My Favorite 'NSync Moments


Now that the shock of finding out that I'm leaving the site has officially worn off, I feel like I can finally get everyone through the "closure" stage. It's the stage where I say my goodbyes and basically reflect. So here I am… reflecting. LOL And of course, you can't reflect without reflecting somewhat on 'NSync. And this, my children, is my list of my favorite 'NSync moments and why they are my favorites. So… here goes. **Note: They're not in chronological order or anything… as a matter of fact, I don't even know if some of these moments even exist. Hahahaha!

  1. When they were doing the Spring Break video dedications and Joey was all wrapped up in his blanket like some kind of Mexican mamacita or something. He looked sooo stupid!
  2. At the 2000 VMA's, I love the look that JC gave Justin when he just squeezed himself between him and Lance and started to talk after JC said his part of the acceptance speech. JC looked like he wanted to strangle Justin.
  3. When they did "'NSync Live" and Chris was talking about how if they happened to die in a plane crash the news people would show a still shot of them talking about how much they hated to fly… that sad, puppy dog face he made in the camera was cute and hilarious.
  4. Once again, at the 2000 VMA's… their performance kicked ASS! Man… the TV monitors, the remix of "Bye Bye Bye"… I LOVED IT! It was their best performance to date.
  5. The look Justin gave me at the Meet 'N Greet after I said, "He's just a stoopy poopy white boy from the suburbs…" He looked like he wanted to bitch slap me… but was afraid I'd beat the shit outta him. (Which I would have.)
  6. The look LANCE gave me after I pinched his cheek! Priceless, I tells ya.
  7. On TRL when Chris started to rap Eminem's part of "Forgot About Dre". I betcha good ol' Em LOVED that!
  8. When Lance touched JC's knee on "'NSync Live"… Hehehehe… JC looked so SHOCKED! Like, "What the hell are you doing?! Don't let people know we're screwin'!" LOL
  9. At the AMA's after Britney's performance, Justin was on his feet clapping and cheering like a frat boy. All he needed was a mug of beer and to chant, "Shake that ass! Take it off!"
  10. On 'NSync's Pay-Per-View special, I loved the way JC kept jumping off those high ass stairs like a good little crackhead.
  11. Joey (on the TLC "No Scrubs" video): "I like the lights on their… clothes." Are you sure you didn't wanna say "tits", Joe?
  12. When they sang "More Than A Feeling" for that girl that won the Dream Date with them. I thought that was so sweet and they sound EXACTLY like they do on the CD. I have a lot of respect for people like that… it shows that they TRULY have talent.
  13. I loved how they got screamed at by an EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD BOY on "Making the Tour". Hahahaha… They looked like their feelings were so hurt. Awww… NOT! Man, if I was them, I'd have told Wade to suck my balls. LMAO
  14. Also on "Making the Tour", one of my favorite parts was when Chris screamed, "WHAT?!?" after seeing how much wardrobe costed.
  15. … Then, JC tried to look all hardcore with his hat on backwards talking 'bout, "Well, tell them they have to do better than this." Umm… who the hell is listening to you? Your job is to sing and entice little twelve and thirteen year olds. Do you REALLY think you have some kind of say in things? Oh, you do? Well, lemme ask you this: You wore the clothes, didn't you? Bitch.
  16. And I especially loved how DUMB Lance sounded when he said, "I think this is gonna be really DOPE…" Uhh… yeah. Leave the slang to people who know how to use it… and know that the word "dope" is played out. Dork. Hahahahaha!
  17. Fast forward to the end of "Making the Tour". Man, when JC got down on that floor and humped the AIR… WHOOO!
  18. Oh, and let's not forget on their Madison Square Garden thingy when JC licked the floor. Hmmm… this kid has some serious potential.
  19. My favorite Lance moment is on the "I Drive Myself Crazy" video (Wow, I'm REALLY goin' back, ain't I?) when they're like, "La la la la… oh oh oh oh" and Lance is holding his face like he's Kevin from "Home Alone".
  20. Justin's pelvic thrust in "Bye Bye Bye"… and that cute laugh he does.
  21. The "Tearin' Up My Heart" video… nuff said. Hehehehe…
  22. On "'NSync's Top 40 Video's Uncensored" when they're rappin' 2Pac's "I Get Around". I mean, damn, can JC possibly be more into that song as he's rapping it? LMAO
  23. SPEAKING OF WHICH, did anyone clock that weird ass gallop/dance back and forth move that Joey was doing during the song? Whatta retard.
  24. On the "Top 40 Uncensored" I loved when Chris said, "Look! It's the Backstreet Boys!" and when the camera pans to the outside of the bus, there are five chicks walking down the street. Ha!
  25. On the TRL Super Bowl special, I died out laughing at the way JC said, "Man, I'm tryin' to get her PAID!" when it was his turn to throw the football.
  26. On the Disney Special "'NSync 'N Concert", one of my favorite parts was when Joey started hip bumping Justin during "You Got It" (I think that was the song) and Justin just gave him this look of utter disgust and even stopped singing to stick out his tongue and move away from Joey… all while trying to wipe his hip off as if Joey gave him the cooties. Hehehe…
  27. When they sang "That Thing You Do" by the Wonders on the Pay-Per-View concert was really… gnarly. LMAO I liked the performance though. By the way, I saw the movie, "That Thing You Do" on VH1 about the Wonders' rise to fame and their eventual disappearance into one-hit wonderdom (that is SO not a word), and I did NOT know that their name was originally spelled, "The Oneders". Get it? The One-Ders. Dumb. Everyone kept calling them the "O-knee-ders". Ha!
  28. The infamous chair dance during "For the Girl Who Has Everything".
  29. During the concert that I went to, I love how they kept trying not to look at me, Isabella, and Yasmine but couldn't quite help themselves and therefore kept laughing at our antics.
  30. When Justin was beat-boxing against the drummer and he said, "Now I got ta cut ya."
  31. …and leave us not forget the whole, "All mah people ovah haaaair!" Ugh.
  32. The opening dance to "It's Gonna Be Me" that they did at the Madison Square Garden concert. I just love how they look so in synch.
  33. When they all jumped that guy during "Rock and Jock Basketball". I died out laughing.
  34. On the "Making the Tour" when Joey was doing his booty dance as the elevator doors were closing and his butt was so big that it made the doors open back up. Hahahahaha!
  35. And finally, (and this might be my all time FAVORITE) just before the Madison Square Garden concert special on HBO, Justin was at the Meet and Greet and he was like, "A mom just gave me the money shot." And he demonstrated how it looked… he looked pretty damn sexy (and kinda funny) when he did it.


I love 'NSync. I really do. So… even though I don't wanna put the effort into making fun of their little flaws anymore or laughing at them or making up funny sketches about them, do know that I still watch them on TV, still have ALL of their albums (and I do mean ALL… well, I don't have the singles, but I have all of their FULL albums), and I still wanna go to one of their next concerts. 'NSync is still cool. To quote Eric Cartman of "South Park", "I love you guys." LOL


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