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Freak's Marquee Page
Welcome To Freak's Marquee Page

Hello this page will tell you how to make words scroll across your screen,and how to change the of your marquee and,How to make it go as fast or slow as you want it to go.So if you like things like this then you will love this page.

This is a regular marquee Regular Marquee

Ok to do that just do this

<marquee>the text you want to scroll<marquee>

Ok behavior controls scroll (default) slide,or alternate,slide tells the marquee to start at the right and stop at the left.Alternate tells the marque to bounce between right and left.

Sliding Marquee

Ok to use the sliding marquee put this code.

<marquee behavior="slide">your text you want to slide</marquee>

The sliding marque only slides once.

Ok now alternate marquee this will make your words bounce from right to left.

Alternating Marquee

Ok to use the alternate marquee use this code.

<marquee behavior="alternate">the words you want to scroll</marquee>

Ok this is width controlls the height and width of pixels or %.

Width of a marquee

Ok with the width the higher the number the longer you marquee gets.ok to use this marquee put this code

<marquee width="200">the words you want scrolling</marquee>

This is what 200 looks like but you can make it smaller or bigger by changing the number.

ok Loop controls how many times the marquee is shown use -1 or infinite to loop indefinitely

Loop Marquee

ok to use this code put this.

<marquee loop="5">the words you want to loop</marquee>

Ok scrollamount and scrolldelay scrollamount specifies the pixels is the amount for the text to move between each draw scrolldelay specifies the number of milliseconds it takes the text to draw.

Scrollamount and scrolldelay marquee

ok on the scrollamout and scrolldelay the bigger the number the faster it goes.The littler the number the slower it goes.

Ok now this is to change the color behind your text.

The background color marquee

Ok to change the background color use this code.

<marquee bgcolor="the color you want">the words you want to scroll</marquee>

Ok now to change the text color of your marquee.

Text Color Changed Marquee

Ok if you want to use this code put this.

<font color="your font color"><marquee>the word you want to scroll</marquee></font>

Ok if you want your marquee to be clickable like this.

ƒ®éåk's Wébtv Gîƒs åñð mø®é

Just simply put this code in.

<A href="http://"the url you want the link to go to"><marquee>what you want your marquee to say</marquee></a>

This is blinking marquee coll huh Blinking Marquee

<marquee scrollamount=450 scrolldelay=500">Blinking Marquee</marquee>

ok this topand bottom marquee

top and bottom marquue

here is the code

<center> <font size="6" color="yellow"> <strong> <em> <marquee width=52% behavior=slide direction=right scrollamount=5> What you want to say here </marquee> <marquee width=65% behavior=slide scrollamount=5> What you Want it to say here </marquee> </em> </strong> </font> </center>

Ok now to show you what it should look like to have it doing some of this all at once.

Some of it all at once

ok if you want to do it all together just do it like this.

<font color="your text color here"><marquee bgcolor="your background color here"scrollamount="10"scrolldelay="7"behavior="alternate">the text you want to scroll</marquee></font>

If you have any questions or comments just click below to e-mail me.