The Big Chat

The time has come, my children. The time has come for me to don my battle gear and do what I swore I would never do: Enter an 'NSync chat. **Shudder** Yeah, it was as scary as it sounds. Scary as it was though, it was also kinda fun(ny) after a while. I mean, it seems like with every chat, you have the same obligatory features: 1) That weird rock and roller that absolutely HATES 'NSync and insists on calling them 'NFAG or something. 2) The stupid 'NSync poser. 3) The person that BELIEVES the 'NSync poser. 4) The crazy stalker fan that has warped herself into believing that she actually KNOWS 'NSync. 5) The lonely boy that's using 'NSync as a way to pick up chicks and possibly have a "digital get down". 6) That other very annoying person who insists on doing those computer tricks where, after he does his dumb ass hacker codes, you'll hear, "You've got mail!" or "You've got pictures!" or "Welcome!" Bitch. And of course, the BSB vs. 'NSync debate. My comments will be in the pure, very sane white, and NO, none of the names have been changed to protect the undeniably stupid. So if you frequent this site often and see your screen name up there, do two things: 1) Don't tell me that it's you, 'cause I will joke the shit outta you and 2) stay outta 'NSync chats. That is all. Enjoy, my children, and learn from this. **By the way, for this to make even an OUNCE of sense, you MUST read ALL of the green, including the screen names, and THEN the white, for the white is based on the green.


SEANS2003: a/s/l You don't waste any time, do ya? LOL

PhatPat22588: {S SYSTEMSTART Uh-oh… here we go. And this is only the first time.

Angelhotrod: 2003 That's the amount of 'NSync paraphernalia she has… will NO ONE think of the children?

PhatPat22588: {S IM That's two…

Skatrzsuk: phat is a moron Glad you noticed…

PhatPat22588: {S IM That's three.

Angelhotrod: WILL U PLEASE STOP He's actually pissing people off now.

PhatPat22588: {S IM Four…

SEANS2003: angel. a/s/l He's tryin' to get his mack on with Angel. It's not the last you'll see of Don Juan DeTechno!

Angelhotrod: U FIRST Mmmm… truth or dare? LOL

HAL819: LOL See? He found my last comment to be funny too!

NSync41699: 2003 She's actually PROUD of her paraphernalia! Freak.

SEANS2003: 15/M/CA I'd think that a 15 year old male from Cali would like Britney Spears, not 'NSync. But there's a method to his mayhem. He's just pretending to like them so he can get the girl. Smart boy.

Angelhotrod: PLEASE U FIRST

Skatrzsuk: any chicks wanna chat with a male nsync fan press 7 Now he's tryin' to get in on the chick action… LOL

PhatPat22588: IF I'M A MORON HOW DO I KNOW HOW TO DO THIS He's just NOW answering the moron crack? Here comes the overflow of "Welcome!"'s and "Goodbye!"'s

Angelhotrod: OK

SEANS2003: NSYNC. A/S/L Notice how he said, "NSYNC" first? He's using his ace in the hole, I tell ya. It's like he's saying, "I like 'NSync too, so let's us have a "Digital digital get down".

PhatPat22588: {S IM Oh lordy…

PhatPat22588: {S GOODBYE Shoot me… please.

PhatPat22588: {S WELCOME Better yet, shoot him.

NSync41699: 16/f/Kali

Skatrzsuk: so do i but its annoying Things get a bit confusing right here…

PhatPat22588: {S GOTMAIL

OldNavyDawL 2000: 15/F/NC

SEANS2003: WHATZ KALI See what I mean about it being confusing? I think it's time for me to step in and redirect the direction that this convo is taking.

Skatrzsuk: 16/m/ny

DevanteT: i'm sorry, i don't know much about boybands, and i'd like to know, so who's the best? 'nsync? Yeah, ya like how I swung that, didn't cha?

OldNavyDawL 2000: 15/F/NC

Angelhotrod: 14/F/LAS VEGAS THERES 2 OF US

PhatPat22588: NSYNC IS GAY Really? What'd I tell ya about the rocker that hates 'NSync? Except, as the annoying hacker boy, he's playing TWO roles. The real deal 'NSync hater comes later… Hey! That rhymed!

NSync41699: California

Skatrzsuk: anybody got pics The mac is still on the loose, I see… Cue the obligatory "'NSync Chat Room Defense Team"… NOW!

Angelhotrod: NO NO NO U R GAY Ahhh… there it is.


PhatPat22588: LIMP RULEZ What do they rule?

Peridot2005: BYE EVERYONE!!!!! NYSYNC RULEZ What does 'NSync rule?

ButterflyJasmine: don't talk about my men like that! They're hers?! Not Lance! Never Lance! Damn you, varlet! Homewrecker! LMAO

Peridot2005: *NSYNC I hadn't even noticed that she misspelled "'NSync" the first time… HA!

Angelhotrod: BYE BYE BYE Oh no she didn't! Hahahahahaha!!!! Oh God… I gotta help these poor children out right quick… time for some role playing. Hint: I'm pretending like I know nothing about boybands…

DevanteT: is 'nsync supposed to be better than bsb or somethin?

Peridot2005: bye


OldNavyDawL 2000: lol my friend calls nsync her men How charming… wanna answer my damn question?

PhatPat22588: EMINEM RULEZ What the HELL does he rule?!

PhatPat22588: {S WELCOME Jesus… I hope this kid's computer crashes suddenly…

PhatPat22588: {S YGP Maybe I should send him a virus.

PhatPat22588: {S GOTMAIL

Skatrzsuk: rap sucks If I didn't have an assignment for my website, I'd curse this joker out, but I had to ignore his ignorant comment so that I may complete my mission for all my children out there… Bastard.

Six Shays: I get frontrow tix for free all the time to all concerts Oh really? This, you guys, is the chick pretending to know 'NSync.

MandyElaine16: N SYNC is better than bsb FINALLY! Someone answers my question! Well, I'm sure 'NSync really ARE better than BSB… since MandyElaine16 said so. And she CAN'T be wrong… right?

PhatPat22588: GOT MAIL? GOT BRAIN?

OldNavyDawL 2000: ita skat Uh… yeah.

Tazbasketball12: yep sure is Things are getting confusing again… time for me to once AGAIN redirect the convo.

JohnnyJ06: 13/m im me to chat

DevanteT: why is 'nsync better? As if I don't know the answer… Vocal/Harmonizing ability, Dance moves, Looks, All around personality…

PhatPat22588: {S GOTMAIL? NO! Bitch…

PhatPat22588: {S GOTMAIL

PhatPat22588: {S INACTIVITY45

Six Shays: they Nsync guys arew so fun to og to clubs woth they dance funnt at clubs thye make me laugh At first, I didn't understand what the hell she was saying. The scary thing was, she was talking to ME! LOL Man… I think she was trying to say, "I love 'NSync. I don't know them, but I wish I did. I always imagine that I'm their best friend and that they're in love with me and we hang out. I talk to my stuffed animals and pretend that I'm talking to them!" Or else she was saying, "The 'NSync guys are so fun to go to clubs with. They dance funny at clubs. They make me laugh." That could have been it, but I'm not sure.

OldNavyDawL 2000: omg Here it comes…

Six Shays: what oldnavy

OldNavyDawL 2000: nevermind girl...ur strange i am putting u on ignore When I first read this, I DIED OUT LAUGHING! Man, this person is my friggin' hero for the rest of the night! I couldn’t have said it better if I tried! LMFAO

Tazbasketball12: clic 98 Nsync is better than bsb clic 10 if bsb is better than Nsync This person was feeling left out and needed something to do… so she just put this in.

Tazbasketball12: 98

MarinersFann101: 10

OldNavyDawL 2000: i like bsb and nsync both Wow, there aren't many people like you in the world…

MandyElaine16: 98

NSync41699: 98 Now THIS is why I say chat rooms should be outlawed…

NSync41699: 98

NSync41699: 98 …and she's not done yet…

NSync41699: 98

NSync41699: 98

NSync41699: 98…wow. **Rolls eyes sarcastically** She really loves her 'NSync.

NSync41699: 98

NSync41699: 98 Can someone PLEASE get this child a life?

NSync41699: 98

NSync41699: 98 She's like the Energizer bunny…

NSync41699: 98 … she keeps going…

NSync41699: 98 …and going…

NSync41699: 98 …and going…

NSync41699: 98 …and going…

NSync41699: 98 …and going…

NSync41699: 98 …and going…

NSync41699: 98 …and going…

Six Shays: I know hte guys personaly …until Six Shays shuts her up with yet ANOTHER silly ass comment. God bless this child… I think.

Six Shays: they are so nice Yeah, they were nice when I REALLY met them… in the Meet and Greet.

POTO234: hey y'all Howdy, pardner!

Six Shays: hey

DevanteT: you know 'nsync? really... how'd you meet 'em? This was intended to sound WAAY more sarcastic than it seems. Seriously, I had one eyebrow arched in disbelief the entire time I typed it out.

POTO234: wassup? WAASSUUUUUUUPPP!!!! LOL Sorry, had to throw that in.

POTO234: who knows nsync? Pay attention, and you'll learn somethin'.

Six Shays: I live by Justin in orlnado And I guess you see him all the time while he's NEVER HOME!

DevanteT: i see... Pickin' up on the sarcasm?

ShortyOLEme: wussup everybody??? And cue the 'NSync impersonator… NOW!

LiLCurLyQ611: This is Justin Timberlake LOL Hi Justin! (By the way, Cassie and I know his real screen name. Cassie has actually talked to him… the lucky dog!)

Six Shays: sure it is Like you have ANY room to be questioning somebody's credibility… IMPOSTER! ROTFL

POTO234: yeah right

BaTdZMaRuGrL: mak emy boobies one more size WHAAAAT?!

LiLCurLyQ611: and u actually believed me? No, we didn't believe you… dork.

Six Shays: I know them and Justin is with his mom right now If you know them so much, why do you INSIST upon stating and restating that you know them?

SEANS2003: ANY GIRLS THINK IT IS WEIRD THAT A GUY LIKE ME LIKES NSYNC PRESS 2003 Return of the mack… that was actually a song at one time. Just can't remember who sang it. It was pretty catchy, too.

FuGiTiVe468: n shit sux ass And THIS, people, is the REAL 'NSync hater! Hahahaha…

POTO234: how do u know?

LiLCurLyQ611: riiiiight- u know them six shays This child just ENTERED the chat and saw through Six Shay's façade. Hurray! Maybe there IS hope for the future.

Six Shays: how I know what That you can't type for shit? Well, all we have to do is read your damn ill-formed sentences…

LiLCurLyQ611: 2003 Lil Curly thinks it's weird that a guy like SEANS2003 likes 'NSync. You're so mean! (Now if that ain't the pot callin' the kettle black!)

Six Shays: I I knwo them

SS8Spike: hi room bye room Smart kid… infiltrated the chat… scoped around… realized that this was dangerous territory… and got the HELL OUT before he could become contaminated. I should've followed his lead, but damned if I'm gonna walk out on my assignment now!

SEANS2003: WHY LIL Aww… he wants to know why LIL thinks he's weird.

POTO234: that justin is w/ his mom In case you guys don't understand what's going on… two different convos are taking place right now. The one with SEAN and LIL about the "WEIRD FOR A GUY TO LIKE 'NSYNC" and POTO and Six Shay's debate on how she'd know Justin was with his mom. Ready? Go!

LiLCurLyQ611: cuz sea Sea? Sea where? See what? See the sea?

ShortyOLEme: so nobody wants to say hi to me? I didn't even know you were here… hi!

Six Shays: cause i knoiw him and they went out to dinner Once again… she knows him. But what does him going out to dinner have to do with anything? It does absolutely NOTHING to reinforce her argument.


FuGiTiVe468: justin fuks his mom lamo The 'NSync hater strikes again!

ShortyOLEme: six shays how do u know him? The $1,000,000 question, people!

NsyncJustin246: GOD MADE RUBBER GOD MADE GLASS GOD MADE NSYNC TO KICK BSB ASS We also have a poet… wow. I'm impressed. **Gag**

Six Shays: I live by him in orlando Do you now? That's right, Shay. Keep the lie short, simple, and sweet.

LiLCurLyQ611: here to spread a word around O-kay, what's the word, my good man?

LiLCurLyQ611: its hidge What the hell does THAT mean?

LiLCurLyQ611: it means cool Oh? Well, I don't think I'm gonna use your word. It's kinda gay.

ShortyOLEme: um isnt nsync in cali right now I thought they were.

War Master 9886: HELLO

LiLCurLyQ611: ciao ciao 4 now u peeops

War Master 9886: PEOPLE

SEANS2003: WHAT DOES THAT MEEN LIL Pay attention! It means "cool"!

LiLCurLyQ611: *peeps

ShortyOLEme: getting ready for their tour

POTO234: but how do u Know what they did

LiLCurLyQ611: COOL

Six Shays: ya they are his mom is with him She is SOO lyin' her ass off right now… LOL

ShortyOLEme: ok u just said

ShortyOLEme: that u saw them out for dinner And she goes in for the kill…

ShortyOLEme: and u live in orlando Boo-ya!

POTO234: yeah - they were in my town last night Backin' up Shorty's argument…

ShortyOLEme: and then u just said they are in cali

TENNMANBOYZ13181: sup ladies Cassie, this is NOT Justin. LMAO

BaByGurL4U001: hi room

BaByGurL4U001: I got in here quick Congratulations… I'm proud.

NSYNCFREAK0506: if any hot guys wanna chat im me Freak…

KSchro1017: HEy!

Six Shays: I do live in oraldno Justin called me and he had to go cause his mom and him are goign out t LIAR, LIAR! PANTS ON FIRE!

TENNMANBOYZ13181: hey Hi.

BanjoSo1: TADA

BaByGurL4U001: I'm already in

BanjoSo1: IM HERE We see you… can't miss ya.

BaByGurL4U001: lol

KSchro1017: does ne hott guy want to talk to me?? Have they started talking to you yet? Seriously people, I sound mean, but shit like this goes on in EVERY friggin' chat!

BaByGurL4U001: shays

POTO234: Justin didn't call u After the formalities are over, the soldiers jump back to the subject at hand… Shay and her lies.

BaByGurL4U001: lol

ShortyOLEme: riiiight six why would u be telling everybody this stuff online ne way? Mmm-hmmm! **Snaps fingers ghetto style** Get her, girlfriend!!

KSchro1017: that looks like juston timberlake?? Don't know WHAT she's talkin' about, so I won't worry about it.

BaByGurL4U001: I know bragging

ShortyOLEme: if u knew him im pretty sure u would brag about it

BaByGurL4U001: she needs a life Haha… they're talkin' shit about her now.

POTO234: what's his phone # then? Once again… goin' in for the kill.

Six Shays: cause it is not a big deal that I know them If it's not, then why the hell did you state that "I know them" 11 million fucking times?

CrazEfoJustin11: man..that other nsync chat was not fun,so whats up peeps??????

War Master 9886: YOU PEOPLE ARE WEIRD Astute observation… I was thinking the exact same thing.

NSYNCFREAK0506: if any guys wanna chat im me

ShortyOLEme: well then

ShortyOLEme: dont brag

ShortyOLEme: about it That


















Crazy girl.

JDS419600: HEY J GUESS WHAT I DID TONIGHT?????????????????? Practiced writing in caps locks and perfecting your question mark tango?

SHEEpboY19: hey nsync fags And we have ANOTHER 'NSync hater… LOL This is getting better by the minute.

BaByGurL4U001: not a big deal then stop telling we know u r lying She's still talking to Six Shay… That convo was SOOO two minutes ago! LOL

War Master 9886: WHO'S HERE FROM NY Not me… I'm just an 'NSync fag from VA. LOL

SHEEpboY19: i mean fans LOL He doesn't hate 'NSync! He meant to write "fans", not "fags"! Hahahaha! That's funny in and of itself! Man… LMAO

BaByGurL4U001: U don't see me talking like that huh j?

POTO234: sure it's a big deal - everyone wants to know them


Hardyzfan4eva: HI

SHEEpboY19: hullo

NsyncJustin246: <~~~~~~~WANTS TO TALK TO A CUTE WHITE BOY Does he have to be white? Does he have to be a boy? Maybe you should chat with Eminem. His screen name is IHATBOYBNDS187.

Tortoise0143: HIIIIIIIIIIII WAR Perky…


SEANS2003: ANY GIRLS WHO WANTS TO TALK ABOUT NSYNC PRESS 2003 There's a mack war going on between SEAN and Skatrzsux. Let's see who wins!

KSchro1017: Sheepoboy ure gay!! What? Not Sheepboy! Oh wait, she's talking to "Sheepoboy" not my Sheepboy19…LOL

SHEEpboY19: Toia

BaByGurL4U001: me too nanjo Typo… it's "Banjo". Let's see if he calls her on it.

BanjoSo1: NANJO? Yep, he did.

SHEEpboY19: nope

BaByGurL4U001: *banjo

BanjoSo1: LOL

BanjoSo1: OK

Hardyzfan4eva: NO HES NOT GAY

BaByGurL4U001: sorry my typing sux

BanjoSo1: YEAH HIS REAL NAME IS JOSHUA THOUGH Whose? JC's? I did NOT know that!

BanjoSo1: I THINK

Hunybuny87: I LOVE JOEY! Thank God somebody does.

NSync41699: Hey Sean

POTO234: ********JC********


SHEEpboY19: u r pretty clever Kshoro



POTO234: Joshua Scott Chasez I'd like to take this time out to say that I LOVE his name. Seriously. His and Chris'. There's just something about the way their full name sounds that makes you smile. Try it. Say it out loud with me: "Joshua Scott Chasez". Now the other one: "Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick". Pretty, ain't it?

SHEEpboY19: my name is joey My name is Tammy.


BanjoSo1: HI JOEY


BaByGurL4U001: I tak an hour to type 1 word This is starting to get ridiculous.


Hunybuny87: really? cause i love Joey You love Joey 'cause-a WHAT? Is it just me, or did that sentence have NO relevancy whatsoever? I musta missed something.

BaByGurL4U001: mine is tammy Mine too!


Hunybuny87: mine is too OMG, we're soul sistas! NOT!

SHEEpboY19: Toia where ru?

BanjoSo1: J/K

ELmAnIa69: nsync came to my house to eat dinner Really? They came to my house too! Wow!

XHayxHayx55x: --------------WHATS GOING ON?!!!!!------------------- God knows I was asking myself that EXACT same question, dude.

SHEEpboY19: yup so is toias

Hunybuny87: Melanie is my name too

Hunybuny87: sweet

ECStB27: hey ///\\\///sync fans


SHEEpboY19: hey hardyz u like nsync?

BaByGurL4U001: I hate my name,lol Then go by another name, like me. By night, I'm known as Boonquisha.

BanjoSo1: WHY? 'Cause I like how is rolls off my upper lip, ya know? To quote Tony Toni Tone, "It feels good!"

KSchro1017: I love NsyNc And I bet they don't give two shits. Really. I mean, everyone that loves them, they probably don't even care. Just want the dolla dolla bills, y'all.

BaByGurL4U001: Tammy? I dunno

BaByGurL4U001: kinda.......I dunno

XHayxHayx55x: *LIPSYNC-------hehehe That was a joke… I think.

Hunybuny87: Banjo is your name REALLY melanie? cause mine is too

BaByGurL4U001: ...................................

Hardyzfan4eva: KINDA He kinda likes 'NSync…

Hardyzfan4eva: THEY R OK He thinks they are OK. I think they are KO. Knock Outs. Fine to def… 'specially that blond one. You know… The blond one with the big butt? NO, the BLOND one… Blond! With the big butt! No, that's Chris! No… Dude, that's JOEY! Not JC! I said with the big butt! No! Now you're talking about Joey again! The BLOND! Yeah… You know… Lance!

BaByGurL4U001: plain


BaByGurL4U001: jane

TENNMANBOYZ13181: hey He reminds me of this guy from this movie I saw called "Orgazmo", which starred Trey Parker and Dian Bachar and Matt Stone. It's too funny. This one guy just kept saying over and over, "Hey, how ya doin'?" That's ALL he said throughout the movie!

BanjoSo1: OF COURSE TAHT IS MY NAME How did we get back on the subject of names?

BanjoSo1: GOD He started this topic?

BaByGurL4U001: lol Glad you found that to be funny… now you're gonna burn in Hell. You betta repent, girl!

BaByGurL4U001: hey Don't get offended! I spits the truth!

ECStB27: well i gotta bounce people bye bye bye everybody n stay ///\\\///sync That was kinda corny, but I like her ///\\\///…

Hunybuny87: sweet! rude much?

BaByGurL4U001: sup homie J

NsyncIsAllThat: i was watching armageddon, that was a good movie! No it wasn't… Just wanted to argue a bit.

BanjoSo1: ITS NOT LIKE I GO AROUND MAKING NAMES UP And here we go with the name thing again…


NSync41699: Hunybuny IM me Big Mack attack! Go on wit' cha bad self!

Hunybuny87: ya never know! Tease…

BaByGurL4U001: lol




And of course, by then I was about to rip my hair out. Partly from frustration, partly from anger, but mostly from insanity… or should I say *///\\\///Sanity? No, I should just say insanity. Keep in mind that I was only in this chat for about seven minutes. Call it "Seven Minutes In Hell"… My fake hair as my witness, I will NEVER tread into another 'NSync chat again! May Hell freeze over and develop a championship ice hockey team before I ever THINK about doing a mission like this again. That is all, people. Bye bye bye! Ahhh! I've been contaminated! Sanctuary! I must seek sanctuary!

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