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While you were gone!

While you were gone!

Day 1... Tom and Rita gone. The office has been overthrown by the newly organized rebel group, CBLO (City Bus Liberation Organization). I've been beaten and thrown into the supply closet as a reign of terror spreads through Warsaw. The drivers are running rampant, chasing children on skateboards, down the street and knocking over little ol' ladies with walkers.

Day 2..... Still in the supply closet, surviving on erasers and paper clips, (Thank God, Debbie just restocked the cabinet). Word is out that Wayne has been elected as the leader of the ruthless band and has moved his belongings in to the former Transprotation Supervisor's office (Rita somebody, she's been gone so long, I've forgotten her name). The cry has gone out, "If he's good enough for Winona Lake, he's good enough for us."

Day 3.... Do you know how many things you can do with a rubber band? The terrorists have set up their headquarters in the former General Manager's office (Tom who?). Sandy has commandeered the computer and now lives in "Internet Heaven". Since I was useless to their cause, it was decided that I be left go. My new address is: 1303 Husky Trail and I'll be needing rides on the bus a couple of times a week to and from Bowen. I wonder if my VIP status would still be current..... Debbie is being held captive because she is the only one who can do check requests and she is the only one authorized to cash the petty cash checks. Carol, Casey, Glennie, Kay and Dottie stuffed Randy into the exhaut of one of the county buses until they realized he was needed to keep the fleet running. Ed jumped in the bus and started it up, expelling Randy and throwing him up against the south overhead door. Joni and Jean dusted him off and now he's good as new.

........................................ ........................................ .................Then I woke up.........

Next time, can we all go with you? Ha, Ha, Ha!!!


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