Time Out With C.K.


Okay, this is my report on my concert experience. If you haven't seen the concert yet and want to be surprised, refrain from reading my article. Well, I hope you enjoy it! I did! Bye, Bye, Bye!

Sincerely, CK


"CK" and Amy’s Excellent Adventure


Basically, when I found out that *NSYNC was reissuing tickets for the Houston shows, I was ecstatic. I mean, when they first issued the tickets in March, I was ready to buy my tickets, but my grandmother refused to let me. (Could that be more annoying?!) We will not get into that. Let us fast forward to May - the month that was.

I was bummed to tears! I was like, (pretend I am whining) "I want to go to the show!" Lo and behold, the local DJ announced that they were reissuing tickets, and I did my happy dance. It kind of looks like the Carlton. Anyway, I was like, "YEAH!" But my mind was going, "How the hell are you going to buy the tickets?!"

Around that time, I was to have a job interview. The job interview and the reissuing of the tickets were on the same day! Tee-hee! (This will be the first of many tee-hees in this report.) I figured that my job interview was an all day thing. So I decided I would get the tickets first, and then go to the job interview. My grandmother was none the wiser. Tee-hee!

I went to the ticket booth, and I was the first person there. Tee-hee! In fact, I was the only person there. Tee-hee! I waited forever, but finally, the booth opened and I got two tickets on the side of the stage! Tee-hee! Unfortunately, my job interview didn’t go as well, but that is another story.

Anyway, I made up this huge story saying I won the tickets off the Internet to my grandmother and my mom. They believed me! Tee-hee! So I called mi amiga, Amy, and told her the good news. She was bouncing off the walls, as far as I could hear her.

So lets flash-forward to the concert. At the concert, the atmosphere was big and loud. It was so electrifying. When we got inside the venue and sat down, Steve Fatone shows up on stage and starts yammering. I really did not care what he had to say so I went to the restroom. When I came back, Amy was grooving to the sounds of Ron Irizarry, Chris K.’s protégé. To tell you the truth, I really wanted to see the guys.

When Ron’s set was finished, Steve was there yet again. He introduced Pink and then Sisqo. Finally, his rat looking self introduced *NSYNC. All together now: Tee-hee!

First, they started off with "No Strings Attached." They hung on cords, or more appropriately strings. Chris looked like that scary dude from A Clockwork Orange.

After that, it is kind of a blur to me, so whatever song I write about will be the set I remembered. What I did remember after "NSA" was that for "God Must Have Spent," the guys were on these pedestals. I was afraid for my Keebler Elf (Chris to other folks). He looked like he was about to pee in his glittery pants.

The next thing I remembered was Ananda Lewis asking the audience which song should *NSYNC sing next. Amy and I were hoping for "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," but to no accord. The majority of the audience voted for "Tearing up My Heart." During that set, I waved at J.C., and he waved back! Tee-hee! I feel so special! Anyway, then there was ten minutes of Justin beat boxing. Oh joy. (Pretend there is a cold stillness in the air.)

I remember after that scene, there was the living room set where they sang "I Drive Myself Crazy." Oh, Chris and Lance sprawled out on a couch! Tee-hee! Where was I?! Oh, yeah, back to the report! Also, in the living room scene, they belted out "I Thought She Knew."

Afterwards, there was this backstage set. It showed the guys going into their dressing room which looked like a circus, literally. When they all sat down on the couch, Tom Servo popped out of nowhere, and Keebler Elf was like, "Whatchu doing here?!" Tee-hee! Well, I thought it was funny. The guys and Tom Servo watched TV together and find Lancey-boy on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" This was a WTF moment. The whole "the friends don’t know the answer ‘cause they suck" moment was kind of funny. So when the damn skit was over, finally, they did "Just Got Paid." And yes, I did check my mirrors, and I did look fly.

Anyway...oh yeah, they did "I Want You Back." I kind of forgot. Also, the guys did "Space Cowboy." I would like to thank Darren the Choreographer for making the boys groove to "SC." I also forgot about "It’s Gonna Be Me." Sorry about that.

Another thing I remembered was the song "It Makes Me Ill." OMG, they killed Justin, those bastards! J/K! Oh Sorry. I got carried away for a moment. The rest of the guys did bring Justin back to life, though, unfortunately, they died at the end of the song. Their group was five years old. ***SNIFFLE SNIFFLE*** J/K!

The song they sang was "This I Promise You." J.C. kept mumbling about being closer to the audience. So the guys would step up each time J.C. said "I want to be closer." The guys got to the front of the stage , and J.C. said "I want to be closer." The rest of the guys look at him funny saying "We can’t get any closer." J.C. said, "Yes, we can," and the stage starts moving. As the stage is moving and the guys are singing, someone threw Joey a neon blue faux snakeskin cowboy hat. During the song, Justin took the hat off of Joey’s head and said "No, Joey." Justin put the hat on the moving stage, and Lance picked it up and wore it. Everyone cheered.

After that was "Digital Getdown." Tee-hee! I wanted to see what could Darren do to make Amy and I extremely happy. Darren didn’t let us down! The guys basically humped the floor during the song! Tee-hee! Oh, if only I could have been that stage!

Finally, the last song of the night was "Bye, Bye, Bye." When they emerged from out the trap doors, Lance had that cowboy hat on his head. I think he likes it.

All in all, it was a great show, but the festivities didn’t end there.

After the show, Amy and I felt frisky and wanted to find the guys’ hotel. We asked one of the vendors to help us out, and she said, "NO!" So, I said, "Well, if we guess where they are, then will you tell us?" She said, "Maybe." I started rambling off hotels in the vicinity of the venue and looked at the woman’s facial expressions in the process. Once I said the right hotel name, the vendor’s face gave it away. So we figured out where they stayed, but we had to figure out where it was.

Since we couldn’t figure it out, Amy and I went to the concert after party at a local club. When we got there, they said you have to be eighteen and up. My compadre is not eighteen, so she couldn’t get in. So I stayed with her outside the club. While standing outside, we talked to a security guard. The conversation went to where the hotel the guys were staying at was. He told us, and he wished us luck. What a nice man he was. We were on our way.

We make it to the hotel, and we park behind a car who was with a cavalcade with *NSYNC. When Amy and I pulled up in the driveway, we saw Joey with many women and Lance get into a large white van. Amy freaked out considerably. She was hyperventilating, but she was okay. As for me, I controlled the teenie inside of me from going bonkers seeing them. I didn’t need to run over the car in front of me screaming "I love *NSYNC!"

All of a sudden, a 16-year-old looking parking valet came up to my car saying I cannot park there. I basically told the valet where to go and started to follow *NSYNC. When *NSYNC got on the freeway, we were in tow. Unfortunately, the driver was like Speed Racer, and we lost them. Actually, we lost ourselves because in chasing them, we were heading for San Antonio. Oops! Anyway, we got back to my house in time to go find the guys the next day.

Amy and I went back to the hotel to find our men. When we got there, we snuck in the side entrance and stayed there in that hotel for about five hours. We rode up the elevator to the second floor. We heard the maids talking about what time the guys were leaving, and so with that we headed back down to the lobby.

Amy and I waited patiently for our boys to show. After all that waiting, we saw Lonnie the bodyguard walk outside and get into a van cab. I was thinking to myself, "Why would Lonnie get into a cab by himself?" I then realized that Lonnie and, more importantly, *NSYNC was gone. ***WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!*** I later find out that they went to go see "Mission: Impossible 2". Damn it! We missed them again!

We were planning to stay there until they got back, but I had to drop Amy back at her house and pick up the little siblings! Oh well, I will never forget this experience, and who knows, maybe next time it’s gonna be me.

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