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Games are still rated on a scale of 5.

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Zelda...Need I say more? Well i will. Although all the zeldas are the same, collect 3 gems in a happy world (light world, or kid link) then get 7 stones in an unhappy world (Dark world, adult). We seem to never get tired of doing the same thing over. It seems that shooting triggers, and re-arranging statues just never gets boring. This is because of the replay value in the game. There is so much to do, and it is all fun and differnt. Unlike in DK64 where you just collect bananas. That got on my nerves. IN Z64 you actually have to think. IT dont get much better than this!

sound: 5

graphics: 5

game design: 5

satisfaction: 5

replay value: 5

play control: 5

Overall: 5



Donkey Kong 64

Well to start let me say that this game in no way makes the same astronomical leap that DKC did for the SNES, however it is still an amazing game. If you like History like I do just the brand name Donkey Kong sends shivers down your spine. DK was one of Nintendo's first games way back in the day, and would you believe it there is a very good reproduction of the arcades smash hit in the game itself! As odd as this may sound I found that old game to be the hardest challenge in the entire DK64 game, they just don't make em' like they used to.

Any way DK64 has a looot of variety especially since the levels are so amazingly HUGE and you have to accomplish sooo much on each level with each of the 5 Kongs. However there in also lies one of the biggest complaints about the game, some rather impatient compulsive people do not like the fact you have to go back and collect 5 golden bananas, 100 regular banana's, and at one banana medal on every dang level with each Kong to truly beat the game.

On the upside though the music is great, the sound especially with surround sound is great fantastic even, the Graphics sure are purdy, and of course Rare has used there comedic talent to make the game as humorous as possible and the story line is very funny and not terribly bad as those bumbling Kremlings led by Krool are back yet again. This game is a blast in my opinion but not every one will share it. I would definitely recommend it for younger kids, and for those of us who can remember the good old 80s and the original DK. If you are not going to buy DK definitely rent it for at least a week or more to get as much as you can from it because it is very big it took me 3 days to beat it and I still had 15% left to finish after that.

OH yeah and they even included a adequate multi player mode to extend the replay value of the game.

Sound: 5

Graphics: 5

Game design: 4.5

Play Control: 4

Satisfaction: 4.5

Multi player: 2.5

Overall experience: 4.5


Xena: Warrior Princess

Okay let me just admit yes I am one of the few people in the world who watch the TV show and enjoy it. However you do not have to be a fan of the show to enjoy this game. My Xena phobic friends even like playing the game (Ha and normally Xenafobic people can't stand people who are different).

That said Xena is in my opinion the most fun fighter on the N64 next to SSB. In fact like SSB the ability to have a four person free for all with backstabing galor is what makes it so enjoyable. Also like SSB it is an easy game to just pick up and learn (although there are more advanced combo's to figure out with the different charicters). The control is very good the graphics are nice (not mind blowing though). Fans of the show will enjoy the special trade mark moves of each character more than most but any onw has got to love being able to make a volcanic eruption take place under an unexpecting opponents feet (one of Calisto's special moves) or being able to be a cheap ass with Caesar and Calling down a flurry of Arrows or a boulder from a catipult! The one player game is relatively easy except for God and Titan Quest modes which are insanly hard using any one but the secret character Despair (a very large mean Deamon type guy). Speaking of Despair he is the boss and a very cool character to use! Unfortunately people get upset in multi player if he is chosen because he is so much better that a experanced player would have no problem taking on three friends all at once and easly beatning them (if they were any one but Despair).

All in all this is one fun game to play WITH friends and like SSB only moderitly amusing by ones self, unless of course you find any of the women particularly attractive and...oh never mind ;) My biggest complaint about this game is the sound. The music is great (although it on occasion has a tendency to cut and then kick back in almost imediatly) but they didn't include any voice samples from the actual charicters on the TV show. Other than that I must say that they truly captured all the weird ness and crazyness the fans of the show will appreciate in this good 4 player free for all.

Sound: 3.9


Play Control: 4.7

Satisfaction: 4.5

Multi player: 4.4

Overall experience: 4.3

(cleavage: 5 ;O)

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