fox
Favorite College Team: Holy Cross
Trash Talk: Where are you Ken Frank? I want you to know, I smell fear! That goes for all you Pitman Pansies! (hey guys, i'm just foolin' around, don't come lookin' for me please...) BUT, if you do, you'll probably find me... out with Ken Frank's lady...oh yeah!

Wednesday 03/14/2001 11:40:18am

Full Name: Dave Naphy
Favorite College Team: Maryland
Trash Talk:Fox, you have a lot in common with Holy Cross and Ken's Girl. Both of them will be gone after 1 night!

Wednesday 03/14/2001 1:09:50pm

Full Name: Andy Fox
Favorite College Team: Holy Cross
Trash Talk: It's good to see someone out there has the nardingos to step up and challenge me. I am really quite surprised it was you, I mean, out of all the the lovely ladies I figured Jared or what's-her-name, oh yeah, Mrs. Snyder would have been woman enough to challenge me. Are you out there girls? (But Naphy, good point though, about Kenny's girl).
P.S. Hey Ken Frank, don't think i'm off your butt, cause when the cattle herder wants his meat, THE MEAT HE WILL GET!!!
(I, well you know!)

Wednesday 03/14/2001 3:23:38pm

Full Name: Frank Snyder
Favorite College Team: Florida
Trash Talk: Hey Fox Holy Cross is going to get scored on more times then your girlfriend Florida in the Final Four baby

Wednesday 03/14/2001 3:45:43pm

Full Name: Tim Rue
Favorite College Team: PSU
Trash Talk: Fox easy on the girls there. Besides you know about me and Ken anyway Mandy is just a front;) Just like your sister is my front!

Wednesday 03/14/2001 6:11:06pm

Full Name: UK
Favorite College Team: UK
Trash Talk: hey fox, i'm calling you out. the kentucky wildcats are gonna trample the Holy Cross pansies. if your not to afraid why don't you put your money where your mouth is. oh wait your mouth is to big, not enough money to back it up. so fox you better keep quiet, cause i don't wanna have to come up to philly and shut you up.

Wednesday 03/14/2001 8:01:55pm

Full Name: julie mercer
Favorite College Team: gonzaga
Trash Talk: jim,
i'm here but have been busy checking the colors. you however have nothing to do but sit back and wish your school was going to the dance, ah well some dance, some dream!

Wednesday 03/14/2001 9:43:41pm

Full Name: Brian Bonner
Favorite College Team: PSU
Trash Talk: I got my money on Fox winning this pool. Frank you haven't won anything in your life, so Florida will probably be knocked out in the first round.

Wednesday 03/14/2001 11:03:16pm

Full Name: Marshall Pierson
Favorite College Team: Gloucster County RoadRunners
Trash Talk: What I have pride in my school. The best junior college in nation. I no nothing about basketball but whatever. I no kentucky aint going no where. Elizabethtown cant compete with rowan.

Thursday 03/15/2001 1:04:51am

Full Name: Patrick Mercer
Favorite College Team: BC-Princeton
Trash Talk: Indiana might get out of the first round this year...UK is goin down to BC...Penn State? who's their best player? a kid who couldn't make it at RUTGERS?..and don't even get me started on Louisville
final four:
Butler, Monmouth, Princeton, ST Joes

Thursday 03/15/2001 7:48:25am

Full Name: Jared Harmon
Favorite College Team: UK
Trash Talk: hey marshall GCC s....ucks. as for patrick mercer winning it....hahaha that's the funniest thing i've ever heard. hey chad, what's the matter too scared to trash talk?? for anyone out there BRING IT!!!!!

Thursday 03/15/2001 8:37:13am

Full Name: Jared Harmon
Favorite College Team: UK
Trash Talk: one last thing.
HAWAII RAINBOW WARRIORS upset pick of the tournament. you heard it hear first.
Syracuse is going down first round.

Thursday 03/15/2001 9:20:34am

Full Name: Andy Fox
Favorite College Team: Holy Cross
Trash Talk: Well, well, well...
Welcome to the "Trash Talk" page girls! It seems to me that there are alot of women out there who either took a shot of testosterone, or have had enough of the "Fox" man. Well, i'm glad to see so many new faces willing to stand up for what they believe. It's not everyday a guy like me gets such reactions from so many cute girls. I appreciate it all very much. But, there still seems to be one "prairie dancer" avoiding me...hmmm, who could that be...oh, I remember, KEN FRANK!! Don't scamper too far my furry little friend, i'll find you, oh yes, i'll find you...
P.S. Brian Bonner is the most intelligent guy out there...WORD!

Thursday 03/15/2001 9:23:55am

Full Name: Andy Fox
Favorite College Team: Holy Cross
Trash Talk: Hey Marshall,
Ebonics went out a few years ago, so settle into regular English before I cave in the whole left side of your face! (JUST PROOFREAD O.K.)

Thursday 03/15/2001 9:31:28pm

Full Name: Andy Fox
Favorite College Team: Holy Cross
Trash Talk: Nate Natington,
UK YOU MAN!! Wow, way to go out on a limb dude. "Hey everyone, Jared supports Kentucky" ...way to lay the jewels on the chopping block. It's time to become a man, wait, I know you're not ready but you can do it. Try eating some carrots, it'll put hair on your chest, and hey, that's at least a step in the right direction. So shut up, and hop on the "Cross" wagon, cause we're moving fast and we ain't stopping for much.
P.S. hey, little hint...Hawaii's logo has a cute little rainbow in it...figured you'd want to know.

Thursday 03/15/2001 11:06:09am

Full Name: Chad Harmon
Favorite College Team: Indiana Hoosiers
Trash Talk: Fox your last message was pure genuis, you stole my thunder on a couple points. Marshall just shows the quality education you get at a county school.
Jared is the only person I believe to pick Hawaii (RAINBOWS!). Hey Jared you trying to tell us something? Yeah I'll let everyone draw their own conclusions there. Also Jared you are an absolute putz! Telling Fox to put his money where his mouth is, he is picking Holy Cross for crying out loud, they are a #15 seed! I will put my money against anyone who wants to pick a 15 seed...wait! No I'll go one step better I'll put my money on all the #1 seeds in the first round. Who wants to take a number #16 seed? Jared you lost your right to talk trash, quiet time for Jared.

Thursday 03/15/2001 11:15:47am

Full Name: Dave Naphy
Favorite College Team: Etown!
Trash Talk: Hey Marshall, Rowan has 10,000 more ppl then Etown and we would still kick there butt's, and who are you to talk trash, your 5 foot 4. Hey Rainbow warrior jared (aka. Joey!) Did you want to put money in fox's mouth or something else :-- Kent St. upset of the tournament!

Thursday 03/15/2001 11:19:29pm

Full Name: Dave Naphy
Favorite College Team: Etown
Trash Talk: Marshall and Frank, i can't complain though because GCC is awesome. What other college requires you to wear sweatpants and timbos, So heck, GO ROADRUNNERS

Thursday 03/15/2001 3:38:19pm

Full Name: Paul Mercer
Favorite College Team: New York Knicks
Trash Talk: Chad...where's big Roy? Temple is at the dance, so, where's his trash talk? Louiswho?

Thursday 03/15/2001 4:02:20pm

Full Name: Andy Fox
Favorite College Team: Holy Cross
Trash Talk: HOLY CRAP,
That's all I have to say...
P.s. Actually i'm taking Chad's advice, i'm taking quiet time...

Thursday 03/15/2001 5:21:04pm

Full Name: Jim Catinna
Favorite College Team: Utah State
Trash Talk: Big ten should be renamed Little ten.
Where's all the big boys gone too?
The Madness has arrived!

Thursday 03/15/2001 10:50:49pm

Full Name: Tim Rue
Favorite College Team: PSU
Trash Talk: Fox buddy you would have been the man but your team fell just a little short. Don't you hate when that happens.

Friday 03/16/2001 10:20:52am

Full Name: Marshall Pierson
Favorite College Team: GCC
Trash Talk: Dave its 5-4 and half and im 170 is something wrong wtih that. Im huge. Gcc "stay near go far" thats the motto. Dave its cool that your girl got you into school.

Friday 03/16/2001 1:26:07pm

Full Name: Jared Harmon
Favorite College Team: Kentucky
Trash Talk: For all those dogging me about my comments on Holy Cross, did anyone bother to see what happened in the other 2/15 match up?? Oh yeah that's right the 15 seed won. So you know what you can all stick it. As for you fox, i'll give Holy Cross some credit. They had the Nassau Coliseum rockin' yesterday. But as for you chad, maybe you shoulda kept your mouth shut. IU blows. they are the worst team to ever enter the tournament. Losing in back to back years to Pepperdine and Kent State. haha What a bunch of scrubs. I would have to agree with Jim about the "Little Ten." Little bit of info for ya'll Hawaii Warriors. They got rid of the rainbow part. So you can shut up

Friday 03/16/2001 3:13:57pm

Full Name: Dave Naphy
Favorite College Team: Etown
Trash Talk: Thats right marshall, and her money will take me through life.. and what a good life i will have, maybe i will throw some change in your cup. Jared i don't care if they changed there name, your still a rainbow warrior in my eyes.

Friday 03/16/2001 5:20:58pm

Full Name: Jared Harmon
Favorite College Team: Kentucky
Trash Talk: this is freakin ridiculous. all the so called "good" teams are losing. i will announce my retirement from NCAA bracket picking at the end of the tournament. this is the most insane tournament EVER

Saturday 03/17/2001 10:10:05am

Full Name: Paul Mercer
Favorite College Team: Stockton State
Trash Talk: Jared, define "good" team. You sound like Patrick who has also announced his retirement. You guys shouldn't feel bad, you are both still ahead of his Grandmother (Aunt Ola-The big "O").

Sunday 03/18/2001 7:15:13pm

Full Name: Brian Bonner
Favorite College Team: PSU
Trash Talk: Shooooooooooooooot! I knew Penn State would beat UNC and I still didn't pick them, now their gonna beat Temple. Oh drat.

Sunday 03/18/2001 8:57:28pm

Full Name: Ken Frank
Favorite College Team: PSU
Trash Talk: Hello Andy. I've been busy with my woman. Those upsets did happen. Wow a 15 seed gave Kentucky a run for its money. Did Holy Cross win? No. Subtract the olycross and add ampton. I will talk to you later ......... TONIGHT BABY.

Sunday 03/18/2001 9:21:51pm

Full Name: Jim Catinna
Favorite College Team: Pitino's Louisville Cardinals 2003 Champ
Trash Talk: I have looked into my Pitino, Addias sponsored, Crystal Basketball and am ready to declare Florida Gators beaten and removed from the tournament. UNC beaten and removed from the tournament. However, there will be no more upsets! The rest are the big boys outside of Penn State. Temple is a big boy and will take care of those pesky "gym rats" Crispin brothers. Where did they learn to play b-ball anyway? Yo Roy? Temple U. Final 4? Looks possible. Minnesota bound? Another pretty color matchup coming around Julie with Duke and Kentucky! Cincinnati and Stanford should be a war........literally! If there is not a fight in that game then Chad Harmon is gonna win this tournament challenge, and we all know the answer to that one! Don't weBig "O".
My favorite moment of the tournament so far has to be the Hampton coach running around the floor like a crazed Madman or Jared. Then kicking his feet while being held up by one of his players. What a sight! But now the fun is over and the big boys will determine the National Champion as always! Jared I am joining ranks with you and the Kentucky Wildcats! If Pitino ( Now official Coach of the 2003 NCAA Champions Louisville Cardinals ) can coach my team then I will join the new chant for this years Ncaa tournament............
If you want a winning basketball team then head for the state of Kentucky baby! This is where there are more national champions than any other state. Kentucky wins this year and next year.....then it's time for Rick Pitino to enter the building that Crum built with his National Championship at the UNiversity of Louisville Fighting Cardinals! It's all about b-ball in KY baby .......Go Wildcats! Are you with me Jared?!

Monday 03/19/2001 10:31:48am

Full Name: Jared Harmon
Favorite College Team: Kentucky
Trash Talk: Hey Jim, it's about time you saw the light and started ruiting for the Wildcats. Even though Pitino was a good coach at Kentucky, there is only one top school in the State of Kentucky and that would be the Wildcats. No cardinal team, even if they are coached by Pitino, will be able to do anything about it. So get rid of the Cards now and join the Wildcats fans for good. Tell Connie if she were smart she would dump the Cards and become a Wildcat fan too. GO WILDCATS!!!

Monday 03/19/2001 11:24:34am

Full Name: Andy Fox
Favorite College Team: Holy Crappers
Trash Talk: Well, well, well.
Ken Frank does exist. It's good to finally hear from you. I am glad that you finally stepped up. Anyway, my NCAA pool days are over. I can't believe the trash i have witnessed this year. How can anyone enjoy such a filthy piece of entertainment. Anyway, i am officially joining the ranks of the elite... next year I am putting my money into a better investment...the Women's NCAA tourney. That's right, at least there i'd be getting my fix of lady layups (you know what i'm saying). Anywho, I enjoyed every second of this piece of crap you set up Chad Chaddington... thanks again....

Monday 03/19/2001 4:42:04pm

Full Name: Jared Harmon/Bubba
Favorite College Team: Kentucky/Temple/Penn State
Trash Talk: YO CHAD......"My boys Kent State, My boys Penn State went farther than Indiana. New head coach for IU Steve Alford. YOU S...UCK!!" quotes provided by BUBBA!!!! BUCA III BABY!!!!!!
Temple.....Fight Fight Fight for the Cherry and the White!!! You shoulda seen dad sweatin' it out when we saw the score of IU. They were up 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, KENT STATE up 1. Dad was gettin' nervous. He couldn't take it. Bubba and I were going nuts. They flash Kent State Wins!!! EVERYONE GOES NUTS.....except Dad. hahahaha we were loving it. The reason IU lost is cause dad bet on them. Big mistake. IU is a bunch of scrubs

Tuesday 03/20/2001 1:47:35pm

Full Name: Tim Rue
Favorite College Team: PSU
Trash Talk: Yo Jared I know we had a gentlemens bet on the PSU game but if you were any kinda man you would give me some kinda money buddy since you really screwed up going against them.

Tuesday 03/20/2001 3:00:34pm

Full Name: Jared Harmon
Favorite College Team: UK
Trash Talk: hey Timmy, the whole point of a gentleman's bet is not to wager money. As for me giving you some money hahaha that's funny. i'll admit i was wrong about psu, but then doesn't change nothing. and seeing how i go and watch Temple up at the Liacoras Center, i'm going with the Temple Owls. PSU beat Temple earlier this year, but now that Wadley is back psu is done. Fight Fight Fight for the Cherry and the White!!! GO OWLS!!!

Tuesday 03/20/2001 3:26:34pm

Full Name: Chad Harmon
Favorite College Team: Texas Tech
Trash Talk: Go Red Raiders! Now there is an institution with a good administration.
Hey Chubba Bubba man, better known as Sheep Boy! So what happened since no team had a sheep as it's mascot you jumped on the "Golden Flashes" bandwagon? Hampton made it farther than IU for crying out loud. Watching the Hampton coach celebrate was one of the funniest things I have seen since you thought you were having a heart attack at 4am. Hey Sheep Boy you ready for Buca Bowl III? Let the festivities begin!
Okay Jim Catinna (sellout) I am shocked and appalled! Very disappointed in you. You have sunk to the mildew, rat infested, sewer water level where Kentucky fans dwell. Out of the 16 teams remaining you are jumping on the Kentucky bandwagon? Embarrassing!! I thought you had more self respect than that. It will be fun watching all the Kentucky fans breaking out their handkerchiefs and balling when USC sends them back to hibernation until next bball season. As for those pesky Crispin brothers I seem to remember watching those two go into Kentucky's home and single handily dismantling the pussy cats. Hey Mitch man how does it go.....LOSER! Kentucky and their sorry fans will be joining IU as mere observers for the rest of the tournament.

Wednesday 03/21/2001 9:08:56pm

Full Name: Jim Catinna
Favorite College Team: Pitino's Louisville Cardinals 2003 Champ
Trash Talk: Don't get too excited Jared. Now that Pitino is in the UK fans can forget about all those top recruits you've been getting. Louisville will hands-down have the top recruiting class #1 in the land. Rick has grown older and wiser! He has learned that it's better to be with fans who have class and something besides just basketball in their lives..............Horses! He loves Churchill baby.....AP Valentine in the Derby. Plus, he can't understand that hillbilly podunk talk up around Lexington. Yes, I am supporting UK this year because I believe they have the deepest bench in America. But let's don't get carried away. Go Cards!

Wednesday 03/21/2001 9:23:58pm

Full Name: Jared Harmon
Favorite College Team: UK
Trash Talk: Hey Uncle "Banwagon" Jim, you are either a true UK fan or your not. None of this jump on the banwagon for a year crap. It's all or nothing. As for Pitino, he is washed up now. Leaving Kentucky was his biggest mistake. Now he's just washed up and gonna take Louisville into a downward spiral. Hey Connie, think your sooooo funny don't you. Well, all you Cards fans down in Kentucky, keep dreamin' about the NCAA tournament cause that's all you can do. While all us UK fans with be living it. UK all the WAY baby!!!!

Thursday 03/22/2001 4:17:12pm

Full Name: Paul Mercer
Favorite College Team: Texas Tech
Trash Talk: Where is the trash talk from the Mercer boys? The last argument that you had over who took it out does not count! Pitino & The General are taken, anybody else crazy enough or genius enough to take the Rutgers job?

Thursday 03/22/2001 7:17:20pm

Full Name: Jared Harmon
Favorite College Team: UK
Trash Talk: All you Penn State fans out there, have fun watching them Owls beat the heck out of the nittany lions. It's gonna get ugly, so only watch if you're ruiting for Temple. Hey Fox i haven't heard much from you lately.......Where you at? Ya'll have fun watching Temple win, while i'm sitting in the Georgia Dome with "sheep boy" watching the Owls head to the Elite 8 and then the Final 4. It just may be John Cheney's year.

Thursday 03/22/2001 9:02:17pm

Full Name: Jim Catinna
Favorite College Team: P-Cards
Trash Talk: Jared, the owls better extend that match-up zone defense or else the Crispins will have a field day with the 3's. But, I'm sure Chaney will extend the zone some. Should be close...possible classic. PSU 70-69 in OT is my prediction.