Home Safety
Learn how to keep your family safe in and around the home with
Secure Zone Safety.
Safety Products
Offers information,
tips, and advice about safety at home and at work.
Safe Beginnings
Child Proofing: Safe Beginnings is your reliable and affordable
provider for high quality safety products and services for children.
We offer a wide variety of safety products such as child safety gates,
cabinet latches, window guards, and others. We also provide safety
products for families such as fire escape ladders, first aid kits
Child safety tips for parents and caregivers
Full of information on children's
Abduction & Abuse Links
Some great Child Abduction & Abuse links to other child safety sites.
National injury and violence
prevention resource center. Contains many publications and links
related to child safety.
Your Child Safe
Information regarding common
childhood safety issues.
Kids and Parents Health
and Safety
A parent's resource for
information on health of infants, children and teens.
Your Children
A parental rights website
featuring information on some methods on how to ensure child safety.
Offers law and news information as well
Baby Alive
- Offering waterproof first aid instructions designed specifically for
the resuscitation of children.
Baby B' Safe - Baby safety
and childproofing products and services.
Baby B'Air - Offering a flight
vest to secure a child on a lap during flight to protect against
Baby Banz and Kid Banz -
Protective sunglasses designed to keep out UV rays.
Baby CPR - Offering a CPR and
choking relief instructional video based on the American Heart
Association's guidelines.
Baby Protectors - Provides
infant safety products for your home.
Baby Safety Foam -
Product developed to decrease fireplace injury.
Babygates.com - Variety of
gates for driveway and home.
Babyguard - Safety
information and product offerings to create a child safe home
Babyproofers - Offering
products to childproof a home.
BabyProofing Plus -
Offering child safety items, nursery accessories and baby equipment.
BabySafe.com - Infant safety
products for the home. Support available for installation of products.
Break and Run: For Kids - Offers a children's safety video
developed to aid in preventing child abduction.
Bubble Head - Offering
a bathtub faucet protector that is a decorative bubble bath or liquid
soap dispenser.
Carolina Baby Safe -
Baby proofing tips and products.
Child Safety Gates
- Offers baby safety gates and window guards for child proofing your
home. Also, product recall and safety link information.
Child Safety Store -
Offering a variety of products, such as gates, cabinet latches, and
pool alarms.
Childproofstore.com -
A source for childproofing, babyproofing, and child safety products
for the home, the car, shopping and outdoors.
Con-Hub - Offering
personal safety and child protection products. Providing child care
provider background checks.
CrimeProofing - Offering
a step-by-step guide for parents on how to teach safety topics to
Family First Online
- Offering safety items such as carbon monoxide detectors, pool
fencing, smoke detectors, portable gates, and fire escape ladders.
Head Bumpa - Head protection
for babies learning to crawl or walk.
Herbie Hydrant -
Providing a safety flashlight designed to help children evacuate a
home in emergency situations.
Hofs Home Safety -
Offering safety products for children, seniors, and pets. Also,
earthquake safety information and products.
Home Safe Kids - Child
safety products and information for around the home.
Home Safety Advantage -
Babyproofing information and products for each room of the home. Also,
child safety tips and links to other safety sites.
Kid Escape Australia -
Video program and ID kit focusing on how to escape from an abductor.
Kid Safety Products
- Provides products designed to help parent or caregiver create a safe
environment for children. Also, baby-sitter notes.
KidCare@Home CD - Child
safety training CD for child care providers including first aid,
emergency response and positive discipline.
Kids Fighting Chance
- Video designed to provide school aged child with empowering,
practical and effective ways to escape an aggressor or abductor.
Kid's Safety Klub -
Offering a driveway barrier as well as internet parental control
software. Includes information on other topics, such as fire safety.
Kidz'n Power - Offers an
abduction awareness guide that include video’s and ID kit.
KinderVision, Inc. -
Featuring an educational video available in English and Spanish
providing safety information.
Last Logos - Offers
promotional goods and products emphasizing fire safety, prevention and
LectraLock - Offering
child-resistant electrical outlet covers. View color choices and
installation instructions.
Lolly Wrap - Offering a
cushioned covering designed to cover hard pole type object.
Childproofers Inc. - Gates, cabinet locks, window guards, car seat
inspections, and pool safety. Local services include CPR instruction,
and background checks.
The McGruff Safe
Kids Total Identification Program - Offers an electronic/digital
fingerprinting child identification program that features fingerprints
and digital photographs to educate children and their families on
crime prevention, general safety issues and child abduction.
Mountain Moms - Products
for outdoor emergencies such as survival kits.
Ouchy Child Safety Stickers
and Home Safety Program - Features a child safety program using
stickers as a constant reminder to stay away from dangerous household
Perfectly Safe -
Childproof products for the home, auto, and outdoors.
Playfence Inc. - Providing
portable child safety fences for indoor or outdoor use.
Preventables - Offering
baby safety products for the home and auto.
ProtecLuv1 - Information
and products for protecting older children from abdominal injuries in
automobile accidents.
Protect-a-Bub -
Offers baby products for sun protection in prams and strollers, sun
shades, storm covers, and rain protection.
Quietouch - Offering a door
closer which allows you to control the action, clamor, and safety of
your interior doors.
Rico's Treasures
- Offers personal safety products with off-line ordering.
Ruby Stone - Offering
products such as baby monitors, nanny cams, and night lights. Safety
tips available.
Safe and Sound - Offering
child and senior safety products. Articles and tips available.
Safe T Sleep - A wrap
designed to keep baby sleeping in a comfortable position without the
risks of head deformities of suffocation.
Safety Care - Offering
baby safety products including baby gates, latches, and door locks.
Based in Canada.
Safety Matters -
Offering childproofing services and products. Also, a newsletter is
available to subscribe to.
The Safety Place -
Specializes in infant and toddler safety products for your home and
when you are on the go.
Safety Superstore -
Childproofing products for children shipped all over the world.
Safety Tots - Offering
educational child safety aids that teach children how to safely react
to everyday situations.
See A Child Save A
Child - Offers retro-reflective adhesive sticker kits to make
young pedestrians and bicycles more visible to motorists in low light
Sima Enterprises -
Child sized identification bands, including: water proof, disposable,
and medical.
SunFriendlyProducts.com - Sun protective items such as UV
swimsuits, sun hats, stroller covers, and portable beach cabanas.
tinydiner.com - A fabric
cover for restaurant-style high chairs. Protects baby from touching
germs and bacteria left on unsanitized high chairs. Also can be used
in shopping carts.
Tommiguard Products -
Safety harness and tether sets, and belt pouches.
TP Lock - Providing
instructions and pricing on a product preventing young children from
unraveling toilet paper uncessarily.
Window Bars - Offers
window guards, security bars and window blinds safety products.
Yello Dyno - Offering
non-fearful, memory-enhancing educational products help prevent child
abuse, abduction, molestation, bullying, date rape, and violent kids.

of the sites on the following pages are maintained by other
individuals and DANDee Enterprises is not responsible for the
information contained on these external sites.