Frequently Asked Questions

(And I Mean VERY frequent…)


Why do you guys make fun of Justin so much?

We make fun of Justin? Get outta here! We didn't even notice!

How can you make fun of 'NSync if you like 'em so much?

You're right, we can't do both. We now officially hate 'NSync… SIKE! It's actually pretty easy to like someone AND make fun of them. It's a natural thang.

I'm confused. How many people are there on the site? And who are they?

Oh boy… if y'all only knew how often we were asked this. There are two, count 'em TWO people on this damn site. Tammy and Cassie. We just accept a lot of other stuff that people do. We encourage everyone to share the humor.

How old are you guys?

Tammy = 18

Cassie = 14

Tammy + Cassie = Chris' age. LOL Just kidding.

Does it feel weird working with someone so much older/younger?

No. If it did, we wouldn't be doing it.

What's it like being black?

Yes, someone really asked us that! Tammy was so shocked that she accidentally deleted it, much to her annoyance/anger. She was DYING to show it to Cassie. The answer to this is: It's great being black. We have built-in inherited rhythm, round asses (no matter how big or small), a real reason to wear hair weaves, and Justin loves us no matter how bitchy we are to him. LOL

Tammy, what sets your fan fiction apart from others in your opinion?

Well, I only wrote one and don't plan to write another… Still, there's no romance. My characters are just friends with 'NSync, no matter how attractive the boys notice they are. I mean, it IS possible for the guys to be around beautiful girls and not feel anything more than friendship. Most of the fan fiction out there deals with sex, romance, or both, and I'm like, "If you've read one, you've read 'em all." Don't get me wrong, a lot of them are great ('NSync: Stories and Stuff, 'NSync Story Tyme, Angel's Masterpieces, etc.), but I'm all about doing what hasn't been done. Being original, ya know?

Cassie, why do you like Chris so much? He's so old.

Somebody HAD to ask, so this is what you get! Well, in the words of Aaliyah (as Justin sang so beautifully) age ain't nuthin' but a number. There's a lot more to Chris other than his age or his hair that makes me like him like I do. Chris has been through a lot in his life as a lot of people can tell. Someone who was born when their mom was 16, dad left them at a young age, step-dad killed himself, and you grew up poor, you'd think they'd be crazy! Even though he can be "crazy" at times, he still holds his ground despite what has happened to him...Not to mention, I am ALL about originality. Chris is different… Chris is VERY different. The first time I really took notice of him, he was wearin' a orange shirt with some camouflage overalls. The first thing I thought was "Wha?". But then I gave him his respect for actually wearin that on national TV... What white boy do you know can get away with extensions? Not many. He doesn't really care what other people think of him otherwise he would have gotten rid of the braids a looong time ago. I think it was really sad how people can talk about a person just cuz of sumthin' like their hair. Did it ever occur to you that's there's MORE to Chris than the hair or his age? Chris is a crazy, fun, smart, and cute guy, and he's ALWAYS been like that. I'm sorry it took some of you all 'til now (since he doesn't have his braids anymore) to realize this. I'm gettin sick of all these little Chris groupies that are poppin' up everywhere. "Chris is *SO* hot now! And he's funny!". Well you know what? He's been like that since N Sync got together. He's been like that since he used to work at Universal and like I said, I'm sorry it's taken some of you all so long to realize this... I got a little off topic but, I like Chris so much cuz in the beginning, I felt like I was one of the very few people giving him the props he deserves. I truly love him for being who he is and not having to change to fit how someone wants him to be. He doesn't have to walk around rockin' the ice around his neck or on his fingers (*cough*Justin*cough*). He's his own person in a world full of people that can't be original and always gotta look at what's "in". I just wanna say that Chris, I will always love you for who you are inside, and not by what you wear, or how your hair is or anything...I hope that clears that up FOR GOOD!! If you STILL can't understand email me.

Cassie, how often do you update?

LOL Ummm... I try to update as often as sumthin' pops into my head… I can say that right now, there's kinda sumthin' else that has my attention, but that DOESN'T mean that I'm leaving the site or anything like that. It just means that updates are more sporadic. okay?

Please don't ever just stop doing updates like so many other sites do!

We won't. We never make a promise that we can't keep.

What does the title of your page mean?

Ya see that thing on our index page that says, "Wanna know about the name of our site? Go here." Well, go there.

How'd you guys meet?

Fate and one funny ass e-mail.

Cassie, do you think you'll ever consider doing fan fiction like Tammy does?

If you hadn't noticed, Tammy has a NATURAL GIFT for writing. I don't. I'm more of a.. uhh ...musician. It's easier for her to come up with ideas and what not. That's always been sumthin' kinda hard for me. I'll try and stuff like I did with 'Celebrity Dream Date'. But as for sumthin' like 'Guardian Angels' more than likely, that's not sumthin' you should look forward to from me. But, if I ever say I'm writing a lil' humorous story, please don't bug me like, "When are you gonna have the next part of so & so story?"). It takes time for me to write stories and I'll write it whenever I feel I have sumthin' good enough to be in the story.

Do you guys only like 'NSync?

Tammy: I like a lot of other groups. Hell, I'm a self-proclaimed Jodeci fanatic. I listen to everything. Rock, Hip-hop, R&B, Pop… as long as the music is good I'll like it. If not, then it gets the boot.

Cassie: No, I like all sorts of artists. It's just that the how much I like N Sync doesn't and will never compare to how much I like some other artists. N Sync will always be on a higher level which I don't even consider being able to be compared to how much I like someone else.

You guys are so not funny.

Cool. LOL We never said we were Chris Rock or Martin Lawrence. But everyone else seems to think we're pretty funny. They can't ALL be wrong, can they?

There's so many different things on the site and I can't tell the diff between what Cassie does and what Tammy does. How can I tell the difference?

Tammy curses, Cassie doesn’t. Cassie rarely capitalizes, Tammy always does. If you notice a lot of unnecessary ",lol"'s "hehe"'s or "haha"'s, it was probably Cassie since she likes to laugh...A Plus, on the "What's Up?" page, we always specify who did what.

How do y'all feel about the Backstreet Boys, Christina Alguilera, Britney Spears, and other artists?

Tammy: Um, I wrote a lil' somethin' somethin' on BSB titled "BSB? Let me at 'em!", and as for the others, I'll sum it up like this: Christina A. is alright. She can really sing, but lately it sounds like she just tries to show off. Britney can't sing if her life depended on it, but I'm quick to say that the girl is a bomb ass entertainer. I really like music where I can hear the artists' passion. That's what drew me to 'NSync. I also like DMX, who is the most intense rapper out there. Seriously, no one and I mean NO ONE can touch him. I'm feelin' Jay-Z kinda, but I don't listen to him as often as I used to. I love Mary J., as usual. Umm… K-Ci and Jo-Jo, much love for them always… I dunno, I like a lot of people but lately I'm listening to stuff that my mom and dad listened to like Al Green, Otis Redding, Roberta Flack, and Earth, Wind, & Fire. I feel that right now music is uncertain and artist are just recycling the same shit over and over. It's a cycle, though. People wonder where music could possibly go from the "recycling point" and someone comes out and just totally revolutionizes it again. Hence, the cycle repeats.

Cassie: Some members of BSB I USED to think were ok, but now, they all annoy me. I'm not gonna get into details cuz if you look at them you'll see what they are... I love Christina. She has an amazing voice and her CD is great. She's probably my favorite female singer right now… I think I've gained a little bit more respect for Britney cuz I think she gotten a lil' more mature. Her singing isn't the best, but she's a good performer and her songs are catchy.... As for hip-hop, I think Eminem is okay and his songs are catchy, but he just can't compete with someone like DMX. I like Cash Money cuz all they rap about is money & cars (lol) and sometimes it nice to hear stuff like that every once in while, lol. People can get so serious about their music but they just keep it simple. I think Sisqo (as well as the rest of Dru Hill who MD shows MUCH love for unlike JC & Mya cuz they can't tell the differences of Bowie & Laurel to D.C.) is a great singer and so is Donnell Jones....those are the people I like right now.

You guys seem like white girls. Just look at your names! Cassie and Tammy… Can you say W-H-I-T-E?

Can you say, "Dumb ass?" As white as we SEEM, our skin color tells us otherwise. Now, on the subject of our names. Cassie is short for Cassandra, which is a traditionally black name (I think it's Ki-Swahili for "Princess" or something), and Tammy is short for Tamara, which is a popular name for many black girls. If anyone shares this ass rammer's opinion, feel free to read our "Listen Up!" under "Other Stuff" and get enlightened.

What would you do if you found out someone was stealing your stuff?

Seriously, if it's little stuff, we get annoyed, but won't really trip off of it. We've already noticed other sites bitin' our shit, but ya know what? We don't worry about it because when they run out of stuff to talk about, we'll still be in business hittin' ya with tha real deal. As for something big, well, we get down and dirty. We launch massive e-mail campaigns, and Tammy even goes as far as to send some computer viruses. We're mean like that sometimes.

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