Bragging Rights... Yeah, Can I Get Some Love?

I've never been on a humor site before, and I've never had my stories published before, so to get some positive feedback is so cool. I didn't think people would like it, and was preparing for a crap load of hate mail, but not even two days after the link was posted, I got a whole lot of mail saying that people loved, "Revenge of the Boybands" and couldn't wait for me to post "The Webmaster's Revenge" (which is actually done now, HURRAY!!!). These are the first five e-mails I'm gonna post in honor of me bragging like a little butt-hole. My comments are in blue... since the story is in blue. **NOTE: "The Webmaster's Revenge" will be up in about two weeks. It's done already, but I just wanna get full mileage out of "Revenge of the Boybands".


Subj: (no subject)

Date: 2/13/00 9:29:03 PM Eastern Standard Time




the revenge of the boybands is an awesome story. Thank you! i loved it! I'm glad...that's what I write for. it was one of the best nsync stories i have read. Are you sure? You are? Then like Big Gay Al from "South Park" would say, "That's super!" u r very talented. Ooh, I'm blushing now! Hmm.. do black people blush? i can't wait to read the webmaster's revenge! Can ya wait two weeks? It'll be up then. keep up the great work!!! With e-mails like this one, you know I will!


Subj: Revenge of the Boybands

Date: 2/13/00 9:50:36 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: (Aimee Poblete)



hi there! Howdy!


just wanted to say that revenge of the boybands was

one kickass story! Thanks... i laughed Good! i cried You did? and just could

not stop reading. Yeah! That's what I wanna hear! one awsome story! Wait 'til you read part two...keep up the good

work! Gotta please the people, ya know? cant wait for another story. Sure ya can! J also can you please

give me the address to your site? Our site... there are two people here, me AND Cassie. But I forgive you. i read the story off

from Giddy For N sync. Tell Wendi I said hi. thanks! You're very welcome!




Subj: Revenge Story

Date: 2/13/00 10:22:24 PM Eastern Standard Time




Hey, I loved your story!!! I love your letter... Since, I'm a 'N Sync humor site mistress

too, You are? Great! Give me the link, girl! Its got me a little scared that JC will come after me with some big

ass Timbs to stomp my head in. Hey, I'm feelin' his Tim's, his baggy jeans, his thug appeal. LOL. j/k. No you weren't. Anyway, your story was great

Gracias! and I loved how you incorporated all of my favorite humor sites webmistresses. Yeah, me too. keep up the good work!! Without a doubt. bye³, Bye bye. danai This is her link!


Subj: hello

Date: 2/13/00 11:50:57 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: LvrGrl109



that was really good! Short, sweet, and to the point. Tammy likey. Thanks!


Subj: about your story

Date: 2/14/00 2:06:55 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: Ktkat8484



That was the funniest shit I have ever read in my life! **High fives herself** Yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about! I'm still laughing and I got done 10 minutes ago! That's cool...REALLY cool. Puts a smile on my face. I have nothing but positive comments for it Well then, lay 'em on me, baby! and I love that you showed a side of *NSYNC that nobody even thinks of! Yeah, I thought it was kinda cool to get back at all the teenys who say, "'NSync's gonna kick your ass when they see what you wrote about them. " It's good to show that we can dish it out AND take it in. We can make fun of 'NSync and ourselves, too. Great job on the story and I hope you get that next one out soon so I can laugh some more! Thanks... it'll be up in about two weeks. It was kick ass and major props to you for coming up with it! Thanks again. In part two, we majorly kick 'NSync's ass... and I love getting props.


There you have it... I'm sweet as all hell. Just kidding. Seriously though, this is gonna be the stuff that gets me through the hate mail that I have yet to receive. Thanks to everyone who loved the story and our site... And oh, yeah, SIGN THE DAMN GUESTBOOK!!!

UPDATE!!!! **In a sing-song voice** I got a hate mail! I got a hate mail! Hurray! Wanna read it? Well, I'm not gonna let ya. I merely responded to her letter and will give you guys a couple of highlights. Basically, she was offended by the scene where Wendi says that JC likes to see girls strip and hang themselves...blah, blah, blah. Basically, I DON'T CARE. I am a writer, an artist, and I write whatever the hell I want. She goes on to say, "I'm sure they'd be very offended and disgusted if they read it." So? If they have a problem with it, they can take it up with me and write me an e-mail and I will happily explain to them WHY I put such a "disgusting" image in, for there WAS a purpose for it. Then, I will give them a link to one of the 'NSync porn sites full of racy stories so they can be even more disgusted. They don't need someone to defend them; they're grown men and can defend themselves. Also, if they're moms or anything write me e-mail, I'll merely get MY MOM to write one back. She even read my story, and said so proudly, "Baby, you are so talented. I know one day you'll be a writer. You have a gift... I didn't agree with all the cursing and stuff, but I liked it." Bitchy much? You bet I am. The hate mail girl then says that she doesn't wanna read anymore of my stuff. **Wipes a tear** Aww, you don't wanna read "The Webmaster's Revenge"? I'm hurt...I think. Let me check again... No wait, I'm not. How about reading "'NSync's Guardian Angels", which is a masterpiece. (You're damn right I'm bragging. I enjoy writing and really think I'm talented at it.) Basically, to make a long story short (too late!) the story stays as it is, disgusting or not, and if you thought that was disgusting, wait 'til you read "The Webmaster's Revenge". Hell, that story is bonafide GROSS and GRAPHIC. I myself even admit to this. It was so gross and "disgusting" that I actually felt kinda guilty and wrote a nice story about them, i.e. "'NSync's Guardian Angels" which will be up in chapters over time. Peace out, and thanks for reading my story, hun!

**Another Update** Okay, the girl wrote a response to my letter and was really nice this time. After the first letter, I was pissed, but in this one, she was really nice (hell, she even said my story was good!). So I guess even my first hate-mail was really a complimentary mail. Cool.

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