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Ok this page is for those who want to learn "HTML" and how to fix up your homepage or e-mail.

Ok to start where to put all this.To fix up your e-mail first go to "Mail List" then "Settings" then "Signature" and there you will see a box and that is where you put all this.

Ok to start off with this is how you will change the background color and text in your e-mail.

<html><body bgcolor="the color you want your background"text="the color you want your text"></html>

ok and now to learn how to "Cut","Copy","Highlight",and "Paste".ok now to highlght just.

Hold down your "CMD" button and push "A" this will highligh text.Ok now to copy.

Hold down your "CMD" button and push "c" this will copy the text.Ok now to cut.

Hold down your "CMD" button and push "X" this will cut the text.Ok and now to paste.

Hold down your "CMD" button and push "V" this will paste the text you cut or copied.

Ok and if there is something on my webpage you want just click on the gif,pic,background and then push "GOTO" on your keyboard and then click "SHOW LAST" then that is the "URL" of that pic.then you just hold down "CMD" and push "A" that will highlight the url.Then hold down "CMD" and push "X" that will cut it.Then you can use "CMD" and "V" to paste it where I show you on this page.

ok now to put a background in your e-mail (this is where cut and paste comes in handy) to put a background in just simply do this.

<body backgound="The url of the background you want">

Now to put an image in your e-mail just simply do this.

<img src="The url of the gif,pic,jpg you want">

And now to put a song in your e-mail just simply do this.

<bgsound src="The url of the song you want">

And if you are looking for a song just visit my songs pages and I am sure you will find what you are looking for. And if not just e-mail me and tell me the artist and song and I will find it for you.

ok now to make a pic clickable to another site.just do this.

<a href="The url of the site you want them to goto such as maybe a homepage"><img src="The url address of the pic you want the person to click on"></a>

ok now to make it where a person can click on words to goto a website.

<a href="The url of the site you want them to goto such as maybe a homepage">The words you want them to click on</a>

ok now to make a pic clickable to e-mail you.

<a href="mailto:Your e-mail addy"><img src="The url of the pic or gif you want clickable"></a>

If you have any questions or comments just click below to e-mail me.