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Mario Party 2

Yay Mario and his Party Posse are back for round 2 ladies and gentlemen. For those of you who never played the original Mario Party let me just say shame on you and now explain that this is a game you absolutely must play with 2 or more friends unless you are mentally deficient!

Mario Party 1-2 are all about the last half of the title...PARTY(ing). It is essentially a board game on your TV screen you go around gain coins/loose coins and have nasty things happen to you...or cause them to happen to other people. After each round and in some cases in between rounds two people (in a duel mini game) or every one is hauled into a mini game (some which require a set coin deposit you have to pay if you have the cash). This mini game is so simple yet so fun because of the back stabbing and subsequent name calling and real physical abuse you receive for doing particularly Bastardly things to your (well what used to be your) friends.

Mario Party 2 is much improved in many, many ways over the original yet it still maintains the simple game play and the devilish multi player party fun! Some things have changed just about all for the better, not the least of which is that all the control stick whipping games of the original are eliminated (Yay finally your palms and controllers can heal). Hey and would you look at that they kept the best mini games and made them better...added new ones and didn't ad any new craptastical ones like oh say Musical Mushrooms or Pipe Maze or Parana Pursuit. And they have even added in items which can make the game play yet more cruel and fun!

All that I can say is you ABSOLUTELY have to at the very least rent this game when you have 2 or more preferably 3 friends over and give it a try you will have a blast...unless again you have something wrong with your brain. Sure you and your friends may have a falling out and you may suffer some bruising from the punches in the arm and back of the head...but hey your friends come next weekend will love you again if you own the game because they will want a chance to play it again (and exact their REVENGE).

My only regret is you still only have the characters from the original Mario Party (Mario, Luigi, DK, Peach, Wario, Yoshi) and Bowser isn't playable ... well I guess well just have to wait for Mario Party 3 to come out before we get to play as Bowser?

Ratings for Mario Party 2 (note first I will give my rating for Mario Party 1 so you can contrast them)

Sound: 1.5: 2

Graphics: 2.9: 3.9

Play Control: 1.5: 3.5

Satisfaction: 3.5: 4.5

Multi Player: 4: 5

Overall Experience: 4: 4.85

By Mr. NOC, eh?

San Francisco Rush: Extreme Racing

Rush.....this is one of the first sounds you hear when you start up San Francisco Rush on your N64. The whole idea behind SF Rush is highflying jumps and racing. With 6 tracks and 1 hidden, there are plenty of jumps to keep you happy. And there are some mini-stunt courses in the tracks but you'll have to find those for yourself ;).

Now the graphics aren’t the best in the world but they are not hideous. They can be improved on but for now they are fine. The sound in the game is your usual engine and occasional crowd roar. But I think the music is catchy.

As I said earlier the point of the game is highflying jumps and racing and that's what you get to do. All of the tracks are designed so there are so jumps that will surely delight you. As for the racing, the circuit mode is a challenge to rewards you nicely if you win. And racing against your friends or the CPU just for fun is fun to do. The controls are simple so there is nothing to it.

Being one of the best racing games for N64, this is a must buy. You get hours of replay value, hours of fun and hours wasted out of you life, yay! So what are you waiting for, scrounge up your pennies and get this game!

Graphics: 3.5

Sound: 4

Control: 4.2

Gameplay: 4.6

Overall: 4.5


Pokémon Stadium

Pokemon Stadium a game I'm sure any true Poke-maniac is by now quite familiar with, allows you to finally bring you're very own Pokemon to life in full glorious 3D. I'll admit to you right now, I never was a huge Pokemon fan even though I had the GB game, that is until I started playing Stadium. This game is just so amazing. Not only can you bring your own Pokemon that you've invested so much time into, into 3D. You can also fight with them or one of the 149 initially rentable Pokemon, you can fight you're buddies (up to 3 of them), the computer in various cups. Or you can fight the computer in the gym leader castle and win some semi rare Pokemon to complete you're collection (there are also lots of other bonuses for beating certain areas of the game). That's not all, there is also a hall of fame, little Mario partyesque mini games, and Professor Oak's Lab. Professor Oaks Lab is so, so use full for those who own their own game boy game. It lets you trade, store, and sort Pokemon and items so quickly and easily, it also makes viewing the specific details of each Pokemon really easy so you can decide which one will be best for you to invest you're time in raising. You can then of course take you're Pokemon and play them in the Game Boy tower which is a software emulator that lets you play you're Pokemon (Red, Blue, and Yellow) game boy game on the TV, not only that but you can earn speed upgrades and play it in double or triple speed trust me you'll never use the bike again on triple speed its so fast!

Trust me this game has it all. If you are a Pokemon fan, or if you even just own a game boy and the game boy Pokemon game you must get this game (and a Nintendo 64 if you don't already have one). Heck its even a game that people who aren't Pokemon fans will probably come to enjoy, it real is a great "family" game. Or if you're sick and tired of say Pikachue you can always put Pikachue on the other team and slaughter him over and over again just to hear that delicious Pii Pikaaaa scream.

Ratings for Pokemon Stadium:

Sound: 2.5 (only because the anouncer gets so darned annoying)

Graphics: 4.5

Play Control: 5

Satisfaction: 5 (with out own Pokemon Game Boy game it is a 4)

Multi Player: 4

Overall experience: 4.4 (5+ for a Pokemon fan)

~Mr. NOC, eh

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