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Can you, could you,
know my pain?
Have you felt
the endless rain...

That broke your heart
in a million pieces;
hoped and prayed
it's beating ceases?

Do you, did you
see my baby?
She could not live,
no "perhaps" or "maybe"...

See her breath
grow slow, then cease.
Now she has
eternal peace.

Will you, have you
seen them take her?
I try one last time
to wake her...

Kiss her, hug her,
trace her ears.
Her life was hours
instead of years.

I pray you can't,
you couldn't, you didn't.
May you never
have to live it...

Take your children,
hold them near.
Never forget
what you read here.

Yesterday.....a memory
Tomorrow......a maybe
Mommy has missed you, my baby.....






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are property of Hope's Mom & Dad.
Copyright © 1999-2001
All rights reserved.