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Do they make handprints in heaven,
In a snow-white plaster mold?
Do they capture tiny fingers
That I barely got to hold?

Do they keep locks of hair in heaven,
That first small golden curl;
I never got to brush or comb
Upon my angel girl?

Will they write down when she starts to walk,
And post it in a book;
So I can see the cloud-lined path
Of every step she took?

Do they keep baby’s shoes in heaven,
And have them cast in bronze;
The strings forever laced together
Like our mother-daughter bonds?

Will they keep my baby safe and warm,
And soothe her every cry?
Does she snuggle with the teddy bear
We sent with our last good-bye?

All these things and more are on the list
Of wishes that I make,
For my newborn now above,
My rose God had to take.

Do they grant wishes up in heaven?
May she comfort me from above,
And may her arms grow big enough
To hold her mother’s love.

By Tamara Barker-Hope's Mommy






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