
N.Y. - New York Johnson (the player's avatar)
Time - In-game time; 24 hr days; 6a-7p is light; 7p-6a is dark; N.Y. must sleep six hours or he will be forced to
Bombtime - The amount of time the player has left to complete the game; initial bomb time is 4 days
Subtime - The amount of time the player has left to complete one of the puzzles
Puzzle - A challenge N.Y. and the player have to overcome; There are many throught the game; if player fails to complete puzzle, he looses game
Distance - The amount of in-game feet it takes N.Y. to reach a destination; Each in-game foot is equal to twelve pixles.
Travel time - The amount of time it would take N.Y. to travel between his current location and a selected location at a speed of 75 Map - An in-game utility that is a map of New Chicago
In-Game - an adjective for an object that consists soley inside of the game
City-view - the over-head perspective when N.Y. is roaming New Chicago
New Chicago - The city that the game takes place in
Map-view - The perspective viewing the map; shows features, sectors, etc.
Puzzle-view - the perspective in which N.Y. solves puzzles
Save - When the player stores his game information into the computer's memory for access at a later date
Load - Retrival of saved data
Failure - If the player does not complete a puzzle or solve the master puzzle in the bomb-/sub-time alotted, he fails the game, and the game restarts from start screen
Start Screen - Title screen where the player selects options such as load game, new game, etc.
Master Puzzle - Final puzzle in the game; linked to the main bomb
Main bomb - large bomb that is threatening the city of New Chicago
Sector - one of the nine sections of New Chicago; named by grid (A1, A3, C2, etc.)
Information-view - view used to look at the information N.Y. has been given; objects listed in reverse chronological order
Location - one of the several in-game sites that N.Y. can visit in each sector
Selectable Location - any location N.Y. can select on his map; a location that N.Y. can enter
Selected location - the location N.Y. currently has selected in

New York Johnson

First: New York
Middle: C.
Last: Johnson
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Light Brown
Skin: Light Peach
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 215 lbs
Intelligence: Little
Accent: Australian
Style: Indiana Jones
Key: Hat
Main Purpose: Avatar
Secondary Purpose: Comedy
Religeon: Unknown
Matives: Save lives, Money, Hat
Morals: High
-Evil+Good: +10
Home: Province, RI, USA
Occupation: Bad Actor

--Story Mechanics--
Day 1, Sunday
Objective 0: [Required: Unfinished Pyramid (B3) - get hat; talk with Thatcher
Path (B3) - Puzzle 1; clue = fingerprints]
Objective 1: [ Appartments (A1) - Land lord asks if N.Y. needs an appartment; N.Y. says he has a hotel room
Park (A1) - kids are playing football, tell N.Y. to leave them alone
Fountain (A1) - couple holding hands
Police Station (A1) - Talks with commissioner, hospital call, Objective 2
Post Office (A1) - "Sorry if you don't live in New Chicago, you can't get mail."
Baby Sitters (A1) - "I'm busy with these kids, can you come back later?"
Public Elementary (A1) - No school sunday

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