Awards We've Won…

…'Cause we kick ass! Yeeeah, baby!



This is our first award. It's for originality and stuff. We think that kicks ass and are very thankful. Especially since we try so hard to be original. Thanks to the girls at "*NSANELY *NSYNC" for this honor. To all the webmasters out there, you too can get this award through originality. Yay! And I'm sure there will be many more awards after this. It's all up to you guys out there to nominate us and vote.

So here's another one that my story is nominated for. You know what would be cool? If someone out there would nominate our site for one of the comedy awards. *sigh* Anyways, here's the link.

Okay guys, listen up. Never Never Land is being ghetto 'cause from what I heard, they don't even have all the judges yet, but please vote for me when it starts. (And you know I'll be sure to tell you when the voting starts.) Thanks.

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