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As always, games are rated on a scale of 5.

Rainbow Six

The whole story behind Rainbow Six is that you’re a SWAT team of sorts. You have two teams where you complete the objective. If you do you, go on to the next level. There are 12 levels with three different difficulties, giving you 36 different challenges.

Although the game isn't that long, there is the great 2-player mode. You and a friend try and complete the mission together. Or if you're into deathmatch, you can both shoot your other guy, go find a hiding place and then find each other and have fun!

With the use of the Expansion Pak, the graphics look good. The character animations add to the great realism. You can see them picking the lock, ducking low when you walk and some other actions. The sound is so/so but it's not that bad.

Overall, this game is one to not miss. And if you have not played the PC version, then will defiantly want this game. The great amounts of realism add to the game. From the bugs that crawl on the ground to getting run over by the cars. In conclusion, this game kicks arse!

Sound: 4

Control: 4.5

Graphics: 5

Gameplay: 5

Overall: 5


Jet Force Gemini

Jet Force Gemini is a great new title by the awesome people at Rare. This game ads new life to the old shooter game genre, and takes place in spacey futuristic locals. In the game you take control of Juno, Vella (the Gemini twins), and their bionic dog Lupes. You also can and must at time take control of a little flying robot named Floyd (although if you have another sibling or friend that wants to play with you they can take control of Floyd while you use the main character and add to your fire power ;O). Of course Floyd was one of Mizars (the big Bad guy) minions but his super advanced AI made him question the morality of his actions and go against Mizar. In the game you are the last of the Gemini squads left and must go about rescuing ALL (yes that can get frustrating) the furry little Tribals, to do this you must visit then revisit levels with different characters as only certain spots can be accessed by certain characters. This is because each has their own unique special talent i.e.: Juno can walk on lava, Vella can dive under water, and Lupes has over jets in his feet.

This game let me tell you although you may initially think is for kids with the big carton like ants it definitely should be reviewed by the parents first as the when you blast the bugs their slimy, squishy, very green insides tend to splatter every where (Kinda reminds me of when you hold a mosquito on your arm forcing it to take too much blood until it explodes all over the place)! The awesome weapons you get in the game also are a treat if you like to see bugs explode all over the wall. You really have to see all the weapons in use some are cool and very useful and the others well they are definitely cool but not so useful (with the exception of the lame fish food).

The game can boast many things such as absolutely GIGANTIC levels, addictive game play, a very difficult challenge level (hint, hint, for all you gamers complaining about the easy N64 games). It also has the absolutely most wonderful Dolby Surround sound! You can go to a night club and play different music to those people with regular stereo they won't see its purpose, but in Dolby it just sounds so cool! Or you can get a much better game experience as Rare payed so much attention to detail. For example you can shoot glass then run through or fly through it when its falling and hear it start in front and move behind you...or when you blast a particularly juicy bug you can practically feel the slime hit you in the face as you hear the splat envelop you and the squish, splosh, kersplat as the goo hits the wall behind you! You can even here shots zip past your ear and hit the dirt just behind you and to the left, or right, etc. Speaking of detail though I did notice by accident one thing that I think Rare could have ignored if they didn't have such twisted minds. If you watch Vella closely or trap a camera between her and a wall run towards it slowly at first, you will notice that her breasts jump up and down, and just like real life the faster and harder she runs the more vigorous the bouncing gets. Ah well just another little tid bit to go along with the amazing lighting effects and sound to show just how much attention Rare payed to detail in this fabulous, fantastic, futuristic shooter.

My four complaints about this game are: 1) that the play control while ingenious is frustrating at first until you get used to it (as you switch from a 3rd person golden eye control style to a Turok style when you want to aim and shoot things. 2) Collecting all the tribals with out letting one dye and then being able to come back for just that one is frustrating at times, but adds to the challenge. 3) I want MORE event though it took so long to beat! But wanting more is the signiture of any good game. 4) While fun the great multi player mode they threw in is made craptastical by the 3rd person view as its very hard to see your opponents with the exception of one or two levels where you are always close and don't have much room to run in ;O)

Sound: 5+

Graphics: 5

Play control: 3.75

Satisfaction: 4.5

Multi player: 2.5

Overall experience: 3.9 to 4.8 depending on if you have surround sound or not.

Reviewed by: Mr. NOC, eh?


It all starts off when Gruntiltda kidnaps Banjo's sister, Tooty. Then Banjo has to go to Grunty's lair and find jiggies in order to advance and in the end, defeat Gruntilda. Each of the 9 worlds have 10 jiggies and 100 notes. The jiggies help you open new worlds and the notes help you open doors to different parts of the lair.

The graphics are good but not the greatest. They are still good enough for a Rare game. The controls in BK are confusing at first, but after you play it for awhile you get the hang of it. There are bunch of moves that you need to learn but have no fear, Bottles the Mole is here! When you first start out the game, there is a training area when you can learn half of the moves. The other half you learn in the worlds.

Now the sound, I think this is a real high point of this game. When you first collect and item, it talks to you in a wierd voice. Every item has a unique voice. And when you talk to other characters they also have thier own uniqe voice. The music is also very nice, one of the best videogame soundtracks I have heard.

I would recomend that you get this game. It may look a little kiddy but it still is a good platform. So overall this game is really good.

Sound: 5

Graphics: 4.5

Control: 4.2

Gameplay: 4.7

Overall: 4.8


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