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Sailor Jupiter
  • Name: Makoto, Lita
  • Birthday: December 5th
  • Blood Type: O
  • Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
  • Favorite Color: Pink & Green
  • Favorite Food: Cherry Pie
  • Hobby: Bargain-Hunting
  • Favorite Subject: Home Economics
  • Detests: Rei & Usagi fighting
  • Forte: cooking for her friends
  • Dream: To be a bride / own a restaurant
  • Strong Points: !!!Cooking!!!
  • Favorite Stone: Emeralde
  • Best Friends: Usagi & Ken
  • Favorite Flower: Lily of the Valley

      Lita first appeared in Sailor Moon when she was transferred from her old school for fighting. Her reputation as "The Karate Maniac" spread quickly but that didn't stop Serena from approaching her and making friends.

      Lita is extremely brave and once transformed to Sailor Jupiter, she is the tallest and strongest Sailor Scout, yet still remaining graceful and beautiful. Her powers are based on strong bolts of lightning which she attracts on the antenna attached to her tiara.

      Lita is also quite boy crazy. She is attracted to any guy who she thinks looks like her old boyfriend. But apart from scouring for cute guys, Lita is a fabulous cook. She feels that food brings people together and so dreams of one day opening a restaurant where people will fly all over the world just to have her cook for them.

      Lita is usually seen first when the Scouts line up to fight the Nega Verse. Being the strongest and tallest, she is not afraid to meet the enemy head on, even when she hasn't transformed into Sailor Jupiter. Her abilities were even praised by Luna.

      She is a very independent person. As a young girl, she was orphaned when her parents died in a plane crash. Since then, she posseses a fear of flying.

      Lita can be quite defensive and moody at times. It's just part of her strong nature. It also makes her look more impressive when fighting against the Nega Verse. Her powers are extremely aggressive and she sometimes teams up with Sailor Venus in attacking the enemy.

      Overall, Lita is a strong hearted girl with a big desire to fight against evil.

I'm bored Jupiter Kick Rah! Rah! Rah! *sighs*
These graphics were taken from Lycentia's Sm Web Graphics Shop.
Last Updatd on 04/07/00.