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::amy's profile::

Sailor Mercury
  • Name: Amy Mizuno
  • Birthday: September 10th
  • Blood Type: A
  • Zodiac Sign: Virgo
  • Favorite Color: Light Blue
  • Favorite Food: Sandwiches
  • Least Fav. Food: ?
  • Hobby: Reading / Chess
  • Favorite Subject: Mathmatics
  • Worst Subject: I don't think she has one!
  • Forte: Strategy
  • Dream: To be a Doctor
  • Strong Points: !!!Calculating!!!
  • Favorite Stone: Sapphire
  • Boyfriend: Greg
  • Best Friends: Usagi and Greg
  • Favorite Flower: Bluebells

      Amy is the brains of this whole outfit. Her role as Sailor Mercury is mainly to plan rather than fight. Her powers revolve around the elements of ice and water which aren't really that powerful. They are mainly used for defense rather than offense. Although her attacks and powers are quite weak, her intellect and reasoning makes up for it.

      Amy has also been given a special mini-computer which helps her with her tasks as Sailor Mercury. She also has a visor to help her scan and survey her surroundings to give the Scouts the biggest advantage possible.

      Amy loves computers and mathematics at school. She is also the school genius being very studious and hard working. She hopes to become a doctor one day, a pediatrician like her mother. In fact, she was ready to give up her life as Sailor Mercury to study abroad in Germany. However, she discovers that her friends need her more and appears again as Sailor Mercury, stronger than ever.

      Sailor Mercury was the first Sailor Scout to join Sailor Moon. Her suit is quite similar to Sailor Moon's and also her transformation sequence. She is a very loyal Scout, always willing to help and focus on getting the job done right.

      Just because she is smart and studious, many may think that she is a bookworm or a nerd but this is far from the truth for Amy's case. She is easy going and is very grateful that she has found such great friends. She has a great respect for her elders and a light-hearted laugh which she shares with her friends. This is probably why there are so many Amy-fans out there.

      We also learn that Amy is very mature considering her logical thinking and respect for older adults. She also falls in love with a young boy called Greg who attended her school for a brief period. Yet he still managed to fall in love with Amy during that short period. I think that says it all for Amy's kind nature.

These graphics were taken from Lycentia's Sm Web Graphics Shop.

Last Updatd on 04/07/00.