The Group Dynamic

They said it wasn't worth the things we went through... I say it ain't worth losin' you.


It depresses me to have to talk about something this serious, 'cause the idea of 'NSync breaking up scares me. I really do like seeing all of them together. But I've been noticing things about the group dynamic that's a bit off… Different from when they first started out. Then, it hit me. The entire puzzle fell into place.

When they first started out, everyone was all happy-go-lucky. They joked with one another and acted like goofy brothers… Hanson, if you will. It was noted that Chris and Justin seemed to have a lil' bond, as did Joey and Lance. JC wasn't really left out, he was just out and about, ya know? They still treated him nice and the group dynamic was great. Nothin' but love. Atleast, to our eyes that's how it looked.

I noticed that some things shifted over time, though. Lance and Justin got a lil' closer, Joey and Chris started to hang more… and JC was still kind of around. Especially during the lawsuit.

Then I noticed that they started to hang more and more with their friends outside of 'NSync. The ones they knew before they blew up and got successful. All the while, it looked like the group dynamic was crumbling a bit, regardless of them saying that they've come out of this stronger than ever. For instance, do ya notice how Lance is opening a club with one of his friends outside the group rather than someone in the group? I mean, him and the guy he's opening the club with aren't even that close! Plus, he threw a New Year's Eve party with someone outside the group, not with someone from 'NSync. Notice how they ALL do their producing and writing and business ventures with someone else and very rarely do something like that with each other?

And Lance and JC got closer. Chris and Joey still seem to be tight, but Chris and Justin are still the major bond of the group. And all the while, the "outside friends" were still there. But I just didn't see the closeness of all five anymore. I'd heard rumors that Justin and Lance don't really get along and I can't help but wonder if that's the crack in the group that's gonna split 'em up for good. I hope not. I mean, I REALLY like 'NSync and I don't wanna see them split up. Even now, when they don't all go to awards ceremonies together, it makes me mad. I mean, 'NSync is winning the award, not Justin, JC, and Chris or JC, Lance, and Chris or Joey, JC, and Justin. Sheesh! I just wanna see them get it together! If they break up, I'll be really mad, 'cause they really have a chance to be around for a long time if they just stop all these advertising tricks and shoving merchandise down people's throats. But oh well.

I'm gonna investigate this more when I go to L.A. and I'll just report back to Cassie what I find out, and she'll tell all of y'all what I observed, okay? Until then, I'll have my fingers crossed that they stick together.


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