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Chrono Trigger review


The story begins with a young boy (Crono) who is getting ready for the Milennial Fair. All is well in the fair until he happens to run into a girl named Marle. During the run in, Marle drops her pendant. Crono finds the pendant, and Marle decides to follow Crono.

After looking around, they end up at Lucca's demonstration of her teleportation machine. Crono volunteers to try it out, and it ends in success. Seeing how exciting that looked, Marle decides that she wants to try it out, but something goes wrong. Marle vanishes into thin air without a trace. Only her pendant is left, and with it, Crono attempts to follow and find Marle.


Chrono: Crono is the main character of the story. He begins in his own time (of course), and is about to go to the Millenial Fair. There he meets a young girl named Marle, and that incident meeting ultimately changes the fate of him and his friends.

Marle: The young girl that Crono bumps into during the Milennial fair. Unbeknownst to Crono, "Marle" is actually Princess Nadia of Guardia Castle.

Lucca: Lucca has been Crono's childhood friend, and she is a genius with machines. You first see her at the Millenial fair with a teleportation machine, and that is where the whole adventure begins...

Robo: A robot from the future, he was restored with Lucca's help. Robo was originally a robot model designed to eliminate humans, but after Lucca changed a few things in his circuitry, he joined Crono and the others on their quest.

Frog: The knightly hero of Guardia 600 A.D. He was friends with Sir Cyrus, but on a trip to search for the Masamune, they were attacked by Magus and his henchman, Ozzie.

Ayla: Ayla is a young lady from 65,000,000 B.C. She is the leader of her tribe, and is a very strong woman who does not need the aid of weapons to do battle.

Magus: Magus is Frog's archenemy. He comes from the Kindom of Zeal, and had an older sister named Schala.


The graphics in Chrono Trigger are absolutely spectacular for the SNES era. The sprites were well detailed, colorful, and interesting to look at. Everything from castle rooms to forests and dungeons looked wonderfully tasteful for the viewer's eye.


The music of Chrono Trigger constantly entertains and sets the mood. From the eerie music when battling with Magus to the heroic themes of Crono, the music helps bring the story to life with emotion. The music featured in the game are true masterpieces that can be enjoyed over and over again.


All the elements in the game work together perfectly. The controls are easy to remember, and battle sequences are made easy through simple menu commands.

Magic/Tech System The magic/tech system is a new feature in Square's long line of RPG's. Abilities are learned by gaining experience and leveling up for each individual character. Additionally, when two characters have each learned a certain set of abilites, they can perform Combo Techs, in which they combine their existing abilites to create a new and stronger Tech.

Time Traveling Also in this game is the ever important element of time travel. To complete the various quests through out the game, you must travel back and forth through time to change the past, present, or future.

The Plus Game Another feature of the game is the "+ game". If you have already played through Chrono Trigger once before, then then next time you start a game you are give the choice to start a "+ game". What this allows for you to do is to start the new game with all your items, abilities, and experience that you had acquired in the previous game. This is a nice feature if you are looking to finish the game with a different ending, or if you're wanting to try different things without the hassle of dealing with tough enemies.

Multiple Endings The game also sports multiple endings. Depending on what you did throughout the game, it will affect the outcome of the game.


Chrono Trigger is not a game to be missed or over looked. Every aspect of the game is incorporated very well. The music is varied, graphics are smooth, and the story line is very intriguing. The game envelops you in its world with the people, their conversations, and the environment. Almost every single person who has played this game has praised it for everything it's worth. If you haven't played it yet, you're missing out on quite a bit.

By: LawBoy