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Sailor Asuka's Awards 4 U Page!
Sailor Asuka's Awards 4 U Page!

This is where you can apply for awards for your page!
I only have a few so, just email me and let me know which ones you think you deserve,
or you can let me look at your page and I'll judge what I think your page deserves!
Either way, I will view your webpage, to see if you really deserve the awards you choose!

To view the awards that I have won, click here!
Friendship Award
This award is not very hard to get. Most will win this if,
I really like their webpage, and if they are starting out great!
Although you will need to have at least some images,
and you can have 5 dead links at the most!

Pretty Chibi Award
This award is a little bit harder to win, but not that much.
This is an award that I will give to a site that is very pretty, and well made!
To win this award you must have your page at least halfway done, and no more than 3 dead links!
You must have some nice images, and have a pretty layout!

Sailor Asuka's Lovely Page Award
This is my Lovely Page Award. This award is very hard to win,
and can only be given if the page is totally finished!
If you want this award, you can only have one dead link, alot of good images,
a nice layout, great graphics, and lots of good information!

Sailor Asuka's Beautiful ~n~ Unique Award
This award is by far the hardest award to win.
You must have a completed page, with no dead links,
a unique layout, great graphics, and must have
copyright info to naoko and such!