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Who +TaI/|\Fu ? = Me!

Artist Event History

TaI/|\Fu is none other then Matthew Suarez. Originally from Philadelphia Pa. He relocated to Florida @ age 11. Learning much and gaining his Delphia flavor. Matt has had music on the mind since birth and before. In school he was reprimanded for making bleeps and sounds in class. Never realizing this would actually become his future. He continued flowing and making what were only noises at the time. It was his love and motivation and he would make these sounds with every and anything. As time moved on life was not going the direction he wanted and he felt the things that mattered most were missing. He had to find these things and especially different wayz of education. He felt that society was not fulfilling his thirst for knowledge and truth. He became infested with drugs and melodramatic anarchy. To make a long story short he became a drug addict and @ age 19 hit rock bottom like no other for it was his and it hurt more then dying it self. Going through what he did was not easy. It was tough and it was monumental for it's moment but in the end he did come out the other side. Today as he looks back he feels all was needed and is very happy about the road that he had traveled. He is much wiser now and sees all was it's way for a reason. Quite simply put.. "He would have wanted it no other way" Now getting back to his musical history {BTW I do feel all is intertwined so if your bored.. Oh well.} As Matt rejuvenated and came off his chemical influenced confusion. He needed something to fulfill his voided pain. So he did a lot of self work and listened for the first time in his life. And this was honestly and openly to what people had to say and share as well as to his love of life .. this being music. It was not easy but his love of music and nature helped immensely. He was on the right track finally, but going where he did not know? Having a new and reimbursed love of life and a True sight of a higher power of his own understanding. "This being nature and his love for it and all points in between." Engulfed in this he gained many new tools and gifts and one of the many he had come to know and love was called Faith. As time went on and the smoke lifted from his brain he had remembered a place that he had come to know and love. Before only knowing this place behind clouded love frozen goggles. He knew there was something he had left behind. I do believe though.. he has come to realize that he could not have gotten this in his other state of being. And this place that I mention would be none other then the rave scene which many of you call home. When Matt had gotten into it back in 92 it was a beautiful place and there was something special there. Something that had been long forgotten.. something that had somehow slipped it's way back into a clouded misinformed society of carbon copies. "Sorry about the name calling " nobody's perfect! = ) Any how he went back and indulged in the vibe. Even though there was mass pollution and negativity it was still what he needed and wanted @ the time and he could not get this from any other place. He danced he loved he tried to make the vibe alive. Saddened he was that the kids that were there were there 4 the wrong reasons. Not to be hypercritical.. because that was me before. 4 me though No matter what the music was in it's self the drug and I can at this moment admit the errors of my ways and changed. "But can you say the same?" I was just so confused and f$#%ed up I needed more to silence what I was afraid of. If you can relate raise your hand lol. Ahh a much needed oops there goes another..ok I'll stop. Any how he realized that this was no longer about the music but more about the drugs. It seems that clouded misinformed society of carbon copies we spoke of earlier had done flip switch and found it's way to override the vibe and was once again back. It was closing in almost as if to of realized what had happened and greedy and jealous as usual had to remind everyone that there is no space that which it would leave unfilled with it's sorry ass vibe! ewww are you grossed out .. Because I am very! Seeing this I knew that time was running out. So I soaked in what was heading towards death and tried to preserve it as much as I could = (. Kinda like a nightmare New Year's Eve deal. I decided "no" I can't change the world and through many accounts trying realized the only thing I could do is be my self and try to be more of the solution then the problem. Which is not easy BTW and I understand that it is hard "but just a quick side not if we all did it together I would probably loosen up a bit and soon actually become easier and I do believe it can be done..for I am one and I want it to be done ... so I never run but calmly as I walk strong and tall into the sun" just a thought. I actually started paying more attention to the music and eventually began to notice that I could arrange it in very creative wayz. Hence my amazing DJ ability which has kept me occupied till this day. Although I am not a master at this I am still learning and have been invited to play many a times @ gatherings. It is my voice and I can only hope that someone else understands it. It is one of the many payments I have received for this chore called life. Hearing that somebody understood me or that they got something out of what I bring to life. Satisfies me to no end and it is something I look forward to on a daily basis. As I always say the possibility's are endless. Yet there was more and I knew this.. more could be done and there always will be more to do. So earlier this year I got my 1st computer and many of doors were opened. just a fun fact of knowledge is the fact of what you are reading is because of this it is not much but I hope it has entertained your mind. If ever you have enjoyed any of my music then that as well was something conjured up by the fact of me being computer enhanced. what does this have to do with anything I have no idea and I had to conclude to an ending somehow. Besides I love the fact that I finally got a computer lol! Any how I try to make music as I hear in life and in dreams. I am not saying I can fully replicate this but I do try. I am a musician I am a dreamer I am human "I am always thinking therefore I am"! Thank you for sharing and helping make TaI/|\Fu who he is.

Now on wit cha BaD self's and further explore my world!

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