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Face of a Firefly

Sailor Saturn
  • Name: Tomoe Hotaru (means FireFly)
  • English Names: Helen, or Christine
  • Age: 14 in S, appears 6 to 10 in Stars
  • Birthday: January 6
  • Bloodtype: AB
  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Element: Destruction and Rebirth
  • Favorite Color: Purple
  • Favorite Food: Nihon Soba
  • Least Fav. Food: Milk
  • Hobby: Collecting Lamps
  • Favorite Subject: World History
  • Worst Subject: Physical Education
  • Dream: To Become a Nurse
  • Strong Points: Injury Treatment
  • Weak Points: Marathons
  • Favorite Stone: Flourite
  • Boyfriend:
  • Best Friends: Reeny, Setsuna, Micheru

In SailormoonS, Hotaru is the daughter of Professer Tomoe. During an accident in the lab, Hotaru was killed (manga)/almost killed (anime). Her father bargained with Mistress 9 (who came in through the portal the Prof was building) to keep both of them alive: their soul for their lives. Mistress 9 possessed Hotaru, not knowing she was Sailorsaturn. Professer Tomoe was possessed by a demon that entered his left eye (that is why Professer Tomoe makes such an interesting villian: he is evil out of an act of love, not because he is warped or greedy like typical villians). The Professer works for Mistress 9, making daimons, which remove the pure hearts of the selected individuals. He is searching for the Talismen, which, when put together, create the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail has an infinite power that Phaorah 90, who is using Mistress 9 to enter and take over our galaxy, wants to use to take over the universe.

Back to Hotaru's life, her mother was dead (died in a fire), so her father was raising her alone. Hotaru stayed in her father's mansion most of the time, because she was not accepted by the other kids, and because her father (influenced by Kaolinite, Professer Tomoe's helper and a villian under Phaoroah 90) wants to keep her near him. She was pale and sickly (partly from staying inside so much, partly because of the accident (and in the manga, she is a cyborgish creature, too, because of it. She doesn't bleed...)). After making friends with Chibi-Usa, the other kids begin to treat her a little bit better, but then the Talismen create the Holy Grail, and Eternal Sailormoon/the Messiah is found, and something is needed to battle her.

Mistress 9 soon discovered the powers of Sailorsaturn inside Hotaru. (Mistress 9 makes Hotaru eat Chibi-Usa's crystal heart!). This brings out a powerful, evil side in her. She, Hotaru, fights it internally, and in the end, on the battlefield, defeats it. She, the unpossessed Hotaru, as Sailorsaturn, feels obligated to stop the Silence from destroying the world: she performs her 'Death Reborn Revolution' (though they don't actually show all of it...). In the anime, this trapped the Pharoah 90, and Sailorpluto sealed him away. In the manga, she destroys him completely with her 'Death Ribbon Revolution'. She was about to lower her glaive to the ground -- to blow it all into to oblivion (to heal it) -- when Sailormoon stops her. She is then killed (I think by trying to smuther a bomb she had set earlier), and immediately reincarnated. A weary Eternal Sailormoon carries the gurgling baby off the battlefield...

n the anime, Professer Tomoe came and retrieved Hotaru, but in the manga Sailor Pluto did it. Deciding that Professer Tomoe was not stable enough to raise her, Michiru, Haruka, and Setsuna took her under their wing (in the beginning of SM*). She called Haruka 'papa' and Michiru 'mama,' and also refered to Setsuna as her mother (there is one funny scene where she is bragging about Setsuna being her mother to her little friends, and all of the other kids are soooo jealous). In SailormoonSuperS, the anime, she was not present (to my knowledge). In the manga, though, she was the one who kept the balls that the Amazoness Quartet were locked into, and then requested that Serenity make them into the Asteroid Senshi. In SailormoonStars, her life with Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna is shown. She starts as a baby, and then grows rapidly until she is Chibi-Usa's age. She gives a power-up to the outer senshi, and then fights as a soldier, herself, later on with them. She remains a stable character for the rest of the story. I believe this happens in both the anime and the manga.

Saturn Attack! YES we won! Im Pooped! Oopsie!
These graphics were taken from Lycentia's Sm Web Graphics Shop.

Last Updatd on 08/07/00.