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This Dog Lovers Ring site owned by Cyndy Lajoie.
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Carla's Dog House Ring This site
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Cyndy Lajoie.


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This Adorable Dogs site is owned by Cyndy Lajoie.

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Main Page Dalmatian History
Physical Description of a Dalmatian Characteristics and Temperament
Commonly Asked Questions Medical Problems
Crate and House Training Basic Obedience Training
Trick Training Responsible Dog Ownership
How to Cope With Your Dog's Death When You Have to find Fido a new home
Ten Dog Commandments A Dog's Prayer
How Your Dog REALLY Ages How to be a good Part-time Doggie Parent
Naming Your Puppy Dalmatian Poem
A Man and his Dog Notes, Quotes and Tidbits
Pictures of my Dogs Copy of some of my Sales/Adoption/ Breeding Contracts
Dog Webrings More Dog Webrings
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