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Darien / Tuxedo Mask / Moonlight Knight

  • Name: Chiba, Darien
  • Birthday: August 3rd
  • Blood Type: A
  • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  • Favorite Color: Red & Black
  • Favorite Food: Chocolate
  • Hobby: Reading
  • Favorite Subject: Physics
  • Detests: Bad Manors
  • Forte: Teazing Serena
  • Dream: To marry Serena
  • Strong Points: !!!Punctuality!!!
  • Occupation: College Student
  • Girlfriend: Serena
  • Best Friend: Andrew
  • Favorite Flower: Rose

      He is Darien, Prince of Earth. But he is also Tuxedo Mask, friend of the Sailor Scouts. Not to mention the Moonlight Knight in Sailor Moon R. And on top of all of this, he is destined to join Princess Serena to rule Crystal Tokyo in the future.

      Tuxedo Mask is a mysterious figure. He always appears just in time to save the Sailor Scouts from danger. His trademark is a single red rose. But together with his stylish tuxedo, top hat and mask, he is definitely a hot item for the Sailor Scouts to drool over, with Sailor Moon undoubtedly having the biggest crush of all. Little does she know that Tuxedo Mask is actually the annoying, name-calling Darien. Nevertheless, he is definitely the guy to have in a sticky situation.

      As a child, Darien was orphaned when both his parents died in a car crash. Through his dreams and his quest to recover the Rainbow Crystals, Darien discovers that he is, in fact, Tuxedo Mask. He also regains his memories from his past life in the Moon Kingdom and his love for Serena. Although, there are many forces in the series which keeps them from staying together for long.

      In the original series, Darien is kidnapped and brainwashed by Queen Beryl who wants him to rule beside her as Prince Darien, Champion of the Nega Verse. In The Doom Tree Series, Darien lost all his memories again from his battle against Beryl. He regains his memory in the final episode. However, in Sailor Moon R, Darien suffers from recurring dreams telling him that if he gets close to Serena, something terrible will happen to her. However, this was the work of his future self, the King of Crystal Tokyo, who wished to test Darrien's devotion to Serena.

      Despite all these events, Darien and Serena get together in the 30th century, ruling as the King and Queen of Crystal Tokyo. They also have a daughter who appears for the first time in Sailor Moon R as a visitor from the future.

      Overall, Darien is one cool, handsome character. Everyone admires his looks, even those from the Negaverse.

These graphics were taken from Lycentia's Sm Web Graphics Shop.
Pic of Darien taken from Sailor Sanctuary.
Last Updatd on 04/07/00.