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Game Reviews

If you want to, e-mail me a review, e-mail me at Well, anyways, Welcome to the game reviews!

Games are rated on a scale of 5.
Super Smash Bros.

You've seen them race in go-carts and throw a party, now you see them go where no characters have gone....THE RING!!!

Super Smash Bros. is a great game which I could play for hours on end, the 1 player game is very fun and challenging when it's on the hard level. You know those Twisted Challenges in Nintendo Power, well, this one sounds alot like one from our very own MrNocEh: "Try winning a 3 on 1 match with you as the 1, have the other 3 players up to level 9 and play" The play control is great in how there are no twisting angles or bad angles. The graphics are great for a fighting game and action is non stop. Multiplayer with 4 people is out of control! If you haven't played this game, BEG MOM TO DEATH TO RENT OR BUY THE GAME! You're missing out on a great game! For now, this is my favorite game of the year and it has my vote for it

Sound: 4

Graphics: 3.5

Game Design: 3.5

Play Control: 4

Satisfaction: 5

Overall: 4.5


Super Mario 64

In a very fine-looking game, Mario makes his best appearance ever in Super Mario 64. In this story, Mario has received an invitation from Princess Peach to come to her castle for a cake, Mario, of course, comes running. When he gets into the castle, he discovers that there is no one there and a big looming voice yells at him, telling him to go away. Mario further investigates this case. As you go through the 15 stages of play, you collect stars, there are 120 stars in all.

Being the first game Nintendo made for the Nintendo 64, you knew it had to be great. Being called a "cutesy" game by Kattixie, it is, but it has a great storyline along with great stages in this game. The stages range from bomb fields to clouds in the sky. The depth in the characters are shallow, but the several camera angles make up for it. You gotta love that little Lakitu who is following you throughout the game. Nintendo made a great game and the game play shows it.

Sound: 4.5

Graphics: 4

Game design: 5

Play Control: 3.5

Satisfaction: 4.5

Overall: 5


Goldeneye 007

ah, in this game, we see one of the newer Bond films where you play the role of Bond, James Bond. James must stop Alec Trevelyan from using a very danerous weapon called the Goldeneye from blowing up London.

This game mostly takes place in Russia, there, you face many missions in cold weather. You fight off countless numbers of soldiers as they try to keep you from completing your missions. Weapons vary from the very powerful Magnum to the sleek, sneaky Sniper rifle. This is not a shoot-em-up game, this is a task-and-complete game where if you shoot the wrong thing, it could ruin your mission. This game has many cheats, to get these cheats, you must complete a mission without any cheats on within a certain amount of time. The two best cheats, IMHO, are the Invincibility and invisibility cheats you can gain on 00 agent level on the Facility and Archive stages. Rare made a very great game with a very respected series in James Bond. I mean, how fun is it to throw a grenade at Boris and see him get blowen to the moon?

Sound: 3.5

Graphics: 4

Game Design: 4.5

Play Control: 4

Satisfaction: 4.5

Overall: 4


Game Reviews page 2
Game Reviews page 3
Game Reviews page 4
Chrono Trigger Review
Crazy Taxi