Home For Christmas…

A Review Of Sorts


It's kinda strange that "Home For Christmas", 'NSync's Christmas album, only went double platinum whereas everything else they did is either diamond or almost diamond. So I decided to buy "Home For Christmas" and listen to it as a way to figure out why. By the end of this review, you all should know whether this album is good and you should buy it or whether it's bad and should never be seen again. So let us begin.

Track One: "Home For Christmas"

Nice little "ooohs" at the beginning. It has kind of a Michael Jackson/"Man In the Mirror" feel to it, and not just in the melody. It's more in the way they sing the solos in a raspy whisper. I like the chorus, though. The melody speeds up a bit for that part, then slows down again. The background harmonies are great, since they kinda blend with the bells and other instruments. Well I'll be… they've got a black church choir in the background! Is it just me or do a lot of pop singers do that as a way to 1) earn some type of strange credibility from music critics and to 2) make the song sound better? LOL Nice song in general, but I see myself skipping this song on a regular basis.

Track Two: "Under My Tree"

This is my favorite song on the album, and for only one reason: the chorus. I don't really like Chris' voice, but JC sounds great. Justin's kinda mediocre… his whisper voice just doesn't do it for me. But when they go into the chorus, their voices and harmonies just weave right into the background instruments, and it's just beautiful. My favorite part is when they sing, "No one else but me and you, nothing else I'd rather do, then make all your dreams come true… under my tree." Awesome.

Track Three: "I Never Knew The Meaning Of Christmas"

Damn, what the hell is up with all these Christmas songs? Oh yeah, I forgot. This is a Christmas record. As for this song? Pure cheese. Sorry. It's just dumb. Justin sounds really good on the song, but it's just reminiscent of a Backstreet Boys song. **No, I did NOT just say that!** But seriously, this is a song that the Backstreet Buttheads could've sang, and that sucks, 'cause one of the things that sets 'NSync apart from them is the fact that BSB could NEVER sing their songs. Period. Just look at "I Thought She Knew". But this one? Backstreet could sing it with their eyes closed… not to mention the melody is just watered down R&B beats. Ugh. And those "Fa la la la la's"? Stop it. Nothing could save the suckiness of this song. Skip, skip, skip.

Track Four: "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays"

I've NEVER seen the video for this song, but based on what people tell me about it, I'm glad that I haven't. I heard is sucks more than an Oreck 8-Pound Vacuum. But I still kinda like this song. It's catchy, and straight pop. LOL Kinda like the "Tearin' Up My Heart" of Christmastime. I like the chorus: "It's a wonderful feeling, feel the love in the room from the floor to the ceiling. It's that time of year. Christmastime is here." Cool. The harmonies rock and the song is just sooo danceable. I love it.

Track Five: "The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)"

My problem with this song is that anyone who has the nerve to sing "The Christmas Song" better sing it better than The Temptations, 'cause I grew up listening to their album "Give Love At Christmas" since I was a little kid. And man, when they sing "The Christmas Song", they just take it to a whole new level. It's because of that that anytime I hear someone else sing it, I automatically think it sucks. Sorry, I'm just really biased in favor of The Temptations. You guys should REALLY go get that album. I guarantee that you won't skip one song on it. Now, back to the 'NSync version. It was… I dunno. Not good in my opinion. I thought JC should have sang all of the leads, 'cause Justin's voice wasn't suited for this song. But the background harmonies were great. I just like The Temptations' version better. Especially since 'NSync's version sounded like it was sang by a white 50's doo-wop group… which I think was the sound they were going for. Well, mission accomplished. Skippity, skip, skip, skip.

Track Six: "I Guess It's Christmas Time"

I'd just like to take this time to say that on the album they wrote out "Christmas Time", but it's really supposed to be "Christmastime", because you're talking about an actual frame of time, not modifying the word "time" with "Christmas". Sorry, I just had to show how smart and gifted I was in grammar for a second. Okay, on to this song. It's alright. It's a song I'd kinda listen to at night with the lights off as I lay in bed. Chris doesn't sound too bad on this song, and that's a TRUE compliment, considering that I hate his voice. As for the words… well, I try not to pay too much attention to them. I'll never GUESS that it's Christmastime… I always KNOW. 'Cause I can smell it in the air… plus prices get jacked up 150%.

Track Seven: "All I Want Is You This Christmas"

Jesus, someone please erase this dumb ass song off of my CD. The harmonies are good… as usual. JC sounds good… as usual. But Chris' voice really annoys me. That guy is strictly background material, 'cause his voice is worse than mine. (And trust me, that ain't a good thing.) I'm just wondering when the hell Lance is gonna get a solo. I mean, shit, if Chris can get one, why the hell can't Lance or Joey? They sing a helluva lot better than he does! And with a mighty yell, the word, "SKIIIIIIIP" echoes out across the land.

Track Eight: "The First Noel"

I honestly don't know what the hell a Noel is, but I've heard this word since I was five. Lemme look it up in the dictionary. Okay, I'm back. Wow. Who knew that "Noel" was just another word for "Christmas"? I feel incredibly stupid. But I REALLY like this song. Everyone sounds incredibly beautiful on this song, including Chris and Justin. The fast, drum R&B beats they added to this song really make it enjoyable. And I love when they kind of do a high harmony when they sing the word "Noel." Beautiful, I tell ya. Simply beautiful.

Track Nine: "In Love On Christmas"

I kind of like this song. If I'm in the mood, I'll skip it. Just 'cause of the stupid words. They resort to childish rhymed verses like, "Exchanging love and gifts sitting in front of the tree. Me holding you and you holding me." Gag. But I do like the chorus and the bridge. Them singing that "everyone should be in love on Christmas" is sweet. It doesn't even offend me that I've NEVER been in love on Christmas. I also like when they sing the words, "Jingle bells" over and over at the beginning. Cute. The song actually gets better towards the end. If you can survive the beginning of the song, that is.

Track Ten: "It's Christmas"

Holy shit! Joey is singing a solo! Yay! Oh wait, now Justin is singing. Now, where's my sawed-off shotgun? And Chris is singing now? Man, they should have just kept this song to Joey and JC. Why don't people realize that Chris canNOT sing? That Justin's voice is NOT all that? Damn, let Joey and Lance sing! Joey sounds the absolute BEST on this song, and the only reason why I usually skip it is because I have to put up with Chris' annoying voice and Justin's mediocre singing… torture after hearing Joey sing so beautifully. But in a nutshell, this song is okay. It'd be one of my favorites if Joey and JC and Lance sang while Justin shut the hell up and Chris' mouth was gagged with a dirty sock. Atleast Lance got a chance to talk at the end.

Track Eleven: "O Holy Night (A Cappella)"

I knew an a cappella song was coming sooner or later. It wasn't as big of a deal as everyone made it out to be, but the song was still pretty nice. You can REALLY hear Lance in this song, and not even Justin's scratchy, whiny voice could drown him out. Unfortunately, Justin's voice didn't drown out Chris', either. JC sounded great, and the harmonies were awesome. I was just flipping out 'cause Lance sounded so good. I don't know why they don't give this kid a solo. I guess egos are ridin' high. That's why after all this is over, I betcha Lance is gonna be the only one that's not gonna give a damn. He's just gonna be successful managing his people, running his club, and doing whatever other business ventures he has, while the others file for bankruptcy. LOL But anyways, I like this song, but I skip it usually.

Track Twelve: "Love In Our Hearts On Christmas Day"

I hate this song. I'm tired of Justin's voice, and I'm ready for this CD to be over. The one good thing about this song was that they were right in separating the words "Christmas" and "day" in the title. 'Cause "Christmas" is modifying "day". LOL I like the piano in the background, though. I'm seriously about to skip this song, though. I think that I'd have to listen to this song more and more to like it. I see myself kinda laying in bed listening to this song or decorating the tree as this song is on. But for now… SKIP!

Track Thirteen: "The Only Gift"

I've heard this melody before, but I can't put my finger on it. Oh! Now I remember! Mandy Moore uses the beginning melody in her song "Walk Me Home". LOL Still, I don't really like this song, either. The concept reminds me of a song on The Temptations Christmas album called, "Everything For Christmas But You". Beautiful song. In the song, they talk about how they have the stockings hung up, the tree trimmed just right, candles lit, caviar and wine… but the only thing they don't have is the one they love, and no amount of possessions in the world can change that. Brings a tear to my eye, I tells ya. Hark! What dost thine ears hear? Could it be? A LANCE solo? Holy shit, it is! He got a WHOLE TWO LINES to himself where he wasn't just talking! He was actually SINGING! Yay! I just don't get how Barry White, a true bass if there was one, can sing a whole album to himself, Michael of Boyz II Men (another bass) can get mad solos on their albums, but Lance only gets two damn lines. Their excuse? "Because he helps us fill out the melody and round it out." Bullshit. You don't hear Boyz II Men sayin' no crap like that. Why? 'Cause no one asks! And why does no one ask? 'Cause Michael gets solos. What'd I say earlier about the egos?

Track Fourteen: "Kiss Me At Midnight"

I love this song. It's so sweet and catchy. I can see myself playing this song at one of my Christmas parties. I just love the part where they're like, "Kiss me at midnight, dance into the morning light. Party into the New Year. All of my friends are here and when the time is right, kiss me at midnight." I'm gonna dance around my room to this all the time.


So, the final word on this album? Buy it, but be prepared to skip some shit. Or, if you want to, you can download the good songs off of Napster. LOL The only drawback is that you could only listen to it when your computer is on… unless you have a CD burner, but I'm not EVEN gonna go there. Anyways, the good songs on this album are: "Home For Christmas", "Under My Tree", "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays", "The First Noel", "The Only Gift" (but only 'cause Lance got a solo), and "Kiss Me At Midnight". Be prepared to skip everything else. What you should ALSO buy is The Temptations "Give Love At Christmas". I guarantee that you will never look at Christmas songs the same after hearing it. That's my word for now. See ya!

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