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Sailor Venus
  • Name: Aino, Mina
  • Birthday: October 22nd
  • Blood Type: B
  • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  • Favorite Color: Red & Yellow
  • Favorite Food: Curry
  • Hobby: Chasing after Idols
  • Favorite Subject: Physical Education
  • Detests: Serena & Rei fighting
  • Forte: to be there when Serena isn't
  • Dream: To be famous
  • Strong Points: !!!Optimism!!!
  • Favorite Stone: Topaz
  • Best Friends: Serena, Lita, and Artimus
  • Favorite Flower: Orage Dandelions

Before there were any Sailor Scouts at all, Mina has been involved in the fight against evil as the infamous Sailor V who has inspired her own movies and computer games. With her guardian cat Artemis beside her, she is finally united with the other Sailor Scouts just before the final confrontation with Queen Beryl. Prior to joining the Sailor Scouts, she was fighting for justice where she lived in England.

Before there were any Sailor Scouts at all, Mina has been involved in the fight against evil as the infamous Sailor V who has inspired her own movies and computer games. With her guardian cat Artemis beside her, she is finally united with the other Sailor Scouts just before the final confrontation with Queen Beryl. Prior to joining the Sailor Scouts, she was fighting for justice where she lived in England. As the senshi of love and beauty, her powers are made of power laser beams and hearts. She even lives up to her title, being one of the prettiest of the scouts and considers that she is the most gracious and has the best stage presence of them all.

Mina looks a lot like Serena and is also quite clumsy. The two are quite similar academically, always late for school and not very studious. Their qualities become much more similar towards the Super Sailor Stars series. However, she is brave when she has to be and is not afraid to fight the Nega Verse to protect the Moon Princess and the Imperial Silver Crystal.

Mina looks a lot like Serena and is also quite clumsy. The two are quite similar academically, always late for school and not very studious. Their qualities become much more similar towards the Super Sailor Stars series. However, she is brave when she has to be and is not afraid to fight the Nega Verse to protect the Moon Princess and the Imperial Silver Crystal. Mina has an open personality and is friendly to all those around her, always willing to lend a helping hand. She hangs around Lita and Amy a lot, but does get along well with the other scouts. She has a big heart and a beautiful smile.

These graphics were taken from Lycentia's Sm Web Graphics Shop.

Last Updatd on 08/23/00.