In my dream, I HATED 98º, I just could not stand them! My little sister (which is kinda strange since in reality I don't have a sister) ended up forcing me to take her to one of their shows since she wasn't old enough to drive. So I took her, and to my misfortune, it snowed as we waited outside. Three of my fingers came off because of the frostbite! I didn't seem to care because I just shrugged and we went inside. We got front row seats and I looked around and realized we were in my school's cafeteria...that was weird. Anyway, my sister decided to pull a prank on me. She knew how much I hated 98º, so she somehow managed to get me onstage with the guys to sing with them in front of the big crowd. Well, I decided to get some revenge! So I got up onstage with the guys and SCREWED UP their song. They started to sing "Pretty Fly For a White Guy" and when it was my turn to sing the "give it to me, baby" part, I ended up singing, "A scrub is a guy who thinks he fine.." instead! It was so funny to look out in the crowd and see all these angry fans! Then they tried singing a song called "The Right Stuff" with me, but I sang, "Give me a siiii-iiign, hit me baby, one more time!" And just as the crowd started screaming in anger, I woke up. Man, that put me in a humorous mood!