N Sync @ Hershey, PA



Well, well well, let's see. I left home at about 3 to get Portia, and we got to Hershey at about 5 or 5:30pm. I brought my CD's but I didn't listen to them. Instead, I gave Portia the pleasure of listening to remix every song on the radio to make it about Lance, lol. (also known as my Lance Bass trime n DELgado remixes…like I said before, ask about that later) For some reason she didn't like my Lance Bass remix to 'Country Grammar', LOL…On the way up I was getting really worried about it raining cuz the sky was really cloudy. But me, my sis, and Portia said to ourselves it would NOT (cuz Lord knows our hair would end up lookin worse than Justin, tee hee).

We get to Hershey Stadium and there is a HUGE crowd outside waitin to get in. We had to change in the car…again. And while we were we heard them doin the soundcheck. They were singing 'I Thought She Knew'. Then when we got out the car they were singin "No Strings Attached", but it was raining (not hard though). So I was instructed (by my parents) to walk over to Chocolate World and by ponchos eventhough I HAD a rain coat…But Portia needed one…cuz she didn't seem very…covered? LOL. Her outfit was cute, but it was hucci, lol.

By the time we came back from Chocolate World, it had STOPPED raining. So we walked over there for no reason. Not to mention my mom even managed to get ponchos too. After that, me and my sis had to "pack in" my camera's and film, lol. For some reason, there was one huge line on one side, but no line on the other side of the entrance. Geez, some people just need to look sometimes. When we walked in Portia bought a program. I wasn't sure what I wanted yet so I refrained. We headed straight to the bathroom so I get the film outta my bra, lol. I was in one line and my sis was in another and I tell her to come over to my line. When she gets over to me she's like "hey Cass! I saw one of their bodyguards!"…Then I start goin off on how she didn't tell me and whatnot. Then I asked her which one it was and she said it was Dre. After that, I stood on my tip toes the entire time lookin over the crowd to see if Dre would come back. Man, I looked REAL suspicious, lol. Unfortunately, I never saw Dre again before I went to pee. L After I came out the bathroom, I bought a blue glowstick!!!!! Yes!!! Lol.. We start heading towards our seats and WHO do I see?!?!?! DRE!!!!! So Portia and I make a MAD rush to chase after him, lol. A buncha people get in our way and we start to lose him. We almost caught up to him before he got backstage, but he was taking these two lil' girls backstage or sumthin, and I didn't wanna bother him. The LAST thing I want is wanna those big bodyguard yellin at me or sumthin.

Finally we get to our seats, and MAN WERE WE CLOSE!!!!!! (it's not front row, but it's close enough) I look down the row and I see my friends Julia and Michelle. Man, they're crazy. J was wearin a blue leopard print hat and Michelle had on these big fuzzy red glasses. I just had to laugh at them. They looked cute though. The two people sittin in between our seats hadn't come yet. Portia and I drop off our stuff and we immediately head over to the backstage area, hehe. We stand around over there for a while and then the opening acts start. We see Steve in this bright orange shirt come onstage…..Julia told me she started screaming "STEVER!!!" like crazy, and he's like "ok, I see you" in this kinda 'man that girl is crazy' tone. Lol. Anyways, he introduced Ron Izzazarary (or whatever it is). Ron had a pink guitar. I was really not that close to him nor payin attention…Steve kept sayin how we were bein really quiet and that we were the QUEITEST city they've been too. Just incase he hadn't taken a look in the mirror lately, but HE'S NOT N SYNC! So we don't give a crap about him (not to be mean or anything). We stand around some more and about every 5 minutes those lame sorry excuse for security guards (that work for the venue..not N Sync's) would always ask up to back away for some reason….We're still standin there (cuz N Sync is doin a meet & greet) and this security dude is backstage and his mouth drops and goes "D*MN!!!". Lol. He was lookin at Portia. So…..Portia tries to "work her magic" and whatnot so we can get onstage. The guy said he'd come back or whatever. But we never saw he again till later….

Innosense came on, and as Portia likes to say "they looked a hott mess", lol. I think they actually did better at the Britney concert. They're pretty sickening to look at, haha! Right when they come on, WHO do I see? Non other than my FAVORITE person, Danielle. She looked more plastic than N Sync did in the 'It's Gonna Be Me' video, hehe. J/k. She had on a nice outfit though. She was with Chris' grandma and a buncha other people that I'm sure were in his family. It was kinda funny cuz Chris' grammy looked scared and Danielle was practically rushing her out the stadium….Then WHO do I see? No other then the Momma of Mr. JT$$ himself. Or as I like to put it 'The Woman That Gave Life to Justin Timberlake' (Lynn sounds a lil' too plain, hehe) She was rushing out the stadium too. That's kinda ironic bein the fact that she MANAGES Innosense, lol. I don't even think they're THAT bad.. Anyhoo…After the security guards ask us to move back for the 123872388 time, I see this guy come from backstage to watch Innosense. Whhhhy, would someone actually wanna do that? The guy was wearin some burgundy pants that had orange (I think) paint stains that were hand prints (weird huh). Then these three girls go over to him to take a picture. Portia and I look at each other thinkin "who the HECK is he?". Portia asked two of the girls and neither of them knew who he was, lol (despite the fact they took a picture with him). So we asked the third girl, who by the way is shaking and almost CRYING (for some reason), and she goes "That's Justin's best friend!!!". I get the most disgusted look on my face and I say "THAT'S TRACE?!?!". Then she nods and says "yeah, but he said not to get a pic with him until Innosense is done performing." Pssshhha! He didn't havta worry about me askin him for one. The reason why my reaction was like cuz I had seen a picture of him before, and he looked NUTHIN like that. He's prolly one of the durdiest lookin crackheads, I ever seen. I mean, he looked pretty durdy. He's not ugly, he just looked scraggly. Not to mention he looked hungover as crap. I just kept waitin for him to barf or sumthin. I felt kinda bad for him cuz he looked so sick…Gee….

Fast Forward a lil'… Pink came out. She was hott. Justin walked by backstage and I missed him cuz I wasn't over there…I stood still during 'There You Go' (long story)…The two lil girls sittin next to us told these kountry heifers sittin behind us that Portia snuck up to 4th row with us…They told security…She had to move…We asked the bodyguard with the jheri curl to let us up for JGP, and said "no, it was a random pickin"…WHATEVER!!!…he was mean…the lil' girls sittin next to me were ANNOYING!!!!!…Portia found the bodyguard that was staring at her…it turns out he was with Pink…he gave her a hug, lol…I left Portia to talk with some guys…bad idea…it was dark…everyone starts screamin…all the sudden I hear…..


*\.::No Strings Attached::./*

"I've got no strings to hold me down….". They came out a lot sooner then I thought they would (or should I say wanted them too.)…I was somewhat in a state of shock…But, I know I'm not the only one that thought how they came out was kinda…I dunno the word. But on the last tour, there was much more anticipation built up before they came out. This one, it was kinda like "Oh, there's N Sync."…I like Justin's hat, but why does his havta be different from everyone else's? Nevermind.


*\.::I Want You Back::./*

Oh!! They sang this song at the concert?!?! I hadn't noticed…(lol)


*\.::God Must Have Spent…::./*

All, I know is Lance came out talkin with that fiiiiiinnnee Missississississippi accent and I yelled out "oh baby!!" to him, lol. I missed some of this song cuz I went to look for Portia…What exactly was the point of the platform thing? That was dumb. I never was really fond of this song anyways…


*\.::Tearin Up My Heart::./*

All I can say is, I don't like Ananda Lewis and everyone screamed for Twinkle Twinkle…It wasn't as enjoyable cuz they took out all the lil' ad-libs, and the bootie spanking…ugh!


*\.::Justin 'The Human BeatBox' Timba Timba Timbalake::./*

I'm kinda mad cuz I missed most of this. I thought that my camera had finished rewinding and it didn't and I ended up exposing the film (fortunately it was only a roll of 12). Then I couldn't get the roll out and I had to pull it out.. I was really mad…But I did catch the beginning of it. Sorry Tammy, he didn't say "now I got ta cut ya", LOL. He only said "do u wanna battle?" then he asked the audience "do u think I should battle with him?". Otherwise, it was exactly the same as the HBO concert.


*\.::It's Gonna Be Me::./*

Uhhh….I don't really remember this song.


*\.::I Drive Myself Crazy::./*

Chris came out and sits on the couch and whatnot. Then he starts talkin about how when he was about 8 yrs old, his sister took him up to the top of the Hershey Kissing Tower (I'm guessin that’s what it's called) and it scared the crap outta him cuz we ALL KNOW he's afraid of heights, lol. Then he said he beat up his sister. LOL, umm…okay? If I do my math correctly, Chris' sister was prolly about…4 or sumthin. Why would SHE take HIM up there? Umm..nevermind. I loved the lil' remix of this. When Justin came up for his verse (besides the fact I almost went deaf) he walked over to our side and he just happened to look over at me and my sis. It was pretty funny because when he looked at us, he did a double take, hehe. God bless that child!! I love him! If I ever say I hate him or anything, remind me of that very moment in my life J lol.


*\.::I Thought She Knew::./*

This was pretty funny. Justin was askin Chris about how he beat up his sis or whatever at the top of the tower. Then Joey says sumthin about all the bugs and he's all swatting them. Then they all start to swat them and Lance mumbles sumthin in his sexxxx-say Mississississississippian accent. Once again, I just had to yell out "ooh baby!" again, and the little girls in front of me looked at me like I was crazy, lol (they liked JC anyways). I have no clue what he said cuz it was so deep. But has anyone else noticed that they ('cept Lance) sound like chipmunks??!!! LOL! I knew Chris did, but then Joey & Justin were talkin and I wanted to fall out laughin, haha. Of course when Joey sang, everyone screamed the loudest (and one of the nasty heifers sittin behind us all passed out crap. Ew, ick, ugh!), but when Chris sang it was almost quiet (lol). I mean, he was all nice to tell us that story about him and his sis, and Hershey showed NO love for him at all! I was outraged!!! (lol) So as usual, I had to represent for my boy like I ALWAYS do, and I screamed at a REALLY high pitch. I don't think I've ever screamed that loud in my life. And then of course I get looked at like I'm crazy. Pssha! Lol.


*\.::Just Got Paid::./*

I really liked this a lot. My favorite part of the little quick change thing is when they're all sittin down in front of the movie screen and Chris is talkin about the thing that’s supposed to be Lance and he goes "That ain't Lance! You ain't Lance!", LOL!!! I think that is completely hysterical. I can laugh for hours and hours about that (Hehe Tammy, you should hear me do my impression of THAT!)…Anyways, when they came out, Jo & Lance came over to my side of the stage to throw the money. Joey was RIGHT in front of us when he threw it, but for SOME reason it flew over to the same area where Lance had just thrown it. Then he has this "whoops!" look on his face, and he and Lance smiled. It was cute…When JC was tryin to get in the 'Klub' Lonnie pushed Chris and he fell on the ground. Then Joey got pushed on the ground too, lol. Chris deserved it though. He DID kick Lonnie during the HBO concert…This was the funniest part of the song. When they open the 'Klub' Joey spots this chick in a leopard print shirt. I really couldn't see her face or anything, but all I saw were her two hands around his waist tryin to work him out. It was hilarious!! And to make it even better, he pulls on Lance's jacket so he can pull Lance in front of him so he and the girl can be more hidden, LOL! I couldn't believe he did that. But then again I could….Then when all of them go up to the arch of the stage, Joey gets on the floor and decides to do Justin's lil' "Bootie on tha floor, Wha, Wha, Wha?!!" Dance down the stage, haha.


*\.::Space Cowboy::./*

Umm…nuthin interesting happened during this song. It was hott though. This is another one of my favorites…Oh yeah!!!! When they do the little "whip, smack, and ride" move, Lance was over on our side. WOAH!!!!!!! That boy can RIDE IT!!!!!! I mean seriously, that kid looked GOOD!!! I guess Toby did leave Lance with some good skills, lol.


*\.::It Makes Me Ill::./*

This was okay. I was kinda mad that they had to make my song a cheesy by having them wear doctor coats. Then at the end when they "die", Chris had to make his all long and dramatic just so he could be the last to fall. Typical


*\.::This I Promise You::./*

Ahh, this is sucha bootieful song, lol. Um...When Chris is all tellin everyone to follow him and move forward, instead of objecting to it (like on HBO), Justin's like "ok, mate" or whatever and he was talkin in this really CuTe Australian (I guess it was) accent. It was too adorable!…Then when Joey was about to say his little stage dive line, before he could I hear Julia screaming at the top of her lungs "STAGE DIVE!!! YEAH WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!", lol (this girl can yell REALLY LOUD). I gave her a LOOK. Joey looked at her and he was like "See!! See!! Stage dive!". Then Justin gave him a LOOK, ha. So JC said his line about we're gonna go hang out with the people in the back. That was really dumb of him to say cuz there was this big tower that controlled the sound and whatnot that was blockin the path of the platform. The thing didn't even go half-way out into the stadium. Not even a third of the way out. Maybe about a quarter of the way. It was funny, cuz as soon as the platform started to move you see a buncha people pull out signs and flowers and stuffed animals. This one stuffed animal was thrown at Lance and almost hit him u know where, hehe. He picked it up and sat it upright next to him, CuTe…After they started coming back towards the stage Chris is standing right on the side facing me so I'm thinkin "this is my chance!", lol. So I ran back to like, 15th row and I'm followin the boy down the aisle (my seats were on the aisle on the left and they were goin down the aisle in the center). So, I'm chasing after Chris (lol) tryin to get his attention. I'm all yellin and stuff "Chris, over here baby!!!!". I mean, I was HIGHLY noticeable. I'm sure there weren't many black girls in shiny silver shirts running up the aisle screamin at Chris. I chased that boy all they way up to the front row and until they got off the platform. Not even a GLANCE. ARGH!! That ticked me off!!! Lol. That's okay though, cuz when he comes to his home state again and nobody shows him any love, he shouldn't be surprised. Plus I was feelin J, Jo, and Lance more ANYway! So…HA!


*\.::Digital Getdown::./*

First I havta say, that thing on the screen that flashes N Sync, is SOOO annoying. N Sync did that on purpose cuz they knew it would annoy the crap outta there fans. Then everyone starts chanting "N Sync" just like on HBO (cuz some people just CAIN'T be original...geez)…This performance was good too. Chris came over to my side to throw a glowstick. What a coincidence, it lands on the girl sittin a row in front of me, two seats over. Once again, ARGH!!!…I think there was way too much hype put out about them humping the floor. I mean, I wouldn't even call that humping the floor. Now, if they had did it as a continuous motion and not just once, I'd agree. But, you still gotta scream…


*\.::Bye Bye Bye::./*

I didn’t enjoy this song that much, cuz I knew the concert was over. There ending just plain…STANK! I mean….Man, I don't even know. I was just sad (no crying this time, lol).


I had NO clue where Portia was, but she found me. Then she's starts to go on about how she touched Pink, since she couldn't find her seat this guy named Angel (whatever) let her stand up front, and she was talkin to Big E, and she said he was nice and all this kinda stuff. We were picking our stuff off the ground and I pick up her tour book, and it was RUINED. I mean, it was all wet and stuff, and I have NO idea how that happened, and of course it's Portia, so she wants her money back, lol (which I KNEW wasn't gonna happen). So she goes and shows the Angel guy and he gave her this 'VIP' pass that’s worth 50 bucks so he SAID (which I don't believe). Then, me being the spoiled brat that I am, I had to get one too, so I went over and asked the guy for one. He said he didn't have anymore and the one he was wearin was for his "sister". LIAR! I'm like "your sister likes N Sync?" in this tone of disbelief and he says "YOU like N Sync", lol. Then I ask him how old his "sister" is and he said my age (he thought I was 16..haha..idiot!). Then he told me to ask his friend for one, but his friend was giving it to his "sister" too. Finally, I'm just like WHATEVER, so we leave. But on our way out, Portia has to show EVERYONE in the world her VIP Pass. She told us that they had invited her to 'THE' afterparty that was at the, MOTEL 6 in ROOM 301, LOL. I'm not sure what kinda afterparty she thought that was gonna be (haha), but N Sync wasn't gonna be there, lol….Outside the stadium I buy a tour book then finally we head off to find my parents…It was all over…L


Overall, I had a good time. It wasn't the BEST day of my life or anything (cuz I didn't meet them), but you can't always get what you want…I still love them (even Chris & JC) and I can't wait till the next one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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