I created this page in order to inform more people about Matt Caplan's music, as I genuinely feel that it's really amazing (for lack of a better word). A couple of his songs are featured on Amazon.com, and you can go here to listen to it. Matt's music is also on Napster, and you should feel free to download it from me (I have all of his songs...I think), my NapsterName being laviebohme. (No, that's not a typo, the e is left out).

However, if you like the music, our basic reccomendation is that you try to get the CD. I got mine directly from Matt, so unfortuneatly I'm not informed as to the various ways of purchasing it, if there even are various ways of purchasing it. So, if you're going to see the Benny tour in its last days, you should definately ask him if he has any with him. If not, you can (I suppose) contact the good people at mattcaplan.com. Although there's not much there as of now, keep checking mattcaplan.com for information.

Regarding the autograph gracing the cover, I got it signed when I bought it, along with my friend Laura.

Laura: (observing the autograph on her CD) Thanks for the messy signature, Matt.
Matt: No, see, the M goes down and becomes the C.
Laura: You seem to have written it clearly enough on the cover.
Matt: Oh. (sheepishly) Actually, my friend wrote that.
Ellen's Internal Monologue: Scandal!
Ellen: Thanks very much. The music is amazing...