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Sailor Neptune
  • Name: Kaioh Michiru
  • Birthday: March 6
  • Blood Type: O
  • Zodiac Sign: Pisces (sign of two fish)
  • Favorite Color: Marine Blue
  • Favorite Food: Sashimi (a.k.a California Rolls)
  • Least Fav. Food: Kikurage
  • Hobby: Cosmetics
  • Favorite Subject: Music
  • Worst Subject: None (2nd smartets senchi)
  • Forte: taking care of Hotoru, and being with Haruka
  • Dream: to be a violinist
  • Strong Points: !!!Violins!!!
  • Favorite Stone: aquamarine
  • Boyfriend: it was once thought Haruka (?)
  • Best Friends: Setsuna, Haruka, Hotoru, Serena
  • Favorite Flower: none at the moment

Michiru is the elegant girl that appears in SailormoonS. She is first seen when Haruka is flirting with Usagi and Minako by pretending to be a boy. When Michiru showed up they were disappointed thinking that she was Haruka's girlfriend.

Michiru and Haruka have a relationship that exceeds friendship, and they are couple. Though they both deny it. They always seem to be together and love each other. They would do anything for each other. And Michiru always gets mad when Haruka flirts with other girls. But they most definelty have feelings for each other.

Michiru is also seen as being very elegant and calm and even thought of as a princess. She also may seem to selfish and non-compassionate. Though she does care for others. Michiru is also quite protective, as seen when she cared for Hotaru.

Michiru excels at many different subjects including the violin and painting, though she's not sure of her future vocation. Michiru is the complete opposite of Haruka, Haruka being a tomboy. Michiru also cares about cosmetics and looking pretty. Her different identities are Sailorneptune, SuperSailorNeptune, SailorStarNeptune, Kaioh Michiru,Princess Neptune.

Michiru excels at many different subjects including the violin and painting, though she's not sure of her future vocation. Michiru is the complete opposite of Haruka, Haruka being a tomboy. Michiru also cares about cosmetics and looking pretty. Her different identities are Sailorneptune, SuperSailorNeptune, SailorStarNeptune, Kaioh Michiru,Princess Neptune.

As Sailorneptune she is always dedicated to her cause and would even give up her life to complete a mission. Sailorneptune attacks have to do the oceans or seas. In the manga she has some attacks which involve music and her violin.Sailorneptune is an outer senshi and usually arrives for the fight with Sailoruranus or the other outer senshi. Sailorneptune talisman is the Deep Aqua Mirror in which is used to find the weaknesses of the youma (demon).

In the last episodes of the series, Sailormoon, Sailorneptune and Sailoruranus give their starseeds for eternal life. Of course they then turn evil. They then kill Sailorpluto and Sailorsaturn. After awhile they turn against Galaxia trying to defeat her though Galaxia kills them both.

When they are fading away they try to reach for each others hand and when reach the others hand they completely disappear. Sailormoon later defeats Chaos / Sailorgalaxia. Afterwards all the senshi are revived!

Then all the senshi can return to normal life. In the last couple scenes the outers are driving a car along the beach. And watch the sunset. They all feel that this perfect and that they are in true peace...

These graphics were taken from Lycentia's Sm Web Graphics Shop.

Last Updatd on 08/07/00.