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      Hello my friends, My name is Asuka and welcome to the webmistress's page! This is where you can learn all about me, the one who created this wonderful website! ^_^
  • Name: Asuka ((Sorry can't give out my real name!!)) ^_~
  • Birthday: December 25th, 1979. ((same month as Hotoru))
  • Blood Type: ? ((not really sure yet...))
  • Zodiac Sign: Capricorn ((same as Hotorus))
  • Planet Element: Earth
  • Planet Sign: Saturn
  • Favorite Color: Sea-Foam Green, or Sea-Foam Blue
  • Faborite Food: Pizza / Lasagna / Fried Rice / French Fries
  • Least Fav. Food: Squash / Liver ((I HATE LIVER!!!))
  • Hobby: Making Web Pages / Reading / other PC stuff
  • Favorite Subject: Radio / CAD ((Computer Aided Design))
  • Least Fav. Subject: Algebra ((but I dont do as bad as Serena!))
  • Detests: Boyfriend Stealing girls / Cheaters / Anti-Sailor Moonies
  • Forte: Having fun and hanging out with my friends
  • Dream: To some day become an Archeologist / Get Married / Graduate Collage

      I have knowledge of html and java coding. I make my own images ((except for the one's i borrowed from Lycentia)) with Corel Photo-Paint 8. I love to read all the time. I've been told I'm a great friend, and I wish people would stop being so serious about what should be on somone's Sailor Moon Page!!! ^_^

This is Asuka Langley Soryu
This is Asuka Langley Soryu, from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
(Very good series might I add!)

Last Updated on 04/07/00.