Britney Concert


So, I'm online ALL DAY tryin to get tickets to see her at Merriweather Post Pavilion (in Columbia, MD) and all I'm getting is lawn seats. I told myself that I wasn't goin to the concert if I had lawn seats. Finally at about 4pm I started getting seats under the pavilion so I buy the best that I can get which was about Row QQ (the last row under the pavilion was TT or sumthin).

I took with me *the one and only Portia* (lol). The concert started at 7:30, but we didn't get their until about 8 sumthin. My mom dropped us off at the North entrance, but we needed to be at the South entrance so we had to walk ALL THE WAY AROUND until we got to it. We walked around a hill and all that fun stuff. Then, we had to wait in line to get our tickets cuz our seats were will call (that means you've already paid for them, but there wasn't enough time to have them sent, so you pick em up at the box office). We wait in for about 15 min and we go in and guess who's performing????? INNOSENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As Portia put it "they looked a hott mess",lol. They didn't sound that bad though. All I know is the one that was wit Justin or whatever, she needs to calm her hair down. It's lookin pretty bad. Too bad we missed BBMak and No Authority. We could've met No Authority but we were too late. Oh darn!

We get to our seats and some people are sittin in them. We double check to see if those are really our seats and they were. SO we go to this one security person and tell them someone is sittin in our seats. They told us to go to someone else so they can help us. So this guy comes over and he's makin sure those are our seats. We were tryin to be slick and tell him that he could move us up. But, he said he couldn't. He was really nice though. The people sittin in our seats lied and said that the person with our tickets went to get some beer, even though there was no empty seat there. The people behind us said that those people had been there for about 45 minutes and no one had moved, so our security friend had to take some action and kick them out our seats. I did feel a lil' bad cuz there was this little girl was with them and she started crying. But she should've known better if she was holding a big comforter that you'd use if you had lawn seats,lol. OH WELL!!! Then we finally get in our seats and this boy comes up to me and tells me his friend wants my number. I ask where he is and I see this short lil' round boy with the CHEESIEST grin on his face. I tell the kid's friend that Portia and I are 16, and he tells us that his friend is 16 too, which is a LIE cuz the boy looked about ten or eleven,lol. I told the kid no thank you and they left. I don't even know WHY they had their ghetto selves up at that concert in the first place…About 10 minutes later some DRUNK man comes up to me for some STRANGE reason. That man was DRUNK and he was breathin ALL UP IN MY FACE! I was disgusted. He wanted to know if he could sit in the seats next to us cuz they were off to the right and the sound wasn't as good as it is in the center or whatever. I just wanted him to get his DRUNK breath out of my face. Him and his daughter left….thank goodness.

FINALLY!!!! At about 9 sumthin Britney came up. There definitely wasn't the same rush as at an N Sync. Honestly I don't even remember much, but I'll try. Her intro thing was her on the screen and there were three of her heads or sumthin (yeah, sounds weird cuz it was). Then this silver ball comes out from somewhere (can't remember where) and it floats in the air and lands on the stage. Then two of her dancers hook themselves to the flying silver ball (lol) and they're just hangin on to it. It was pretty hott, bein that SHE STOLE THAT WHOLE CONCEPT FROM EVE (Portia told me that she did that on the Ruff Ryders/Cash $$ tour.) As the ball is going back up in the air, no one really realizes that Britney had come out of it and she was onstage, cuz there wasn't that loud shriek of when the performer first comes onstage (like at an N Sync concert). She was wearin her usual tight pants and bra top, and the weave was in full effect (lol). The first song that she performed was Crazy. Portia and I get up and start dancin (as usual, we havta to keep our section "crunk",hehe). The dancin was the same. Then she sang one of her new songs. I don't know what it's called because I don't have the album. Then she sang Stronger. "…my loneliness ain't killing me no mooooore..". That song is kinda corny….Next, I think she sang From the Bottom of My Broken Heart. YES, she lip-synched it like she did/does every song. Afterwards, I think she sang another song, but I can't remember. Britney took a break while her back up singer came out with 4 people to play a game called "What Would You Do to Meet Britney". This was the BEST part of the concert. One the singers explained how someone on the screen would give them instructions on what each of them had to do. the screen all scrambles and who do I see?!?!?! NSYNC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She just couldn't go on tour without having them with her, could she? Of course I'm like, screamin my head off at the screen, and Chris tells the first person that they gotta bark like a dog. Then Justin (?) tells the next person that they had to flop like a fish outta water. The person that did that just looked…retarded. JC comes on and using his gay hand motions, explains how the next person has to sing their favorite Britney song. The guy sang Lucky and he did pretty good. Then *Lance* (ooh la la) comes on and tells the person they havta act like a chicken. Of course I didn't really notice the person cuz I was too busy screamin for *Lance* to take off his pants and meet me at my place (hehe). It was extra funny bein the fact I'm surrounded by 5 year olds and their parents,lol. Portia told me i should stop and save it for my concert in July (LOL!). The guy that sang won and he got to meet Britney. She came back out wearin sumthin like the Sometimes outfit, and the set was like a room. There was a bed, a dresser with a mirror, a door, all that kinda stuff. The next song she sang is my favorite Britney song, Born To Make You Happy. This was my other favorite part of the concert. I love the dance to this song too. Then she broke it down with a lil' salsa dance. It was hott, except she messed up,lol. And then she accidentally lip-synched when there weren't any words. Haha! Next she sang, Lucky, another Britney song that I like. Towards the end of the song her and the dancers put on sailor hats and the screen is flashin red, white, & blue. Atleast, I think it was during this song. I'm pretty sure it was though. Next song she sang was Sometimes (…I think). It was funny cuz at the end of the song her and her dancers got in a pillow fight, and this one dancer was BEATING her in the bootie. I mean, it didn't look very friendly even though she thought it was…Whenever that girl talks she has the THICKEST country accent. Just had to let y'all know that….I think there was a break and her band was rockin out for the audience. She came back and I think she sang Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know. She walked up the stairs and she was wearin a sparkly robe thing that went all the way to the bottom of the steps. I guess it was pretty…Then she came back out wearin a purple cat suit and she sang that Cher song off the first album (the last track on the CD)…I think she sang another new song, but I don't know what it's called. Next she sang her She'kspere wannabe song Don't Go Knockin On My Door. That's a pretty good song. I liked the dance to that. Next, she sang ..Baby One More Time. She was sittin at a desk wearin a white button down shirt that wasn't tied up, and a plaid skirt. Then half-way through the songs she rips that off and she has on a belly shirt and a ripped up skirt (lol). After this, people actually thought the concert was over, despite the fact she hadn't sang ..Oops I Did It Again. People really did leave. About 5 minutes later she came back out in a black leather outfit with *flames* on it. It looked pretty okay. When she finished the concert really was over.

Portia and I headed over to the merchandise stand figuring we could get a program half price since the concert was over. But, I forgot we're talkin about Johnny Wright here so that wasn't gonna happen. He doesn't have a house like that cuz he let's his artist sell their merchandise 1/2 price after the concert is over. Overall, I liked it. A Britney concert is probably sumthin I'd only go to once. I don't plan on goin to one ever again though. Like I said, I tried to remember as much as I could, but I know I forgot some stuff…That just means you gotta go to see her yourself,lol.


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