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Saturday April 1st, 2000.
  •       I started working on my music page, and I fixed some broken links that I had from the under construction pic's that I put up!

Wednesday April 5th, 2000.

  •       I updated my Darien and Lita page, and changed the images on my reeny, rei, and amy info pages. Not much else I can think of!

Thursday April 6th, 2000.

  •       I added another link banner to my links page. I made a tribute site for Naoko Takeuchi, and I started some work on my sailor starhealer page! I also added some different text to my main page, so check it out! ^_~

Friday April 7th, 2000.

  •       I finished two of the Sailor Starlights page's (Yaten & Saiya's). I put up a pic of easter eggs for easter, and I also found out a way to indent paragraphs, so I indented all my paragraphs. Check back later for more changes!!! ^_~

Sunday April 9th, 2000.

  •       I took down the broken link for my running bunny on my main page. For some reason the link no longer works. Sorry for those of you who liked looking at it, I know I did!

Monday April 10th, 2000.

  •       I put up a new title banner on my main page. You'll see what I'm talking about when you go to main.html! I also got the name stuck on the corner pics on my charactor info pages!

Thursday April 13th, 2000.

  •       I put up an image that let's everyone know that I have had 200+ visiters to my site! I also put up a new title banner. It's say's Sailor Asuka's Double Moon Kingdom, and it has chibi-chibi on the sides! Cute HUH?

Friday April 14th, 2000.

  •       I found another image of my running bunny. So I put it back up on the main page, where it was originally. This link won't go broken, it's in my own webshell! Hope you can enjoy it as much as before!!

Friday April 21st, 2000.

  •       I made an awards for you webpage, and linked my awards from off of that one. I got another award, and posted that up. I fixed all the broken links from my starlights & outer scouts page. They were broken for some reason, and I don't know why exactly. I put up a link to the anipike on my links page, and I'm not sure what else I've done to it. I might change the index.html page to some other layout, but I haven't made up my mind. It's just for Summer though, I'll change it back! BYE BYE!!! ^_~

Monday April 24th, 2000.

  •       I took down the easter graphics and added the sailor starlights name banners, but i've not had time to start taiki's website yet...sorry!

Thursday April 27th, 2000.

  •       I moved my main page to another site, and made the layout different. I choose a layout with Usagi as a mermaid. It's so cute. Email me and let me know what you think about it! Thanks for the 200+ hits that I've recieved as well! I can't thank you as much for everyone's visits to my page! Please come again.

Friday May 5th, 2000.

  •       I changed my index.html page and put up a really nice title with a rainbow and clouds ((...which didn't look so well, so I think I took it down like a week later...)). I added a page for my backgroudns for others to use. I also made a page for Calender Wallpapers for your desktops. They are from a page called Lycentia's SM Graphics Shop. She is the BEST! I also added a link to the zip file for my mermaid layout for those of you who want to use if for your own page. If not then just go to Goddess Graphics on my links page and they have alot of layout designs for others to use. I also changed the look of my guestbook, it's alot cuter now I think anyways...! I think that is all I have right now that is new, so if you see anything else, let me know, so I can keep up to date!!! ^_^

Friday May 12th, 2000.

  • I put up my image gallery's page. I do hope you like themI added a new pet to my moon pets page. It's Pikachu! I also have noticed that I have been behind in finishing my outerscouts, and starlights pages. I am sorry for this, but I have been busy with weddings, graduation, and prom coming up. Hopefully after school is out, I will have the time to finish my great page! Thank You for your patience and visiting! ^_^

Sunday July 31st, 2000.

  • I finally got around to updating some of the stuff on the site, like the index3.html. I found a Sailor Pluto layout and used that. I think it looks great! I also added a new feature, so you can veiw the other layouts that I have had in the past. So you can compair. Let me know what you all think of my page as soon as possible..See YA!

Sunday August 6th, 2000.

  • I now have over 3000+ hits on my page and I'm really proud, because it took twice as long to get this many hits on one of my other pages!! GOOD WORK VISITERS!!! ^_^ I added some more webrings to my webrings page. I took down the rediculous blinking and non-blinking stars around the links. They were starting to get on my nerves. The broken links on my moonpets.html page are fixed, so they are no longer broken image links. I think I also will soon add a survey page to the kingdom, but im not sure if I will or not. I think that's it, but if anything else looks different then must be new too! Its 3 o'clock in the brain is not awake right now!! ^_~

Monday August 7th, 2000.

  • I have updated the outer scouts profile pages. Hatoru's page is finished, as well as Micheru's! I also changed the picture for the Naoko Takeuchi page.

Wednesday October 11th, 2000.

  • I fixed the pages for my outer scouts and my sailor starlights pages, they were broken due to my "dimwitted" direct linking problems with Goddess Goodies. Sorry about all that if they ever read this! Other than that nothing has changed so far..look back for more new stuff never know what you might find! ^_~

Last updated on 10/11/00.